Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 8/8

Launch of Abdias Nascimento's biography for the collection "Great Figures That Honored the Senate" which took place on August 26, 2015 at an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Afro-descendant community in Rio de Janeiro.

Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 7/8

Launch of Abdias Nascimento's biography for the collection "Great Figures That Honored the Senate" which took place on August 26, 2015 at an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Afro-descendant community in Rio de Janeiro.

Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 6/8

Launch of Abdias Nascimento's biography for the collection "Great Figures That Honored the Senate" which took place on August 26, 2015 at an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Afro-descendant community in Rio de Janeiro.

Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 5/8

Launch of Abdias Nascimento's biography for the collection "Great Figures That Honored the Senate" which took place on August 26, 2015 at an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Afro-descendant community in Rio de Janeiro.

Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 4/8

Launch of Abdias Nascimento's biography for the collection "Great Figures That Honored the Senate" which took place on August 26, 2015 at an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Afro-descendant community in Rio de Janeiro.

Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 3/8

Launch of Abdias Nascimento's biography for the collection "Great Figures That Honored the Senate" which took place on August 26, 2015 at an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Afro-descendant community in Rio de Janeiro.

Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 2/8

Launch of Abdias Nascimento's biography for the collection "Great Figures That Honored the Senate" which took place on August 26, 2015 at an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Afro-descendant community in Rio de Janeiro.

Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento

Launch of Abdias Nascimento's biography for the collection "Grandes Vultos Que Honou o Senado" that took place on August 26, 2015 in an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Rio de Janeiro Afro-descendant community. The biography was released on August 24 in Brasilia by the Commission on Human Rights and Participatory Legislation of the Federal Senate, which held a Public Hearing in the presence of authorities, artists, members of Black Movement institutions. Wole Soyinka, the first African Nobel Prize for Literature (1986) came from Nigeria specifically to participate in the Public Hearing alongside, among others, the Ghanaian professor Anani Dzidzienyo of Brown University (USA), a pioneer African scholar of race relations in Brazil.

Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Ep 01

Launch of the biography of the great leader Abdias Nascimento for the collection "Grandes Vultos Que Honou o Senado" that took place in August 2015 in an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Rio de Janeiro Afro-descendant community.
Africanamente 01:40:35
EP3 - Black Art in Evidence
Africanamente 01:38:01
EP7 - Our Sacred
Africanamente 02:17:50
EP7 - The Unequal Society
Africanamente 01:59:49
EP12 - Our Story Account
Cultne na TV 27:56
EP5 - Rute Sales Program
Contemporary Black Mov... 07:35
EP12 - Tribute to Sebastiana Arruda
Contemporary Black Mov... 03:41
EP10 - Tributo a Martin Luther King
Contemporary Black Mov... 02:46
EP19 - 1983 Black Movement - Jurema Batista
Contemporary Black Mov... 03:25
EP18 - 1983 Black Movement - Marcos Romão
Contemporary Black Mov... 03:36
EP8 - Revista Acervo - National Archive
Contemporary Black Mov... 09:45
EP7 - Reparations - Black Movement Part 3
Contemporary Black Mov... 09:45
EP6 - Reparations - Black Movement Part 2
Contemporary Black Mov... 14:53
EP5 - Reparations - Black Movement - Part 1
Contemporary Black Mov... 02:30
EP4 - Cultural chat
Contemporary Black Mov... 08:15
EP2 - Renaissance - Black Awareness Week
Contemporary Black Mov... 14:09
EP2 - Paulo Paim - Citizen of Rio
Contemporary Black Mov... 05:44
EP18 - Nigerian Connection - 3/3
Contemporary Black Mov... 04:54
EP17 - Nigerian Connection - 2/3
TV Alerj 00:29:05
EP17 - Isaac Belfort
TV Alerj 00:29:44
EP15 - Jeff Fagundes
Ori Festival 08:49
EP14 - Black Narratives
Events and Demonstrations 09:49
EP7 - Desmond Tutu in Rio