NBR Open Run 02:26
EP5 - Streetball


A LUB TV recorded the Bike performance at the NBR Open Run in Campos, northern Rio de Janeiro.
NBR Open Run 04:49
EP4 - Moto


LUB TV recorded the motorcycle performance at the NBR Open Run in Campos, northern Rio de Janeiro.
NBR Open Run 03:20
EP3 - Bike


LUB TV recorded the bike performance at the NBR Open Run in Campos, northern Rio de Janeiro.
NBR Open Run 04:42
EP2 - B.Boy


LUB TV recorded the performance of the B.Boys at the NBR Open Run in Campos, northern Rio de Janeiro.
NBR Open Run 02:14
EP1 - Making of

Making of

LUB TV registered the NBR Open Run in Campos, north of Rio de Janeiro organized by the street basketball team NBR Campos. The event featured performances by basketball, bike, motorcycle, streetdance athletes with several BB.Boys and B.Girls. The constituent elements of urban culture are present mainly in the slums and peripheries of large urban centers and are today the driving force of a series of actions aimed at young people. Some, under strong foreign influence, others eminently national, the fact is that urban culture is today the formation of hearts and minds and, given their origin, history and development, they are also black cultures.