Poet Elé Semog
Éle Semog is a poet and short story writer, master in Comparative History at UFRJ. Born in Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, on December 7, 1952. He holds a degree in Systems Analysis, with a specialization in Business Administration from PUC in Rio de Janeiro. He participated in the groups “Garra Suburbana” and “Bate-Boca”, focused on the study and production of Afro-descendant poetry. In 1977, he integrated the anthologies Normal Incident and Ebulição da Escrivatura, the latter published by Editora Civilização Brasileira. In 1978, he released the volume of poems O rainbow black, co-authored with José Carlos Limeira. In 1984, he founded the group Negrícia - Poesia e Arte de Criolo. A cultural activist and agitator, he coordinated the second and third Meeting of Black Brazilian Poets and Fictionists. Between 1989 and 1996, he was president of CEAP - Center for Articulation of Marginalized Populations. He was co-founder of the newspaper Maioria Falante, where he worked until 1991.