Covid-19 And Impacts On The Lives Of The Black Population
“The e-book BLACK POPULATION AND COVID-19 brings together 13 articles that follow the trajectory of the pandemic between July 2020 and September 2021. The articles inform about the structural problems of Brazilian society, addressing racism, exclusion and the lack of access of the black population to basic services, which places it at the top of the worst indices of the pandemic in terms of the number of vaccinated and infected and, consequently, in the total number of deaths. They also talk about the black population from the perspective of rights to citizenship, mental health, healthy aging, female representation and the fight against violence”.
EP14 - Black July: Building Bridges Beyond Borders
Black July: Building Bridges Beyond Borders
BLACK JULY: BUILDING BRIDGES BEYOND BORDERS In another edition of the column “Weaving dialogues in black diaspora and migration” we will have a beautiful Conversation Round bringing the meaning of the National Day of Tereza de Benguela and the Black Woman, sanctioned by President Dilma on July 25, 2014, a date that consolidates in the Brazil the Black Latin and Caribbean Women's Day, as well as the 31st of July which is celebrated with the Pan African Women's Day. At a historic crossroads, where present and past merge as an impulse of movement and Africanity, we celebrate the various manifestations of Afro-descendant female resistance in a beautiful Conversation Round about the celebratory moment and the trials of building bridges and possibilities for strengthening black women's initiatives in Europe. In this Roda we will welcome the dear friend of the channel, multi-artist, writer and poet Terezinha Malaquias at the launch of her newest book “BANZO E AFETOS”. Columnist BETÂNIA RAMOS SCHRÖDER invites TEREZINHA MALAQUIAS and SANDRA BELLO to this dialogue. SHEILA LEONELI, SHEILA CAMAROTI, VERA JUS and PATRÍCIA ROCHA.
EP13 - 2nd of July - Bicentennial of the Independence of Brazil
2nd of July - Bicentennial of the Independence of Brazil
JULY 02 - BICENTENNIAL OF BRAZIL'S INDEPENDENCE Like this? What about the 7th of September? The official historiography celebrates Brazil's independence on September 7th, when D. Pedro I would have given the “cry of independence”, on the banks of the Ipiranga River, in the State of São Paulo. However, the process of Brazil's independence was much more complex, involving many bloody battles, and a whole mobilization of the people in Bahia, resulting in victory on July 2, 1823.
EP12 - Flipreta 2023: Anti-racist Education
Flipreta 2023: Anti-racist Education
FLIPPRETA 2023: ANTI-RACIST EDUCATION In this year of 2023, after the World Health Organization announced on May 5th that it was ending the declared emergency for Covid-19, we are organizing FLIP Preta 2023 with the purpose of marking the struggle and resistance of the black and quilombola people of the Campinho and the whole country, through Literature and the exchange of knowledge. Inspired by the current political moment, the theme of FLIP Preta 2023 is Anti-Racist Education and for that we set up a program with conversation circles about Law 10.639, with masters and teachers of Quilombola Culture, about the Health of the Black Population, important knowledge shared orally , and a wheel about the African Diaspora and how it marks our Brazilian Culture. In addition to the expected musical performances, book launches by quilombola authors and the Palco das Letras soiree, FLIP Preta 2023 will set up a special space for children and adolescents to get in touch with the literature created by black authors.
EP11 - Audiovisual Black Memory
Audiovisual Black Memory
AUDIOVISUAL BLACK MEMORY Human experiences over time leave traces by which we reconstitute the history of human groups. If aligned with the Sankofa sense, we can say that memory revives experiences, past sensations in dialogue with present dynamics and giving new meaning to a future. The records of a black memory and its safeguard allow us to access who we are, contribute to the construction of identity in the present and guarantee the right to history for future generations. The work carried out by Cultne, in the figure of Dom Filó, works especially in the resistance against erasure and in the recording of contemporary black memory.
EP10 - The Earth Gives, The Earth Wants - De Nêgo Bispo
The Earth Gives, The Earth Wants - De Nêgo Bispo
THE EARTH GIVES, THE EARTH WANTS - BY NÊGO BISPO, commenting on books with professor WANDERSON FLOR COMMENTANDO BOOKS, a series of dialogues on publications of African and Afro-diasporic anti-racist thought. In addition to being a kind of critical video review of books, it intends to be an invitation to learn about fundamental texts for understanding racial relations in Brazil and also about African philosophies. In this edition we will discuss the latest book by Antônio Bispo dos Santos, also known as Nêgo Bispo, one of the most important quilombola intellectuals in the country. In this new work, Bispo invites us to radically delve into our ancestral thought, radically presenting elements that criticize the multiple colonialist dimensions of the times we live in and presenting possibilities for other ways of fighting. Book: The earth gives, the earth wants. Author: Antônio Bispo dos Santos São Paulo: Ubu/Piseagrama, 2023, 112 p.
EP9 - Luiz Gama: Contemporary Ideas About Freedom, Law and Justice
Luiz Gama: Contemporary Ideas About Freedom, Law and Justice
Luiz Gonzaga Pinto da Gama was born in Salvador, on June 21, 1830. Son Luiza Mahin, a free black woman, who participated and led rebellions of slaves. His father, a Portuguese nobleman, sold him when he was 10 years old, to pay off a gambling debt. After passing through Rio de Janeiro, he arrived in São Paulo, bought by Lieutenant Antônio Pereira Cardoso. He became literate at the age of 17, living with the student Antônio Rodrigues de Araújo, who had stayed at the lieutenant's farm. Prevented from enrolling in the Law Course at Largo do São Francisco, because he was black, he persisted in attending classes as a listener. Self-taught, he became a lawyer, writer and journalist. He was one of the greatest abolitionist leaders in Brazil. In the courts, using his legal knowledge, he freed over 500 enslaved people. In 2015, he was recognized by the OAB as a member of the institution, thus officially becoming a lawyer. About him, the poet Raul Pompéia (1863-1895) wrote: “(…) I don't know what greatness he admired in that lawyer, constantly receiving at home a world of people hungry for freedom, humble, tattered slaves, begging for release, as if asking for alms; others showing the inflamed and bloody hands of the blows that a barbarian lord had given them (...). And Luís Gama did everything: he freed, consoled, gave advice, demanded, sacrificed, fought, exhausted himself in his own ardor, like a lamp illuminating at the cost of his life the darkness of despair of that unfortunate people, without earning a surplus profit…”.
EP8 - 3rd World Conference Against Racism - Durban! The Impacts and Challenges
3rd World Conference Against Racism - Durban! The Impacts and Challenges
3rd WORLD CONFERENCE AGAINST RACISM - DURBAN! IMPACTS AND CHALLENGES “The Conference, a turning point in the ways of understanding how racism has historically operated in the world, was characterized by the outstanding performance of women”. LUIZA BAIRROS Between August 31 and September 8, 2001, the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance took place in South Africa. More than 16,000 people participated, representing 173 countries. from 4,000 different non-governmental organizations. The representations of Brazil were also there, the largest delegation in the world, the result of intense preparatory mobilization that took place throughout the country. Topics such as affirmative action, reparations, colonialism, rights of indigenous peoples to the territory, among others, were on the agenda. Brazil is a signatory to the final document, therefore its deliberations have the force of law in the country. More than two decades later, we are going to analyze what progress has been made and what challenges lie ahead with EDNA ROLAND, MARIA INES BARBOSA and MATILDE RIBEIRO.
EP7 - Public Budget and Racial Question in Brazil
Public Budget and Racial Question in Brazil
PUBLIC BUDGET AND RACIAL ISSUE IN BRAZIL There are those who say that budget is just a technical piece. However, it should not be a technical coincidence that the budget allocated to public policies to combat racism and promote racial equality is invariably the smallest budget in all spheres of power, whether federal, state or municipal, and many times it does not even exist. We know that the black population is the majority in the country, and that it is also the majority made vulnerable by a historical and political process of policies of exclusion and denial of rights. We also know that institutional racism is the structural basis of inequalities in the country. That said, any government effectively committed to promoting justice and equity in the country must place the fight against racism and the ills arising from it at the center of the guidelines for the formulation of public policies and for the preparation of the budget.
EP6 - 2nd Permanent UN Forum of Afro-descendants - The Brazilian Incidence and the Results
2nd Permanent UN Forum of Afro-descendants - The Brazilian Incidence and the Results
2nd UN PERMANENT FORUM OF AFRO-DESCENDANTS - THE BRAZILIAN INCIDENCE AND THE RESULTS The objective of the forum is to ensure the political, economic and social inclusion of people of African descent. In addition, it evaluates good practices, challenges, opportunities and initiatives related to the Durban Declaration and Program of Action, which deals with combating all forms of racial discrimination. Finally, it seeks to continue the implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent. The Permanent Forum of Afro-descendants is a body created by UN Resolution 75/314, an “advisory mechanism for people of African descent”, to think about and develop proposals aimed at the political, economic and social inclusion of people of African descent. advisory panel on programming for the implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent. Between May 30th and June 2nd, the second meeting of this Forum took place in New York, with the participation of representatives of several black Brazilian organizations. Let's talk about the Brazilian incidence in the Second Forum, and about the most relevant results of the colloquium, with the guests MARIA SYLVIA DE OLIVEIRA, DEISE BENEDITO and MARINA MARÇAL.
EP5 - Timeframe: Legislated Genocide and Indigenous Resistance
Timeframe: Legislated Genocide and Indigenous Resistance
TIMEFRAME: LEGISLATED GENOCIDE AND INDIGENOUS RESISTANCE Marco Temporal, a legal thesis that proposes to radically change the policy of demarcation of indigenous lands in Brazil. According to this thesis, indigenous peoples would only have the right to claim territories they were occupying on October 5, 1988, when the Federal Constitution was enacted, ignoring a whole history of violence that, since 1500, has gradually expelled this population from their lands. This issue is being judged by the STF, but was approved by the Chamber of Deputies, and is awaiting judgment by the Federal Senate. The approval of such a thesis would mean an absolute setback in guaranteeing the rights of indigenous peoples, and yet another act of irreparable violence. Let's talk about this issue and its complexities not only for indigenous people, but for justice and equity in the country, with JUCIENE RICARTE TARAIRIÚ and AURICELIA ARAPIUN.
EP4 - Public University and the Struggles of Black Students
Public University and the Struggles of Black Students
PUBLIC UNIVERSITY AND THE STRUGGLES OF BLACK STUDENTS In addition to defending affirmative action, students experience other battlefronts at the University. Permanence, issues involving harassment, racism, ableism, the search for respect for the LGBTQIA+ community. In addition, we are still living situations that have compromised the mental health of undergraduate and graduate students, such as the pressures for production, performance and, of course, the desired graduation and a job in times of labor reform. Professor LUCIANE SOARES was invited to discuss these and other related issues, FERNANDO FILHO, ALLANA HELEN and MATHEUS MODESTO.
EP3 - Black Art in Evidence
Black Art in Evidence
IPEAFRO COLUMN: BLACK ART IN EVIDENCE Black art is in evidence, standing out as a powerful cultural expression that promotes the visibility, representation and appreciation of the experiences, identities and stories of the African diaspora. Through various forms of artistic expression, such as painting, sculpture, music, dance, literature and theater, artists have dedicated themselves to portraying their experiences, rescuing ancestral memories and challenging harmful stereotypes. This growing visibility has contributed to the construction of a diverse narrative in the artistic scene and in Brazilian history in general, encouraging dialogues about the pride of black populations, their struggles, achievements and contributions to society. Black art in evidence is an invitation to deep reflections, a means of combating racism in its various dimensions and a celebration of the cultural richness that permeates the Afro-descendant experience.
EP2 - African Cultural Revolution in the Poetry of Chinua Achebe
African Cultural Revolution in the Poetry of Chinua Achebe
AFRICAN CULTURAL REVOLUTION IN THE POETRY OF CHINUA ACHEBE Unmissable! Throughout the history of the African continent, two major processes have contributed to the delay in its development. These are slavery and colonization. The process of fighting the occupation of the continent is a long one and took place on several fronts, among which literature was also a weapon to be taken into account. Among the many authors who contributed to this struggle, Chinua Achebe was undoubtedly the father of modern African literature. Born in Ogidi, on November 16, 1930, and died in Boston, March 21, 2013, he was a novelist, poet, literary critic and one of the best known African authors of the 20th century. He wrote about 30 books, including novels , short stories, essays and poetry, some of which portrayed the West's disparagement of African culture and civilization, as well as the effects of European colonization of the continent, but he also wrote works openly critical of Nigerian politics. To navigate around Chinua's poetry, professor PAULO GAMBA invites STENIO MACEDO and EDUARDO YAMINA.
EP1 - Our Story Tells
Our Story Tells
OUR HISTORY ACCOUNT As long as lions don't have their storytellers, stories of the hunts will glorify the deeds of the hunters (yoruba proverb) Against the policy of silencing and distorting our history, which weakens us as people and as a population, the column NOSSA HISTÓRIA CONTA, in partnership with the Rede de Historiadoras Negras e Historiadores Negros, makes us aware of a past of resilience, insurgency and constructions, starring black men and women in permanent struggle.
EP20 - Iwã: Ethical Meanings for Our Time
Iwã: Ethical Meanings for Our Time
31.05.2023, WEDNESDAY, 7:30 pm IWÁ: ETHICAL SENSES FOR OUR TIME This new table in the column seeks to reverberate, through conversations and interlocutions - which we will call "Interviews", what researchers and leaders of traditional peoples of African origins have thought about the continuities of African thought, showing that our country is much more Afro-Brazilian than the racist imagery seeks to have. Our first guest on this panel is Babalorixá ADAILTON DE OGUM, biological son of the ever-present Mãe Beata de Yemonjá and current leader of Ilê Omiojuarô, who will talk to us about his doctoral research in which he investigates the Yoruba concepts of Iwá Pelé and Iwá Rerê. Here, more than a "spoiler" of his thesis, it is interesting to think with him on how one can consider the possibility of having this fundamental idea for Yoruba thought - Iwá - as an edifying element for us, with our daily lives still so permeated by a racism that dehumanizes and individualizes us in a perverse and uprooted way.
EP19 - Negxs Jurists In the STF, Question of Reparation and Justice!
Negxs Jurists In the STF, Question of Reparation and Justice!
NEGRXS JURISTS IN THE STF, A MATTER OF REPARATION AND JUSTICE! President Lula will have the opportunity to nominate at least 2 people for the composition of the STF. And we believe he will, taking into account his commitment to fighting racism and promoting equity; and also the commitment with the majority of the Brazilian population that was decisive in his election. In 2022 we defeated a fascist power project, with the election of President Lula. This victory renewed our inspirations and hopes in the possibility of advancing towards “sustainable development that allows the radicalization of democracy with gender equity, race equity and social justice”, as Sueli Carneiro said at the inauguration of the Council. In this perspective, it is urgent and necessary to advance in representation also in the judiciary, taking black jurists to the supreme court, whose perspectives, knowledge and skills should enrich the legal debate and contribute to the interpretative scope of the national pact established in the 1988 Constitution. The STF was created in 1891, and throughout its history it has never had a black woman in its composition, and only had three black men among its staff. Let's talk about this issue with Attorney DORA BERTULIO and Professor SAMUEL VIDA.
EP18 - Racism Here, Racism There - Somos Vini Jr.
Racism Here, Racism There - Somos Vini Jr.
It's not just ONE case. ARE CASES. And they happen every day, here, there and there, in stadiums around the world. But it's not today. The news is VINÍCIUS JUNIOR, this 22-year-old young man, born in São Gonçalo, in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro. Vini Jr, born and raised in Brazil, certainly lived with racism from his earliest childhood. But he is from a generation of Brazilians prepared to recognize and not accept racial violence in silence, thanks to decades of Black Movement struggles to demystify the lure of racial democracy. Then the Brazilian child prodigy arrived in Spain. After numerous episodes of racial violence, and even death threats, Vinícius decided to call it quits, and pointed the finger at racist Spanish society. Pride and gratitude is what we feel for you, Vinícius Junior, for not being silent, for mobilizing the world against racism, in defense of the life and humanity of black people.Pec 18/21 - Amnesty for Electoral Crimes Against Women and Blacks Is an Attack on Democracy
PEC 18/21 - AMNESTY FOR ELECTORAL CRIMES AGAINST BLACK WOMEN AND BLACKS IS AN ATTACK ON DEMOCRACY The Amnesty PEC forgives parties that have not met quotas aimed at strengthening the candidacies of women and blacks in the country. If approved, the proposal consolidates impunity for the widespread non-compliance with these quotas, which came into force over time, aiming to encourage the participation of women and blacks in politics, and revert the patent under-representation of these segments in national politics. Affirmative policies in elections began through legislation in 1998, which determined the obligation of at least 25% of female candidates in proportional disputes. In 2000, that number rose to 30%. Twenty years later, the Supreme Court defined the need to transfer campaign funds to women in proportion to the number of candidates — that is, at least 30% of the amount. In 2017, Law 13,488 was published, which determines the TSE to promote institutional advertising, on radio and television, aimed at encouraging the participation of the black community in politics (as well as women and young people). In 2020, the TSE plenary determined that the distribution of resources from the Party Fund and the Special Fund for Campaign Financing, and the time spent on electoral advertising, must proportionally respect the number of black candidates presented by the party in the electoral dispute. In 2021, Constitutional Amendment (EC) nº 111/21, attributed a different weight to the votes destined to blacks and women in the elections that take place from 2022 to 2030, so that the votes given to female candidates or to black candidates will be computed in double purposes of distribution of the Party Fund and the Fefc. The parties did not comply with the legislation and resolutions of the TSE and the STF, and are now seeking to grant themselves amnesty, in yet another permissive, misogynistic and racist action.
EP16 - Haiti in World History
Haiti in World History
HAITI IN WORLD HISTORY May 18 is an important date for Haitians, the Day of the Flag of Haiti, a milestone in its independence process, when Jean-Jacques Dessalines, one of the leaders of the Haitian Revolution, still in 1803, would have torn the white part of the flag of France, leaving only the red and blue, as a symbol of the end of French colonization on the Caribbean island. But, in addition to referring to the creation of the flag, May 18 is celebrated in Haiti, and in countries with large Haitian communities, such as the United States and Canada, as a moment of reaffirmation of Haitian identity and struggle. Let us also celebrate the struggle of the Haitian people, in a dialogue with FRANTZ ROUSSEAU DÉUS and BETHÂNIA PEREIRA.
EP15 - Mobiliza Saracura / Go - Go, Black Resistance in Bixiga
Mobiliza Saracura / Go - Go, Black Resistance in Bixiga
MOBILITES SARACURA / GO-GO, BLACK RESISTANCE IN BIXIGA Mobiliza Saracura/Vai-Vai is made up of residents of Bixiga, activists from various social movements, researchers and samba dancers. The Movement was formed in 2022, after archaeological finds in the works of line 6 of the subway were not properly publicized and, since then, it has been meeting and holding several events to publicize the issue, as well as demand the preservation of the finds, compliance with legal procedures in the works, the permanence of the pieces in the territory and the change of name of the station from 14 Bis to Saracura/Vai-Vai. The Mobilization is in favor of the arrival - albeit late - of the subway, but demanding that the works do not contribute to the systematic process of erasing black memories and sociability in the city, nor to a new process of expulsion of the black population from the region, through gentrification.
EP14 - Youth: From Hamburgers to Acarajé, What to Eat?
Youth: From Hamburgers to Acarajé, What to Eat?
YOUTH: FROM BURGER TO ACARAJÉ, WHAT TO EAT? What are the possible strategies for our young people to recover the value of healthy food? Thinking about how to access the youngest is paramount in the fight for food security. This is the proposal that we will bring to our guests.
EP13 - Lima Barreto, With Life!
Lima Barreto, With Life!
LIMA BARRETO, WITH LIFE! Let's talk about the current thinking of Lima Barreto, with HILTON COBRA, SANDRA JOB and ALEX BAOLI. This May 13th we celebrate 142 years of the birth of Lima Barreto, one of the greatest writers in our history. Afonso Henriques de Lima Barreto was born on May 13, 1881, the son of a free father and mother, but the grandson of enslaved people. He left behind a rich literary work, in which he exposed racism, social inequalities and the political and moral corruption of Brazilian elites. A little over 100 years ago, on November 1, 1922, Lima Barreto died, prematurely, at the age of 41, after a life of ignominy, loss and violence. Among his novels, we cite here a few: Triste Fim de Policarpo Quaresma, Clara dos Anjos, Recordações do Escrivão Isaías Caminha, A Nova California, The man who knew Javanese ... Let's talk about the current thinking of Lima Barreto, with HILTON COBRA, SANDRA JOB and ALEX BAOLI.
EP12 - Black Tariff In (RE)View
Black Tariff In (RE)View
BLACK AGENDA IN (RE)VIEW Racism ingrained in society and institutions means that all issues that negatively impact society asymmetrically affect the black population in a more cruel and violent way. In the same way that all advances take longer to change the quality of life of our population. Let's talk about different issues of society, considering this premise.
EP11 - Affirmative Actions and Transformations at the Brazilian University
Affirmative Actions and Transformations at the Brazilian University
AFFIRMATIVE ACTIONS AND TRANSFORMATIONS AT THE BRAZILIAN UNIVERSITY The history of affirmative action in Brazil is inseparable from the social struggles that make it possible to discuss access to higher education, racism, privilege and inequality. In addition to the conflicts, this Tuesday's debate will take stock of the implementation of affirmative actions, an analysis of the challenges and the urgency of thinking about the conditions of access and student permanence of students who make use of this policy.
EP10 - Our Story Tells: Clóvis Moura, Black Intellectual Writing Around the World
Our Story Tells: Clóvis Moura, Black Intellectual Writing Around the World
OUR HISTORY ACCOUNT As long as lions don't have their counters of stories, the stories of the hunts will glorify the feats of hunters (Yoruba proverb) Against the policy of silencing and distorting our history, which weakens us as people and as a population, the column NOSSA HISTÓRIA CONTA, a partnership with the Rede de Historiadoras Negras e Historiadores Negros, makes us aware of a past of resilience, insurgency and constructions, starring black men and women in permanent struggle. FRANCISCO PHELIPE CUNHA PAZ (Columnist HN): PhD student in History at Unicamp, member of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians.
EP9 - Akoma: Vibrations of a Nation
Akoma: Vibrations of a Nation
AKOMA: VIBRATIONS OF A NATION The body speaks, and the black body verbalizes ancestry in the form of singing, drumming and mainly through dance movement. Akoma, a documentary by Tatiana Lima produced in 2017, is the narrative of a people whose bodies have ancestral memory, who tell stories through dance and who keep their culture alive.
EP8 - Political Instability in Sudan and Geopolitical Risks in the Sahel Region
Political Instability in Sudan and Geopolitical Risks in the Sahel Region
POLITICAL INSTABILITY IN SUDAN AND GEOPOLITICAL RISKS IN THE SAHEL REGION PATRICIA TEIXEIRA SANTOS: Associate Professor of African History at the Federal University of São Paulo, collaborating researcher at CITCEM-UP (Portugal), LAM (Institute of Political Science at Bordeaux University (France) and the Department of African Studies at the University of Dehli ( India). TIAGO QUISSUA EDUARDO ARMANDO: Degree in International Relations, international policy analyst and librarian at the Venâncio de Moura Diplomatic Academy (Angola).
EP7 - Black Costumes: Memory, Religiosity and Celebration in the Afro-Brazilian Diaspora
Black Costumes: Memory, Religiosity and Celebration in the Afro-Brazilian Diaspora
BLACK COSTUMES: MEMORY, RELIGIOSITY AND CELEBRATION IN THE AFRO-BRAZILIAN DIASPORA The research group Fayola Odara - African and Afro Diasporic Aesthetics and Cultural Research Group at USP (CNPq), composed of Aymê Okasaki, Beatrice Rossoti, Eliany Funari, Eduarda Andreazzi, Marcel Marques, Roberto Santos and Georgia Prado, coordinated by professor Dr. Marina de Mello e Souza, focuses on researching the memories, religiosities and festivities in the Brazilian diaspora from the visualities presented in the clothes, costumes and black clothing distributed and used in various popular and religious manifestations. In the group's framework, the look is turned to the clothing presented in the celebrations of Candomblé, Umbanda, Capoeira, Samba de Roda and Carnival. The act of dressing up to celebrate goes beyond the simple act of protecting the body, as it reinforces the perpetuation of ancestral memory, the legacy perpetuated in the Brazilian diaspora, the African cosmoperception of the world in the face of the Eurocentric hegemonic system and mythical aspects perpetuated in lands brasilis. Through black clothing it is possible to access the stories, worship ancestors and deities personified through the garments, approach the cultural aspects of the African peoples brought to the Americas in the period of transatlantic trafficking and trade, dialoguing with the original peoples. And with that, to have resisted until the present day, through the manifestations preserved in the terreiros, samba schools, maracatus, sambadeiras and capoeira circles.
EP6 - BBB 23 Escancara Brazilian Racism
BBB 23 Escancara Brazilian Racism
BBB 23 SCANCARA BRAZILIAN RACISM BBB 23 started with half of the cast made up of black people, the highest number since the beginning of the Brazilian version of the reality show. As was to be expected, in the house, as it was out here, racism permeated the relationships established between people in the house, being visible in looks, vocabulary and actions. Since this is a program intended to be entertainment, and with a huge audience, we are going to talk about the subject with the journalist ANDRÉ SANTANA. Mediation: SILVANY EUCLÊNIO
EP5 - White House at Risk - Racism and Disregard of Public Power
White House at Risk - Racism and Disregard of Public Power
WHITE HOUSE AT RISK - RACISM AND DISREGARD OF PUBLIC POWER White House of Engenho Velho, Ilê Axé Iyá Nassô Oká is considered the first candomblé house opened in Salvador, Bahia. Consisting of an area of approximately 6,800 m², with the buildings, trees and main sacred objects. It is the first Black Monument considered Historical Heritage in Brazil since May 31, 1984. Despite its historical importance, recognized by IPHAN itself, the White House of Engenho Velho has been facing serious difficulties in preserving its traditional territory, due to the irregular constructions that end up invading its land.
EP4 - Bode Route - A Way to Combat Hunger and Racism
Bode Route - A Way to Combat Hunger and Racism
ROTA DO BODE - A PATH IN FIGHTING HUNGER AND RACISM The goat/kid is a meat consumed by traditional peoples of African origin, from north to south of Brazil. On April 18th, we will be on Canal Pensar Africanamente, to reflect on the route of this animal, from where it is bred to how it arrives in our UTTs (traditional territorial units). We will also reflect on the high nutritional value of this meat and the importance in preserving the environment of the cerrado, the northeastern people and the African tradition. How about we relate this to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Could it be that our way of life is a good example of what is sought as answers to how to live without harming the universe in which we live? We believe so! And in a seminar, on March 22nd, together with various ministries, FONSANPOTMA presented a proposal for regulating this system from production to consumption of Goat.
EP3 - Steve Biko and the Revival of Panafricanism in South Africa
Steve Biko and the Revival of Panafricanism in South Africa
“The most powerful weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the underdog” Steve Biko Steve Biko was a student leader, founder of the Black Consciousness Movement, which mobilized a large part of the urban and peripheral black population. Killed in 1977 while in police custody, he became a martyr in the fight against apartheid. In life, his writings and activism were fundamental to the process of raising awareness among the black population. His slogan "black is beautiful", was used by black movements around the world, and he himself described it as: "you are fine as you are, start looking at yourself as a human being". Even though Biko was never an active member of the ANC, he was included in the pantheon of fighting heroes, going as far as using his likeness for campaign posters in South Africa's first non-racial elections in 1994. Nelson Mandela said about Biko: "They had to kill him to prolong the life of apartheid".
EP2 - Police Violence Against Black Youth
Police Violence Against Black Youth
POLICE VIOLENCE AGAINST BLACK YOUTH State violence in periphery territories victimizes the black population. Massacres, daylight executions and post-mortem biographical defamation are chapters of the daily life of those who live in areas considered dangerous In Thinking Africanly this Tuesday, we will reflect on the specific theme of the execution of young black men. The case of Caio Lemes, a student killed by the Curitiba Municipal Guard, illustrates yet another disastrous action on the part of control institutions. Until when will these practices be accepted by society?
EP1 - Our Story Tells
Our Story Tells
As long as lions don't have their storytellers, the stories of the hunts will glorify the deeds of the hunters. (Yoruba proverb) Against the policy of silencing and distorting our history, which weakens us as people and as a population, the column NOSSA HISTÓRIA CONTA, a partnership with the Rede de Historiadoras Negras e Historiadores Negros, makes us aware of a past of resilience, insurgency and constructions, starring black men and women in permanent struggle.
EP20 - Black Resistance to the Racial Exclusion Project
Black Resistance to the Racial Exclusion Project
BLACK RESISTANCE TO THE RACIAL EXCLUSION PROJECT The years of anti-racist struggles led by the organized Brazilian black movement led us to advances reflected in reparatory policies to face the project of racial exclusion that persists in maintaining inequality in Brazil and that makes black resistance permanent and diverse.
EP19 - Winnie Mandela, A Pan Africanist Protagonist of South African Struggles
Winnie Mandela, A Pan Africanist Protagonist of South African Struggles
WINNIE MANDELA, A PAN-AFRICANIST PROTAGONIST OF SOUTH AFRICAN STRUGGLES Winnie Zanywe Madikizela, also known as Winnie Mandela, was an important Pan-Africanist political leader, anti-apartheid activist and social worker, revered as the mother of a nation and admired for her courage in fighting apartheid. Best known worldwide for being the wife of Nelson Mandela, the activist remained active in the underground struggles against apartheid during the 27 years her husband was in prison, having been the victim of persecution, harassment and humiliation at the hands of the African authorities. southern.
EP18 - Dialogues on Adaptation and Inequalities in Brazil
Dialogues on Adaptation and Inequalities in Brazil
DIALOGUES ON ADAPTATION AND INEQUALITIES IN BRAZIL The Summary of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) on vulnerability, impacts and adaptation published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC (2022), presented temporal and spatial scales of climate change with global warming and inequalities as the great challenge human in the 21st century. The Iyaleta Research Association published at this year's United Nations Climate Conference (COP27), in Egypt, the "Summary Strategies for National Adaptation Plans: a Brazil case". A study on the impacts of climate change on unequal urban territories in the North and Northeast regions and adaptation strategies in the country. Thinking about it, in the studies we propose a single question for dialogue: how will research on climate change contribute to reducing global warming and eliminating inequalities by 2030?
EP17 - From Ajé to Witch: Machismo and Racism in the Demonization of the "Ancestral Uterus"
From Ajé to Witch: Machismo and Racism in the Demonization of the "Ancestral Uterus"
FROM AJÉ TO WITCH: MACHINESHIP AND RACISM IN THE DEMONIZATION OF THE “ANCESTRAL WOMB” One of the most important representations of the feminine in Yoruba culture - the Primordial Mothers, the maximum expression of the Ancestral Womb, known by various names such as Ìyàmi Ò?òròngà, Àj?? and Àw?n Ìyá Wa - has been feared as if it were some kind of personification of evil forces. Was it always like this? What caused this fundamental aspect of the creative force to be seen as an expression of evil? How is it possible that the creative maternal force itself was now seen as a witch or sorceress to be feared and purged? This is the subject of our conversation on March 29, 2023, at 7:30 pm, on Canal Pensar Africanamente.
EP16 - Black Dean at UFRJ
Black Dean at UFRJ
BLACK DEAN AT UFRJ PLATE 20: Redesigning UFRJ: Democracy, autonomy and diversity This year, UFRJ completes 103 years of existence. Since 1985, when we started to democratically elect our directors, we have had ten deans and one dean. All white. Don't you think it's time for a black rectory? Between April 25th and 27th, UFRJ will consult its faculty, technical-administrative staff and students to indicate the professors who will occupy the positions of dean and vice-dean of the university in the period 2023-2027. This moment coincides with the victory in defense of democracy and the sovereignty of the Brazilian people, after the election of the current federal government. Even so, even after 133 years of republicanism in the country, the black population is still commonly excluded from occupying the highest positions of power. In this sense, universities, even public ones, as a structuring part of Brazilian society, continue to reflect such disparity. It is urgent, then, that UFRJ accepts the challenge of facing and defeating, once and for all, these unequal relations that cross the centenary history of what, not by chance, was once called the University of Brazil. In this regard, the launch of a black candidacy for the rectory of UFRJ offers us an unparalleled turn: to echo the clamor of the marginalized for representativeness at the head of the university's central administration. In this way, the launch and potential victory of the black candidacy of Chapa 20, by Vantuil Pereira and Katya Gualter, could mean the definitive inscription of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro as a protagonist of the anti-racist struggle in the country. And then: will you stay out of this? There is no Revolution possible without the black people in the heads!
EP15 - Democracy and Political Violence, Black Women in Struggle
Democracy and Political Violence, Black Women in Struggle
DEMOCRACY AND POLITICAL VIOLENCE, BLACK WOMEN IN FIGHT According to the survey “Political Violence Against Black Women”, by the Marielle Franco Institute, almost 100% of black women who ran for municipal elections in 2018 reported having suffered at least one type of political violence. Within the context of social distancing imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, virtual violence stood out the most, with 78.1% of respondents claiming to have experienced this type of violence. Black women are at the base of the social pyramid, and all forms of violence and denial of rights fall on them. Obviously, the same occurs in the political sphere. Black women remain under-represented, which is evident given that the predominant representation is male and hegemonically white. Underrepresentation is an expression of racism in the institutional political sphere. It is the same foundation of under-representation of every space that white coloniality established as a space of power. More serious than that, when black women come forward to occupy spaces of power, they also become the target of political violence, running the risk of losing their own lives, as happened with Marielle Franco. 5 years after Marielle's murder, we still ask who ordered the murder and why.
EP14 - Black Tariff In (RE)View
Black Tariff In (RE)View
BLACK AGENDA IN REVIEW Racism ingrained in society and institutions, causes all issues that negatively impact society to asymmetrically affect the black population in a more cruel and violent way. In the same way that all advances take longer to improve the quality of life of our population. Let's talk about different issues of society, considering this premise. In this edition, SILVANY EUCLÊNIO invites historian ADERIVALDO SANTANA, lawyer VERA LÚCIA ARAÚJO, journalist CLÁUDIA ALEXANDRE and Deputy RENATO FREITAS, to dialogue on the following topics: 1. March of fights and emblematic dates: March 8th, March 14th and March 21st. 2. The government's Racial Equality package; 3. STF and racial profiling; 4. Racism and Carnival in São Paulo. 5. Political Violence.
EP13 - The African Matrix Nations Day and the Intersection with Public Policies
The African Matrix Nations Day and the Intersection with Public Policies
New turn under the sun, new paths. The partnership of fonsanpotma with thinking Africanly is one of these. Our column will bring debates on public policy involving food safety, health, environment, culture of traditional peoples of African origin. And we are on the day that inaugurates the first law sanctioned by President Lula, The Day of Nations of the African Matrix Tradition and Nations of Candomblé.
EP12 - Hair, Black Aesthetics and Racism
Hair, Black Aesthetics and Racism
HAIR, BLACK AESTHETICS AND RACISM Racism associates black people, their history, culture, traditions and phenotype with negative and demonic stigmas, constituting instruments of control of black subjectivities, of domination and exploitation of their bodies and minds. It would not be different with curly hair, associated with what is “bad”, “dirty”, “hard”, aesthetically inappropriate. Thus, it is common for black childhoods to coexist with terms such as “arresting”, “taming”, “shaving”, when referring to their hair, but which in the end also refers to their thinking heads and self-esteem. After so many centuries of oppression and aesthetic denial, a person undergoing hair transition, or parading proud braids, dreads, curly or curly hair, is an act of insurgency and liberation.
EP11 - Our Story Tells
Our Story Tells
As long as lions don't have their storytellers, the stories of the hunts will glorify the deeds of the hunters (Yoruba proverb) Against the policy of silencing and distorting our history, which weakens us as people and as a population, the column NOSSA HISTÓRIA CONTA, a partnership with the Rede de Historiadoras Negras e Historiadores Negros, makes us aware of a past of resilience, insurgency and constructions, starring black men and women in permanent struggle.
EP10 - Environmental Racism and the Black Population: A Necessary Debate
Environmental Racism and the Black Population: A Necessary Debate
ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM AND THE BLACK POPULATION: A NECESSARY DEBATE Landslides, floods, landslides and displacement of people in times of “natural disasters” are part of the Brazilian daily news. This Tuesday, we are going to reflect on cases such as the rains on the coast of São Paulo and who are the most affected populations. Should we continue to treat extreme weather events within the “natural disaster” classification? If some natural phenomena are inevitable, what actions should the State adopt to mitigate social harm? How to approach the concept/theme of environmental racism?
EP9 - Blackness, Feminine and Migration
Blackness, Feminine and Migration
BLACKNESS, FEMALE AND MIGRATION In another edition of the column “Weaving dialogues in black diaspora and migration”, we will have a conversation about experiences and individual and collective constructions of being a black woman with different crossings in the foreign context. Our guests bring us their experiences from different territories in Europe with their socio-cultural, economic and, above all, racial challenges in the current context. And through this reality we will reflect, above all, how the struggles, the themes, the experiences of collective healing of black women in Brazil impact on their lives and collective constructions overseas.
EP8 - Brazil in the Grapes of Slavery
Brazil in the Grapes of Slavery
BRAZIL IN THE GRAPES OF SLAVERY Recently, 207 people were rescued from accommodation in the city of Bento Gonçalves, as they were being subjected to work similar to slavery. Workers were subjected to exhausting work and episodes of violence, such as broomstick beatings, bites, electric shocks and pepper spray attacks, in addition to poor food and housing conditions. They were recruited in Bahia by the company Fênix Serviços Administrativos e Apoio à Gestão de Saúde LTDA, which provided services to Aurora, Cooperativa Garibaldi and Salton wineries – some of the most important producers in the region. Slave labor in Brazil is present in several production chains, from north to south of the country, and is anchored in the slave mentality that still permeates the practices of the Brazilian elites, in deep inequalities and racism. We will discuss these issues with FELIPE FREITAS (Secretary of Justice and Human Rights of the State of Bahia), TRICIA CALMON (Superintendent of Human Rights of the Secretariat of Justice and Human Rights of the State of Bahia) and ADERIVALDO SANTANA (Doctor in Modern History and Contemporary from the Sorbonne University).
EP7 - Our Sacred
Our Sacred
We started the new cycle of meetings of the Ipeafro column saluting our ancestry and bringing a dialogue about Our Sacred, the one where the Tradition of the Orixás, practiced in traditional houses of African origin, plays a role beyond the religious field, acting together with civil society in the defense of citizenship, minorities, in the fight against racism and against all forms of inequality.
EP6 - Black Tariff In (RE)View
Black Tariff In (RE)View
Racism ingrained in society and institutions, causes all issues that negatively impact society to asymmetrically affect the black population in a more cruel and violent way. In the same way that all advances take longer to improve the quality of life of our population. Let's talk about different issues of society, considering this premise. In this edition, Silvany Euclênio, André Santana, Luciane Soares, Marcelo Carvalho and Regis Alves will discuss the following topics: 1. Carnival 2023; 2. BBB 23; 3. Racism in Sports; 4. The tragedy on the north coast of SP; It is 5. Slave labor in southern wineries.
EP5 - Racial Injury x Racism, Two Faces of the Same Crime
Racial Injury x Racism, Two Faces of the Same Crime
RACIAL INJURY X RACISM, TWO FACES OF THE SAME CRIME On January 12, 2023, Law 14,532 was sanctioned, which typifies racial injury as a crime of racism, increasing the penalty to 02 to 05 years of imprisonment. In the understanding of the judiciary, racism is understood as a crime against the community, the injury is directed at the individual. Let's talk about this issue with Dr. VERA LÚCIA SANTANA ARAÚJO: A lawyer, she has held various public positions at the federal and district levels. In 2022 she became the first black jurist to compose the triple list of the STF for the TSE. Activist of the Black Women's Front of the DF, she is a member of the National Executive of the Brazilian Association of Jurists for Democracy ABJD, the National Human Rights Commission of the OAB and the Brazilian Commission for Justice and Peace of the CNBB.
EP4 - Brazil in Vertigo: Coup, Democracy and Black Population
Brazil in Vertigo: Coup, Democracy and Black Population
BRAZIL IN VERTIGO: COUPISM, DEMOCRACY AND BLACK POPULATION On Sunday, January 1st, the democracy party occupied the esplanade of the ministries, with colors, songs, drums, dances and hope. We are witnessing a fair celebration of victory at the polls, victory against hatred, racism, against dishonest political maneuvers, against the most backward elites and capital, enemies of the people, enemies of the environment, enemies of life, in short. On Sunday, January 8th, we watched with amazement the extreme right-wing Bolsonarist mob, pouring themselves madly over the same esplanade of the ministries, over the square of the 3 powers, destroying everything they found in front of them, windows, furniture, electronic equipment, works of art, signs and symbols. In this dizzying Brazil, between democracy and coup d'état, where are we, the black population? Let's talk to philosopher WANDERSON FLOR (Tata Nkosi Namba), sociologist LUCIANE SOARES and poet ÉLE SEMOG.
EP3 - The Racial Agenda in the Lula Government: Challenges and Perspectives
The Racial Agenda in the Lula Government: Challenges and Perspectives
THE RACIAL AGENDA IN THE LULA GOVERNMENT: CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES At this moment, the new Lula government begins to take shape, let's talk about the challenges and perspectives for the racial agenda, with ANDRÉ SANTANA, KOTA MULANJI (Dr. Regina Goulart), SILVANY EUCLÊNIO, and you... In the 2022 elections, we won what was perhaps the most decisive electoral process in national history, since redemocratization. We defeated barbarism, hatred, racism, the most backward elites and capital imaginable, enemies of the people, enemies of the environment, enemies of life, in short. And black people were decisive in this process. He took to the streets, even in the face of institutionalized political violence. He deposited his votes in hope, in a project of power contrary to what was established.
EP2 - Kwanzaa & Maat: The Seven Principles
Kwanzaa & Maat: The Seven Principles
KWANZAA & MAAT: THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES Starting a New Year with Purpose, Justice, Truth and Order Kwanzaa is a celebration created by Maulana Karenga in 1966 to be the first pan-African holiday. He said his aim was "to give black people an alternative and opportunity to celebrate themselves and their history, rather than simply imitating mainstream society's practice". It was inspired by a celebration practiced by the peoples of all southwest Africa in gratitude for the harvest. Kwanzaa involves reflection on seven basic principles: 1. Umoja, Unity 2- Kujichangulia, Self-determination 3- Ujima, Collective work and responsibility 4- Ujamaa, Cooperative Economy 5- Nia, Purpose 6- Kuumba, Creativity 7- Imani, Faith. Let's talk about this celebration and its principles with MUT ROSA NATALINO, director of Kasa de Maat, businesswoman, holistic therapist and Master in Kemetic Reiki; and with FILIPE ARTUR VIDAL, President of ANKHYO (Ankhgola Kemetic Yoga).
EP1 - Our Story Tells
Our Story Tells
OUR HISTORY ACCOUNT "As long as lions don't have their storytellers, the stories of the hunt will glorify the hunters' deeds." (Yoruba proverb) The Rede de Historiadorxs Negros articulates its actions through fundamental issues for overcoming racism in Brazil and the democratization of knowledge, based on the practice of historical literacy. Network members present debates regarding the history of the black population in Brazil, in the Diaspora or on the African continent. Against the policy of silencing and distorting our history, which weakens us as people and as a population, the column NOSSA HISTÓRIA CONTA, a partnership with the Rede de Historiadoras Negras e Historiadores Negros, makes us aware of a past of constructions with blacks and blacks permanently fight.
EP20 - Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER Black Panther: Wakanda Forever After is the sequel to the long-running Black Panther. After the death of actor Chadwick Boseman, protagonist of the first film of the franchise, in the role of King T'challa, the great challenge faced by the director, the cast and the entire crew was to make a film that could account for the legacy and grief, with the loss of the Boseman. Let's talk to HERALDO DE GOD and MÁRCIO PAIM. HERALDO DE GOD: Actor, screenwriter and director. Creator in the Sujeito Filmes collectives is Ouriçado Produções. Boy raised with grandma. MÁRCIO LUÍS DA SILVA PAIM: Graduated in History from the Catholic University of Salvador - UCSAL. Master in African Studies by the Center for Afro-Oriental Studies at the Federal University of Bahia. Master in Education by the Graduate Program in Education at the University of the Southwest of the State - UESB. He acts as an educator in training courses in African History, Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations, African directors and cinema, as well as in undergraduate and specialization courses. Areas of study and interest. History, History of Africa; human evolution on the African continent; decolonization and independence in Africa; cinema by African directors; Education; Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations. Mediation: SILVANY EUCLÊNIO
EP19 - Reflections on Migration Policies, the New Government of Brazil and the Black People
Reflections on Migration Policies, the New Government of Brazil and the Black People
REFLECTIONS ON MIGRATORY POLICIES, NEW GOVERNMENT OF BRAZIL AND THE BLACK PEOPLE From January 1, 2023, Brazil will start a new Government, which represents the resumption of the left to power, at the end of an electoral process that gathered around Luís Inácio Lula da Silva a broad coalition against Jair Bolsonaro, representation of the extreme right. The Brazilian Government, still under Temer's administration, signaled a tendency to associate the issue of migration with National Security, gradually transferring the central responsibilities of managing migratory flows to the armed forces, in successive measures from 2018, especially with the crisis in Venezuela. In his opinion article in the newspaper Público de Portugal, journalist Paulo Illes, quite optimistic, believes that with the Lula Government “we can become a model for the world by showing that it is possible to change paradigms and build a migration policy based on solidarity , social participation, citizenship and the firm defense of human rights”. In this 13th Column “Weaving dialogues in blackness, diaspora and migration”, we will reflect on how the migration policies of the past government of Lula and Dilma, characterized by “solidarity, social participation, citizenship and defense of human rights” in fact impacted on the sense of belonging for Africans and Afro-diasporic immigrants to Brazil. To understand these dynamics based on practical experiences, we invited the psychologist and initiator of the African Diaspora women's collective, MARIA FERNANDA PASCOAL, who, through her work of welcoming women in refugee situations, is daily confronted with challenges, especially of a racial nature. and gender suffered by the various African women that she welcomes in the activities and benefits of the Coletivo Diásporas Africanas. And from Berlin, SANDRA BELLO, founder of the Quilomboallee Initiative, a militant of the Brazilian Black Movement, will bring important experiences of social and political settlement over more than two decades in the German capital, her practice of representation in the city's Council of Foreigners and vision about the importance of articulating and strengthening the correlation of forces of black people abroad in political and social struggles in anti-racist struggles.
EP18 - Our Story Tells
Our Story Tells
“Until lions have their counters of stories, the stories of the hunts will glorify the deeds of hunters.” (Yoruba proverb) The Rede de Historiadorxs Negros articulates its actions through fundamental issues for overcoming racism in Brazil and the democratization of knowledge, based on the practice of historical literacy. Network members present debates regarding the history of the black population in Brazil, in the Diaspora or on the African continent. Against the policy of silencing and distorting our history, which weakens us as people and as a population, the column NOSSA HISTÓRIA CONTA, in partnership with the Rede de Historiadoras Negras e Historiadores Negros, makes us aware of a past of struggles and constructions with blacks and blacks as protagonists in constant struggle.
EP17 - The Month of Yabás and the Nosso Sagrado Collection
The Month of Yabás and the Nosso Sagrado Collection
THE MONTH OF YABÁS AND THE OUR SACRED COLLECTION (Coluna Ipeafro) December is the month of the Yabás, represented by the forces of nature, water, wind and earth, which translate strength, female ancestry and the power that moves and protects beings. It is from this force that the protection and defense of the sacred ancestor also departs, materialized in the pieces and tools that make up the rites of African origin. During recent Brazilian history, this rich sacred collection was shamefully violated when it was seized by the police, as a result of intolerance and racism. But today, we celebrate the recovery of this collection considered Our Sacred, gathered at the Museum of the Republic. The rescue of Nosso Sagrado is the result of the power and ancestral strength translated into the action of leaders and authorities of African origin. Let's talk about this issue with Mother Nilce Naira Nascimento and Elisa Larkin Nascimento. The artistic performance will be by Milsoul Santos, accompanied by Déja Magalhães.
EP16 - Self-declared - The Film, Colorism, Racism and Racial Identity in Brazil
Self-declared - The Film, Colorism, Racism and Racial Identity in Brazil
Based on debates about fraud committed by white Brazilians and accusations against brown Brazilians in affirmative action programs for admission to universities and public tenders in Brazil, the film seeks to reflect deeply on colorism, racism and racial identity in Brazil. Let's talk about the topic as director of the film MAURÍCIO COSTA, and with FLÁVIA RIOS, WANDERSON FLOR, ROSELI FARIA and LUIZ AUGUSTO CAMPOS.
EP15 - Black Political Agenda and the Lula Government: Perspectives
Black Political Agenda and the Lula Government: Perspectives
“No power on earth can stop an oppressed people determined to win their freedom” - Nelson Mandela The Brazilian political scene is still dominated by whiteness. Advances in terms of black representation are sensitive, although they improve with each election. In the latter, Brazil elected more blacks and women. What should be the agenda of black leaders in politics from now on? In the live with mediation by Silvany Euclênio, we will listen to Oxfam Brasil's Racial and Gender Justice Coordinator, Tauá Pires, who is in charge of a study on the result of the last elections. We will also have as guest the quilombola researcher, Givânia Maria da Silva, member of the Transition Group for Racial Equality of the Lula Government. And we will also have the participation of the representative of the management board of Inesc (Institute of Socioeconomic Studies), Cristiane Ribeiro, who also acts as an activist for Nzinga – Coletivo de Mulheres Negras, in the Rede de Mulheres Negras de MG and in the Rede Mães de Luta MG.
EP14 - Black Skin, White Masks: 70 Years Between Us
Black Skin, White Masks: 70 Years Between Us
This year Frantz Fanon's book "Black Skin, White Masks" turns 70. One of the most important works of the 20th century, it brings us elements that are not only current, but also radically accurate for thinking about the experience of racism and its impacts on our ways of being, feeling and living. In this broadcast, we will discuss the legacies of this magisterial work for our day. Professor Wanderson Flor (Tata Nkosi Namba), invites Regina Marques and Marcos Queiroz to this dialogue. Mediation by Silvany Euclênio and moderation of the chat: Márcio Caldeira.s
EP13 - Black Literature: and Anti-Racist Education
Black Literature: and Anti-Racist Education
Let's get to know the strategies of those who use literature and teaching to make an impact and promote awareness of a more just society. As guests, two educators awarded by CEERT (Center for the Study of Labor Relations and Inequalities) will exhibit their projects. Professor Danielle Aparecida Barbosa Cardoso, who won the Educar 2022 award, in the teacher category, with the theme: “Literature written by black women: a reading experience in literacy, by the state of Minas Gerais. Professor Lorena Bárbara Santos Costa was awarded the 2022 Educar Award, with the project “Affirmative Paths for an Anti-racist Education in Youth and Adult Education”. Daniel Faria, founder of Orpas (Obras Recreativas Profissional Artísticas e Sociais) – an organization that works on culture, economic development and professional training, in the Jardim São Luís community, in the extreme south of São Paulo, will also participate. Mediation by Silvany Euclênio and moderation of the chat: Bárbara Porfírio.
EP12 - Lula's Government: Perspectives on Race and Gender
Lula's Government: Perspectives on Race and Gender
The four years of Bolsonaro's government were especially damaging to the gender and race agenda in Brazil. His government was marked by violence and the dismantling of public policies aimed at guaranteeing the rights and lives of women, the black population and indigenous peoples. The election of Luís Inácio Lula da Silva impacts the horizon in terms of gender and race. This Tuesday we will discuss challenges and perspectives for 2023. It is necessary to reflect on the paths of rebuilding inclusive agendas and respect for human rights, evaluating the possibilities of advancement in these areas in a scenario still marked by violence. Luciane Soares da Silva, Caroline de Araújo Lima, Dara Sant'Anna, Selma Maria da Silva and Zuleide Queiroz. Mediation by Silvany Euclênio.
EP11 - The Woman King: Between Reality and Fiction
The Woman King: Between Reality and Fiction
About the photography, the performance of the great cast of the film, there is nothing to talk about. Viola Davis' performance is fantastic, inspiring, and embodies the strength of African warriors like no one else. The costumes are beautiful, the dances, the battle cries, the songs and the drum beats make your heart beat together. But analyzing the historical context, would there be a confluence between fiction and reality? Guilherme Oliveira da Silva and Marcio Luis da Silva Paim participate. Mediation by Silvany Euclênio and moderation of the chat with Marta Paula.
EP10 - Oliveira Silveira, the Poet of Black Consciousness
Oliveira Silveira, the Poet of Black Consciousness
Oliveira Silveira, the Poet of Black Consciousness Oliveira Silveira was one of the founders of Grupo Palmares (1971), and the creator of the 20th of November, as a counterpoint to the 13th of May. Participation of Vera Lopes, Jorge Fróes and Greice Adriana Neves. Special appearances by Naiara Oliveira, Milsoul Santos, Lande Onawale and Sátira Pereira. Mediation by Silvany Euclênio.
EP9 - Anti-racist education: successful experiences
Anti-racist education: successful experiences
“We are not all the same, we are infinitely multiple”- Roseli Alves Santos The 2022 Educar Award, an initiative of CEERT (Center for the Study of Labor Relations and Inequalities), had 16 winning projects whose authors were educators from the five Brazilian regions. Let's get to know the initiative of Professor Fernanda Silva dos Santos, who won with the project "Black women, symbol of struggle and resistance, a source of inspiration" in the education category for childhood in the state of São Paulo. We will also have as a guest researcher Vanderléia Reis, member of ABPN, Brazilian Association of Black Researchers and NNNI, Nucleus of Blacks, Blacks and Indigenous Rosa Egipciaca, and one of the panelists of the CEERT event "Dialogues for an Anti-racist Education" . And we will also have the participation of educator Aline de Alcantara Valentini, from the project "Malizeck da Diversidade", also winner of the Educar Award and which benefits students from Vila Velha with experiences with traditional quilombola communities and indigenous villages in the state of Espírito Santo. Fernanda Silva Santos, Vanderleia Reis and Aline de Alcantara participate. Mediation by Silvany Euclênio.
EP8 - Oliver Tambo and the idea of the South African nation
Oliver Tambo and the idea of the South African nation
Let's talk about Pan-Africanist thinking within the political and strategic ideals of Oliver Tambo, a historical figure who has been quite ostracized since 1960. After the Rivonia Trial, he was excluded from the list of priority black leaders for negotiations with the regime of apartheid. Oliver Tambo, as founder of the Youth League of the African National Congress in 1943, having been its first National Secretary, proposed a change of tactics in the anti-apartheid movement, but ended up overshadowed in history. We will try to deconstruct a certain ignominious narrative created around Tambo, to the detriment of Mandela. We will address his origins, youth, presidency, political asylum, betrayal and internal wars, until his death without seeing the rainbow nation he idealized. Abel Paulo Gamba and Katrô Ungila participate. Mediation by Silvany Euclênio and chat moderation by Tatiane Ferreira.
EP7 - Our Story Tells
Our Story Tells
“Until the lions have their storytellers, the stories of the hunt will glorify the deeds of the hunters.” (Yoruba proverb) The Negrx Historx Network articulates its actions through fundamental issues for overcoming racism in Brazil and the democratization of knowledge, based on the practice of historical literacy. Network members present debates regarding the history of the black population in Brazil, in the Diaspora or on the African continent. Against the policy of silencing and distorting our history, which weakens us as people and as a population, the column NOSSA HISTÓRIA CONTA, in partnership with the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians, shows us a past of struggles and constructions carried out by black women and men. in permanent struggle. Bethânia Pereira invites Marcelo Assunção and Antonio Ramos Bispo Neto. Mediation by Silvany Euclenio
EP6 - Adrinkra
For millennia, the sovereign peoples of Africa were active agents in the development of human civilization throughout the world, in an influence that extended to Asia, Europe and America through writing systems, technological advances, organized political states and epistemological traditions. . Part of the tradition of the peoples of the Akan language group of West Africa, Adinkra is one such system. In a philosophical and aesthetic universe based on the human body, figures of animals, plants, stars and other objects, the drawings embody, preserve and transmit aspects of the history, philosophy, values and sociocultural norms of this rich African culture. Adinkra – Wisdom in African Symbols features over 80 symbols accompanied by original meanings, proverbs and symbology.
EP5 - Elections 2022: The Civilizing Clash of the Second Round, With Muniz Sodré
Elections 2022: The Civilizing Clash of the Second Round, With Muniz Sodré
2022 ELECTIONS: THE SECOND ROUND CIVILIZATION MATCH, WITH MUNIZ SODRÉ Next Sunday, October 30th, we will go to the polls once again to elect the President of the Republic. What seems to be a clash between left and right, for us, the black population, what is at stake is the possibility of whether or not we can continue our historical struggles against racism, for citizenship, for equity, for the right to be and exist.
EP4 - Elections 2022: The Civilizing Clash of the Second Round with Vilma Reis
Elections 2022: The Civilizing Clash of the Second Round with Vilma Reis
2022 ELECTIONS: THE SECOND ROUND CIVILIZATION MATCH WITH VILMA REIS Next Sunday, October 30th, we will go to the polls once again to elect the President of the Republic. What seems to be a clash between left and right, for us, the black population, what is at stake is the possibility of whether or not we can continue our historical struggles against racism, for citizenship, for equity, for the right to be and exist.
EP3 - Black Candidates in Election 2022 - A Quick Balance
Black Candidates in Election 2022 - A Quick Balance
In this excerpt of the dialogue held on the youtube channel Pensar Africana, with the theme RACE GENDER AND IDENTITIES IN THE 2022 ELECTIONS: WHAT AWAITS US?, sociologist FLÁVIA RIOS makes a brief reflection on black candidacies elected in 2022
EP2 - Racism and Fascism in Brazil: The Two Faces of the Same Hatred
Racism and Fascism in Brazil: The Two Faces of the Same Hatred
RACISM AND FASCISM IN BRAZIL: THE TWO FACES OF THE SAME HATE “The revival of neo-fascist groups is not exclusive to Brazil and in all parts of the world it has combined extreme right-wing, racist, xenophobic sectors and violent actions, which do not hesitate to take the lives of those who oppose their ideology. Fascism and racism are two faces of the same hatred, they aim at the same targets: against democracy; the blacks and blacks; against the working people of the streets and slums. The fight against fascism and racism are also fights in defense of life”. JESSY DAIANE The current Brazilian government has enabled the growing institutionalization of fascism, adding to the racism historically ingrained in power structures, security forces and personal relationships.
EP1 - Our Story Tells
Our Story Tells
“Until the lions have their storytellers, the stories of hunted will glorify the deeds of the hunters.” (Yoruba proverb) The Negrx Historx Network articulates its actions through fundamental issues for the overcoming of racism in Brazil and the democratization of knowledge, based on the practice of historical literacy. Network members present debates on the history of the black population in Brazil, the Diaspora or the African continent. Against the policy of silencing and distorting our history, which weakens us as people and as a population, the column NOSSA HISTÓRIA CONTA, a partnership with the Black Historians Network, gives us a glimpse into a past of struggles and constructions starring blacks and blacks. in permanent struggle.
EP20 - Quilombo In Parliaments Yes! Occupation, Resistance and Insurgency
Quilombo In Parliaments Yes! Occupation, Resistance and Insurgency
QUILOMBO IN PARLIAMENTS YES! OCCUPATION, RESISTANCE AND INSURGENCE The MN's major strategic innovation in the 2022 elections, with the aim of increasing black representation in parliaments, was the QUILOMBO NOS PARLAMENTOS initiative, articulated by the BLACK COALIZÃO POR DIREITOS. In a non-partisan articulation, the action brought together more than 120 black candidates committed to the historical agendas of anti-racist struggles and defense of the lives of black people throughout the national territory. Once the first round is over, we will assess the progress we have made, as well as think about short-term strategies in relation to the second round; in the medium and long term, for the construction of political and institutional representation that reflects Brazilian society.
EP19 - Lula's Victory in the 1st Round and the Role of Organized Negrxs Abroad
Lula's Victory in the 1st Round and the Role of Organized Negrxs Abroad
LULA'S VICTORY IN THE 1st TURN AND THE ROLE OF NEGRXS ORGANIZADXS ABROAD In this 11th Edition of the Column “Weaving dialogues on blackness, diaspora and migration, we will be continuing the dialogue on the role of black people in the face of the challenging election year in Brazil. We will deepen the discussion of last June in the Column, which was entitled: “political territory, migration and black struggles”, with the objective of reflecting “how in the place of “foreigners”, “immigrants”, attributions that are given to us in the context of migrantization, we look at and build territories of political participation, and how we align our struggles with transnational solidarity, and specifically in the challenging context of confrontation of the extreme right and Bolsonarism”, also starting from the impulse for the consolidation of the national political project of the movements blacks of blackening of Brazilian politics. In view of Lula's victory abroad in the 1st Round, we would like to recall the efforts and political constructions in the context of confronting fascism in Brazil, based on the initiatives and processes of organizing black Brazilians abroad, which contributed to a positive result. in these elections, especially in confronting the strategy of political affirmation of the extreme right in Brazil.
EP18 - Race, Gender and Identities in the 2022 Elections: What Awaits Us?
Race, Gender and Identities in the 2022 Elections: What Awaits Us?
RACE GENDER AND IDENTITIES IN THE 2022 ELECTIONS: WHAT AWAITS US? Politics in Brazil has been dominated by cis white men. Historically, it was up to them to define the destinations of the country, the parameters that organize society and the allocation of public resources. Women's organizations and black movements have been fighting for decades to reverse this gap in representation, with increasing results, but still far from ensuring that the occupation of power in the country reflects the composition of society. In the 2022 elections we had the highest number of self-declared black candidacies, many of them from the progressive field, from recognized and respected black leaders.
EP17 - 78 Years of the Black Experimental Theater
78 Years of the Black Experimental Theater
IPEAFRO Column: 78 YEARS OF THE BLACK EXPERIMENTAL TEATRO On October 13, 1944, a group of black artists and intellectuals came together to create the Teatro Experimental do Negro (TEN). Born along with modern theater in Brazil, TEN developed its performance by bringing black people to the stage and to dramaturgy as protagonists. In addition, he acted politically against racial discrimination and for the human and social rights of black people. To mark TEN's 78th anniversary, Ipeafro holds a cultural event and book launch at Aparelha Luzia, in São Paulo, with artistic direction by Ângelo Flávio and participation by Érica Malunguinho. In this meeting, we will talk with two researchers and protagonists of the contemporary scene who are among the greatest thinkers of theater today, CARMEN LUZ and LÊDA MARIA MARTINS. Editora Perspectiva offers two copies of Sortilégio, the play by Abdias Nascimento, for the draw. The new edition of the play's definitive text includes texts by Jessé Oliveira, founder of the Caixa Preta group, and interviews with actors Léa Garcia and Ângelo Flávio. An introductory text by Elisa Larkin Nascimento historically situates the trajectory and evolution of this classic of black theater and Brazilian theater.
EP16 - Nailah Velici explains the history of black vote suppression in Brazil
Nailah Velici explains the history of black vote suppression in Brazil
What is SUPPRESSION OF VOTES? What mechanisms were and are used to prevent part of the black population from voting in Brazil? Nailah Velici explains these issues in this excerpt from the dialogue ELECTIONS 2022: BLACK POPULATION AND THE SUPPRESSION OF VOTING, held at Pensar Africana.
EP15 - About Racism and Democracy - Flávia Rios Analyzes The Renato Freitas Case
About Racism and Democracy - Flávia Rios Analyzes The Renato Freitas Case
In this excerpt of the dialogue held on the youtube channel with the theme DEMOCRACY AND RACISM: WHAT BRAZIL ARE WE TALKING ABOUT?, sociologist Flávia Rios talks about racism as a limiting factor of Brazilian democracy, analyzing the case of councilor RENATO FREITAS.Iyaleta Column: Urban Legal Amazon - Challenges and Ambitions of Decarbonization - COP27
IYALETA COLUMN: URBAN LEGAL AMAZON - CHALLENGES AND AMBITIONS OF DECARBONIZATION - COP27 The Iyaleta Column | On the Agenda: the Global South debates the topic “Urban Legal Amazon - Challenges and Ambitions for Decarbonization - COP27” and invites biologist Hannah Balieiro, executive director of the Mapinguari Institute, an organization in the field of environmental research, protection and education in Amapá; and geographer Cristovão Henrique, associate professor and researcher at the Federal University of Acre, and director of the laboratory at the GeoLAB Research Institute. GeoLAB's research is important for the formulation of policies for economic development and regional integration in South America, with low carbon geoeconomic outputs.
EP13 - Democracy and Racism: Which Brazil Are We Talking About?
Democracy and Racism: Which Brazil Are We Talking About?
DEMOCRACY AND RACISM: WHICH BRAZIL ARE WE TALKING ABOUT? Pensar Africana has been guiding fundamental questions for us to think about the place of the black population in the national democratic pact. Among recent topics, we address the suppression of votes, the importance of the anti-racist vote, black candidacies, black movements and elections. Questions about the historical injustices that characterize the forms of participation of blacks, blacks, quilombolas, youth, traditional peoples of African origin, are at the center of our debates throughout 2022. This Tuesday we will continue on this path questioning some connections between recent events in Brazil, the threats of rupture of the democratic order and the persistence of obstacles to the expansion of electoral representation, based on the use of racist instruments by institutions that should safeguard democracy. The debate on expanding the participation of the black population in the Brazilian parliament is urgent. But how can we move forward in facing the symbolic, economic and legal constraints that cut off the entry of an important part of the population into public life? Professor Luciane Soares invites Dara Sant’Anna, Duda Hidalgo, Renato Freitas and Flávia Rios for this dialogue.
EP12 - On Colonialisms and the Mourning for the Death of the Queen
On Colonialisms and the Mourning for the Death of the Queen
ON COLONIALISMS AND THE GRIEF FOR THE QUEEN'S DEATH The death of Queen Elisabeth II, of England, provoked immense media repercussion, mobilizing much of the world in a collective commotion, for the loss of the greatest symbol of the British Monarchy. There was an effort to extol a certain “positive legacy” of the mornarca, while ignoring the legacy of brutal colonization in Africa and in several other parts of the world. But could this really be a UNIVERSAL GRIEF? Territories and peoples expropriated and violated by the British empire, who are still experiencing the consequences of this historical process, should they really mobilize their emotions and feelings for a mourning that belongs to the heirs of the privileges and riches resulting from their oppression? Kenyan author Shailja Patel recalls that "Some survivors of rape, castration, starvation, forced labor and torture in the British colonial gulag in Kenya are still alive. They never received the apology they asked for."
EP11 - Dance and Balance, A Portal With Ancestry
Dance and Balance, A Portal With Ancestry
DANCE AND BALANCE, A PORTAL WITH ANCESTRALITY Dance and balance, a portal with ancestry, is to think of the body as a support and receptacle of culture. Corporeality is endowed with ethnographic observation, as it is a symbolic system shared in a given time-space, which expresses information about its social, political and cultural context. KOTA MULANJI invites YESENIA SELIER and KANZELUMUKA, for a dialogue about how ancestry frees the body for dance and how dance opens the portal to reach ancestry. All this thinking that health is bio, physical, psychic, environmental balance and ancestry.
EP10 - Elections 2022: The Challenges and Prospects of Quilombola Candidates
Elections 2022: The Challenges and Prospects of Quilombola Candidates
2022 ELECTIONS: THE CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES OF QUILOMBOLA CANDIDATURES Brazil has a record of black candidacies for the 2022 elections. Some of them are quilombola candidacies, leaders with an important history of struggles for their territories, for the rights of traditional peoples and communities, in defense of the environment, among other relevant agendas for the construction of a Brazil marked by more justice and equity. We know that the challenges are as great as the importance of the occupation of spaces of power by quilombola leaders.
EP9 - Black Movements and Elections 2022: The Importance of the Anti-Racist Vote
Black Movements and Elections 2022: The Importance of the Anti-Racist Vote
BLACK MOVEMENTS AND 2022 ELECTIONS: THE IMPORTANCE OF THE ANTI-RACIST VOTE Brazil has a record of black candidacies for the 2022 elections. Several of them result from the historical process of many struggles of black communities and organized black movements. There we have a concrete chance to blacken the state and federal parliaments, with representations really committed to an agenda of the black people for Brazil. An agenda for the construction of equity, for the guarantee of rights and life. But what are the real challenges and possibilities of changing the correlation of forces, and ensuring a relevant black presence in Brazilian parliaments? And what is the importance of the anti-racist vote in building Brazil's future?
EP8 - Our Story Tells
Our Story Tells
“Until the lions have their storytellers, the stories of hunted will glorify the deeds of the hunters.” (Yoruba proverb) The Negrx Historx Network articulates its actions through fundamental issues for the overcoming of racism in Brazil and the democratization of knowledge, based on the practice of historical literacy. Network members present debates on the history of the black population in Brazil, the Diaspora or the African continent. Against the policy of silencing and distorting our history, which weakens us as people and as a population, the column NOSSA HISTÓRIA CONTA, a partnership with the Black Historians Network, gives us a glimpse into a past of struggles and constructions starring blacks and blacks. in permanent struggle.
EP7 - Racism and the Politics of Death: Mbembe and the Pioneering of Sueli Carneiro
Racism and the Politics of Death: Mbembe and the Pioneering of Sueli Carneiro
RACISM AND DEATH POLICIES: MBEMBE AND THE PIONEERING OF SUELI CARNEIRO In the context of the homage due to the title of doctor honoris causa that the University of Brasília will grant to Sueli Carneiro now in the month of September, in this broadcast we will discuss her pioneering spirit in a debate that is widespread today around the idea of death policies and their relationship with the racism. While we are fascinated by the idea, recently circulated in Brazil, of necropolitics, coined by the Cameroonian thinker Achille Mbembe, Sueli carneiro already offered us, from the Brazilian experience, potent elements to discuss these harmful political consequences of racism.
EP6 - Elections 2022: Negrxs Brasileirxs In The World, In Fight For Brazil
Elections 2022: Negrxs Brasileirxs In The World, In Fight For Brazil
2022 ELECTIONS: BRAZILIAN NEGRXS IN THE WORLD, IN FIGHT FOR BRAZIL The election year of 2022 in Brazil represents a great watershed in the confrontation of the extreme right in power, but also an important cycle in the consolidation of the project of political participation of black men and women in the spaces of power. In this scenario, we will discuss how, in place of “foreigners”, “immigrants”, attributions that are given to people in the context of migrantization, black Brazilians build territories of political participation, align their struggles with transnational solidarity, and participate in political processes in in progress in Brazil, the territory from which they originated. The following will participate in this dialogue: Francilene Martins (Argentina), João Fiocchi (USA), Rejane Stuntebeck (Germany), Sandra Bello (Germany) and Tassiana Moura (USA).
EP5 - Black Candidates and Elections 2022: Challenges and Prospects
Black Candidates and Elections 2022: Challenges and Prospects
BLACK CANDIDATURES AND 2022 ELECTIONS: CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES Brazil has a record of black candidacies for the 2022 elections. Several of them result from the historical process of many struggles of black communities and organized black movements. There we have a concrete chance to blacken the state and federal parliaments, with representations really committed to an agenda of the black people for Brazil. An agenda for the construction of equity, for the guarantee of rights and life. But what are the real challenges and possibilities of changing the correlation of forces, and ensuring a relevant black presence in Brazilian parliaments? Let's talk about these issues with BIANCA SANTANA, MÔNICA OLIVEIRA and ROBERTA EUGENIO.
EP4 - A Black Perspective on Brazil's Independence
A Black Perspective on Brazil's Independence
When one thinks about the independence of Brazil, the famous picture immediately comes to mind depicting what would be the scene of the “Ipiranga cry”, as if in this peaceful act the separation between Brazil and Portugal had taken place. But there were many and bloody battles, especially in the north and northeast regions of the country, with the black population as the protagonist. This protagonism was erased in the hegemonic narratives about the independence process. The independence process in Bahia only materialized on July 2, 2023, highlighting the role of Maria Felipa, a black shellfish gatherer, who led an uprising that helped expel the Portuguese from the island of Itaparica. But the battles also lasted in the province of Grão Pará, and in others. Let's talk about these issues with Mônica Lima and Carlos da Silva Jr, members of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians.
EP3 - Our Story Tells
Our Story Tells
“Until the lions have their storytellers, the stories of the hunt will glorify the deeds of the hunters.” (Yoruba proverb) The Negrx Historx Network articulates its actions through fundamental issues for the overcoming of racism in Brazil and the democratization of knowledge, based on the practice of historical literacy. Network members present debates on the history of the black population in Brazil, the Diaspora or the African continent. Against the policy of silencing and distorting our history, which weakens us as people and as a population, the column NOSSA HISTÓRIA CONTA, a partnership with the Black Historians Network, gives us a glimpse into a past of struggles and constructions starring blacks and blacks. in permanent struggle.
EP2 - Black People and Politics
Black People and Politics
BLACK PEOPLE AND POLITICS (IPEAFRO Column) The proximity of the Brazilian elections in 2022 and the recent initiatives to expand black representation in the national political framework lead us to consider the historical participation of black men and women in the social and political struggle in the country for citizenship, inclusion and recognition of their ancestral legacy. Launched in the year that marked a decade of Abdias Nascimento's transition, the book Abdias Nascimento, a Luta na Política will be drawn in the channel's edition. Written by Elisa Larkin Nascimento, it is part of the Debates Collection by Editora Perspectiva. The author, who was Abdias Nascimento's life and struggle companion for 38 years, makes a historical record of Abdias Nascimento's political performance as a parliamentarian and as a black activist. The book sheds light on the genesis of the Palmares Cultural Foundation, a republican institution conquered by the black movement, and features testimonies from four black parliamentarians: senator Paulo Paim, federal deputies Benedita da Silva and Talíria Petrone, and São Paulo state deputy Érica Malunguinho.
EP1 - African Traditional Medicine
African Traditional Medicine
TRADITIONAL AFRICAN MEDICINE Every year, on the 31st of August, we celebrate African Traditional Medicine Day. For a long time, traditional medicine in Africa was underestimated by Western science. Today, centuries after the neglect of African healing techniques, researchers around the world are beginning to recognize the effectiveness of the treatments developed. Especially with integrated health systems, in addition to being more accessible and sustainable, traditional medicine has proven to be valuable in helping to fight diseases such as cancer, psychiatric disorders, high blood pressure, vitiligo, cholera, venereal diseases, epilepsy, among others. The solution of traditional medicine, unlike the philosophy of the West, does not seek only the cure and recovery of physical symptoms, but a balance between the patient, cultural environment and energetic world, seeking the social and psychological reintegration of the patient into his community. The practices and experiences of medicine are wisdom passed from generation to generation, with social formations that imply lessons in diagnostic procedures, medicinal resources, preparation of medical prescriptions, administration of medicines and, above all, adequate theoretical, practical and spiritual training. Mixing biomedical methods, diets and fasts, therapeutic herbs, baths, massages and minor surgical procedures, African medical wisdom is a favorite of its inhabitants. Today, according to the World Health Organization, more than 80% of the continent's population entrust their care to traditional medicine. The proposal of some governments is to increasingly integrate traditional medicine techniques into national health systems, uniting the strength of different medical ideologies. The integration between traditional and western medicine makes it possible to increase health care coverage, economic potential and poverty reduction, as local production is encouraged and access to medicines is expanded.
EP20 - The Brazilian Demographic Census 2022
The Brazilian Demographic Census 2022
IYALETA COLUMN: THE 2022 BRAZILIAN DEMOGRAPHIC Census We will approach the dimensions of census research in national population and territorial knowledge; the importance of census data in scientific development; and the great advance in ethnic/racial, population and territorial recognition when the Black Quilombola population was censused for the first time in the history of the research. What is the importance of census data for national and municipal public policies? What is the impact of cuts in the questionnaire for the analysis of ethnic, racial, gender and generational inequalities? What is the importance of the census in the elaboration and implementation of actions to reduce the impacts of climate change?
EP19 - Black Youth: Parties, Aesthetics and Power: The Various (R)Existing Scenes.
Black Youth: Parties, Aesthetics and Power: The Various (R)Existing Scenes.
BLACK YOUTH: PARTY, AESTHETICS AND POWER. THE VARIOUS (R)EXISTING SCENES With the advent of technologies and the boost of communication on the networks, black youth has been gaining a lot of space in party scenes throughout Brazil. We can observe that identity through aesthetics has been something with great prominence, it is through it that this is potentiated. Even with the most diverse musical variants, it is possible to perceive that funk and hip hop are the great influences within these scenes. They are young black people who resist and increasingly assume this role, the BallRoom scene in Brazil is one of the great examples of this.
EP18 - Colonial Education: Dialogues Angola - Brazil
Colonial Education: Dialogues Angola - Brazil
DECOLONIAL EDUCATION: DIÁLOGOS ANGOLA – BRAZIL Brazil and Angola are inextricably linked, by a common ancestry, since millions of African people from that region were transferred in the condition of enslaved, and here they carved their marks, in the language, in the culture, in the technologies and in the traditions. We are also tragically united by the Portuguese colonial project, and by its legacy of ignominy, of the imposition of a Eurocentric hegemony, which reproduced and reproduces itself in different aspects, in culture, politics, philosophy, and in the way of being, living and see the world. To what extent is this state of epistemic violence still ingrained in the educational systems of Angola and Brazil? What are the prospects for overcoming it in both countries?
EP17 - Racism and Education: Challenges in the Classroom
Racism and Education: Challenges in the Classroom
The educational issue has always been a concern of black movements, knowing that it is one of the main tools to transform reality, fight against racism, as well as instrumentalize future generations to break racial barriers and the cycles of chronic poverty that disproportionately affect the population. black in the country. In addition to the fight for the inclusion and permanence of black children and young people in formal school, another important concern has been the fight against Eurocentric education, the racism reproduced in the didactic material and the relationships permeated by racial violence, prejudice and discrimination. Among the advances achieved, we can mention legal milestones, such as Law 10.639/03 and affirmative action policies. But what about on the “floor” of the school, in the classroom, what is concretely happening? We know that there are successful individual initiatives, marked by the commitment of part of the faculty, successful experiences that need to be highlighted. But there is also a permanent struggle against the growing precariousness of public schools, racism disguised as the unwillingness of many managers, the reproduction in the school environment of the violent relationships that permeate society, the didactic material that continues not to reflect the African presence in the country, among many other problems.
EP16 - Exu: The Crossroads of (R) Existence
Exu: The Crossroads of (R) Existence
EXU: THE CROSSROADS OF [R] EXISTENCE Exu was the most demonized figure in Afro-Brazilian culture. Along with this demonization are the black people, traditional communities of African origin (terreiros) and Afro-Brazilian culture. As a result, racism and violence increase. This conversation will be a proposal of decolonization and demonization to give the correct place to Exu in Afro-Diasporic epistemology. Proposing this decolonial reading means making the crossroads the place of [resistance] of the black people. It implies understanding what it means to resist in the face of an authorized and hegemonic narrative that had Greek mythology as the only possibility of knowing and legitimized itself as universal knowledge. Does it mean to wonder and question what these myths say about us black people? Oedipus, Narcissus, Hermes, Dionysus, Apollo and other mythologies are inventions of whiteness that designed an ethos and an aesthetic from the concept of good, beautiful, evil and fair that do not include us, and we blacks do not recognize ourselves in this narcissistic mirror of the "beautiful appearance" forged by straight, cis and patriarchal whiteness. We need to launch a new arrow against this time that has bestialized, silenced and erased our history and, along with it, our humanity. The crossroads is the locus and Èsù is the desire to eat and devour everything that takes away our potency and dehumanizes us. Èsù is Yangui (fundamental stone) the primordial force that sustains life. Laroye!
EP15 - Historical Reparations and Racial Justice
Historical Reparations and Racial Justice
From August 1st to 4th, the Summit on Reparations and Racial Healing took place in Ghana. It will also provide an opportunity for various actors across the continent and the Diaspora to commit to redefining strategies, building bridges and building trust in the global campaign.” (https://accrasummit.com/) This is not a new issue. In the 19th century, it was part of the discussions on the process of abolition of slavery in Brazil, and in other slave-holding countries, but it was solemnly ignored. On the contrary, the end of the legal status of slavery was followed by legislation that reinforced racism, segregation and the denial of rights for the black population. More recently we have seen European rulers asking forgiveness for the atrocities of European colonialism on African peoples and territories and their descent deprived of freedom and rights. But there is a human and environmental tragedy that cannot be ignored, and that needs to be repaired. "No amount of money can restore the damage done by the transatlantic slave trade - and its consequences - which spanned many centuries, but nevertheless, now is the time to revive and intensify discussions on reparation for Africa," he said. the President of Ghana Nana Akufo-Addo, during the Summit in Accra, Ghana.
EP14 - Black Writings. Black Voices. Black Epistemologies
Black Writings. Black Voices. Black Epistemologies
BLACK WRITINGS. BLACK VOICES. BLACK EPISTEMOLOGIES VILMA PIEDADE: Writer. Professor of Portuguese Language and Brazilian Literature, with a degree in Letters (UFRJ), a postgraduate degree in Literature Science (UFRJ). Author of the book Conceito Dororidade - Nov/2017 - Editora NÓS, and with Andréa Pachat launched in 2021 the Book About Feminisms, Editora Agir/Nova Fronteira. Collection Conversa Afiada/Ed.Agir. Anti-racist, Black Woman, member of the Rapporteurship Committee for the Review of the Durban Conference. Speaker with several articles published in various media. interviews. Participated in the Encontros Program - Fátima Bernardes - presenting the Livro Conceito Dororidade on TV Globo. @dororidade RODRIGO FRANÇA: Cultural articulator, writer, film and theater director, playwright and visual artist. Political and legal philosopher, working as a researcher, consultant and professor of fundamental human rights. He is an activist for the civil, social and political rights of the black population in Brazil. won the 2019 Shell Award. Wrote seven theatrical shows, among them: O Pequeno Príncipe Preto, Capiroto and Inimigo Oculto. His latest works are "Oboró-Masculinidades Negras", "Love as revolution" and "Enlaçador de mundos", where he signs direction. ALBERTO RODRIGUES: Maranhense, cultural producer, musician, communicologist, speaker, sociocultural activist. Author of the books "Pensamentos A.Ro" and "Minha Pele". Creator and coordinator of Grupo Acesso Cultural, Canal Q-Cria and the Literary Festival of São Gonçalo – FLISGO. Prêmio Escritas Pretas and ABLA - Brazilian Aquilombamento de Letras e Artes Pretas e Originárias. Received the award for Cultural Producer by the BatucAsè Award and the Ubuntu Award for Black Culture 2022, in the category Inspiring Literary Actions. @albertoflisgo, @flisgo, @escritaspretas.oficial HUMBERTO ALVES: Producer creator of Viradão Cultural Suburbano. Filmmaker, Plastic Artist. Black Movement activist. Member of the Colectivo Sarau Pequena África, which aims to praise black authors and personalities. He recently received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the Order of Chaplains of Brazil for services rendered to Culture. Special participation NILZE BENEDICTO: Singer, songwriter, troubadour and teacher of Physical and Biological Sciences. Her songs express themes in favor of minorities, ancestry, female empowerment, the environment and inclusion. Her fully copyrighted album, WOMEN POTENTES can be found on social media. YouTube: Nilze Benedicto, @nilzebenedicto.oficial, @ nilze.lenebenedicto Mediation: SILVANY EUCLÊNIO Chat moderation: SÉRGIO DINIZ
EP13 - From Axé to Iwá (Character): Abiodun and Yoruba Aesthetics
From Axé to Iwá (Character): Abiodun and Yoruba Aesthetics
FROM AXÉ TO IWÁ (CHARACTER): ABIODUN AND THE YORUBA AESTHETIC We usually think of the idea of axé as a vital force or as a fundamental principle for the realization of the world, much used in African and Afro-Diasporic traditions. Also, we usually find the approach of Iwá (character) as a moral, ethical idea of Yoruba thought. In this meeting we will discuss how, for Yoruba thought, axé is also understood as an aesthetic dimension, linked with beauty and creation, as well as we will see how ethics and aesthetics are internally linked for Yoruba peoples, so that the good and beautiful are internally linked. And we will continue to discuss these questions the thought of the Yoruba philosopher of art, born in Nigeria, Rowland Abiodun, in the company of Dr. Naiara Paula and the master's student Kim Camargo.Africa and Its Sixth Region: Thinking Education Paths for Food and Nutrition Sovereignty
The African Union declared, in 2003, the African Diaspora as the Sixth Region and with that it has been creating mechanisms to enable the development of African people and their communities around the world. In compliance with Agenda 2063, the African Union has chosen as the theme of its activities, in 2022, for its six regions, “Strengthening Resilience in Nutrition and Food Security on the African Continent”, divided into these sub-themes: “Strengthening Agrifood Systems, of Health and Social Protection for Accelerating the Development of Human, Social and Economic Capital”. African Latitudes and Thinking Africanly intend to provide a space for reflection around these questions: What is the Sixth African Region? What is your relationship to the Mother Continent? What does health, food and nutrition sovereignty mean for African people? In this fourth part, we will talk to BAS´ILELE MALOMALO, RUTE COSTA, PEDRO ACOSTA LEYVA and KOTA MULANJI (Dr. Regina Goulart)
EP11 - Our Story Tells
Our Story Tells
“Until the lions have their storytellers, the stories of hunts will glorify the deeds of hunters.” (Yoruba proverb) The Negrx Historx Network articulates its actions through fundamental issues for the overcoming of racism in Brazil and the democratization of knowledge, based on the practice of historical literacy. Network members present debates on the history of the black population in Brazil, the Diaspora or the African continent. Against the policy of silencing and distorting our history, which weakens us as people and as a population, the column NOSSA HISTÓRIA CONTA, a partnership with the Black Historians Network, gives us a glimpse into a past of struggles and constructions starring blacks and blacks. in permanent struggle.
EP10 - Sortilegio, By Abdias Nascimento
Sortilegio, By Abdias Nascimento
The new edition of the definitive text of the play by Abdias Nascimento, Sortilégio, includes texts by Jessé Oliveira, founder of the Caixa Preta black theater group, as well as interviews with actors Léa Garcia and Ângelo Flávio, and an introductory text by Elisa Larkin Nascimento who historically situates the trajectory and evolution of this classic of black theater and Brazilian theater.
EP9 - Festival Black Women Around the World - Music and Poetry
Festival Black Women Around the World - Music and Poetry
BLACK WOMEN FESTIVAL FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD – MUSIC AND POETRY Saturday, 07.30.2022 We, black women, fight every day, for ourselves and for ours, against racism and patriarchy that structure society, for rights, for citizenship and for life. We associate dates and milestones to this struggle, moments to broaden the dialogue and visibility of our pressing issues and agendas. This is the month of July, also known in Brazil as Julho das Pretas, when black women's organizations mobilize from north to south of the country, denouncing, in debates, marches and protests. And in the month of July, the 25th is filled with meanings and significance. It is the Day of the Black Women of Latin America and the Caribbean, defined in the I Encuentro de Mujeres Negras Latinosamericanas y del Caribe, held in 1992, in the Dominican Republic, as a date for denouncing violence and discrimination, and also a day of struggles. In Brazil it is also the day of Tereza de Benguela, leader of the Quilombo de Quariterê, which resisted the slave system for decades, having been annihilated in the year 1770. And in 2014 it was formally instituted by federal government decree as the National Day of Tereza. of Benguela and the Black Woman. Closing this emblematic month, we have the 31st of July, established as the African Women's Day, in 1962, at the African Women's Conference, held in the city of Dra-Es-Salaam (Tanzania). Pensar Africana celebrates these dates in a special edition of the column BLACK WOMEN FROM ALL THE WORLD, bringing the poetic and musical power of women from Angola, Mozambique, Germany, Mexico, Colombia and Brazil.
EP8 - Our Story Tells
Our Story Tells
OUR STORY ACCOUNT “Until the lions have their storytellers, the stories of the hunt will glorify the deeds of the hunters.” (Yoruba proverb) The Negrx Historx Network articulates its actions through fundamental issues for overcoming racism in Brazil and the democratization of knowledge, based on the practice of historical literacy. Network members present debates regarding the history of the black population in Brazil, in the Diaspora or on the African continent. Against the policy of silencing and distorting our history, which weakens us as people and as a population, the column NOSSA HISTÓRIA CONTA, in partnership with the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians, shows us a past of struggles and constructions carried out by black women and men. in permanent struggle. HN columnist BETHÂNIA PEREIRA: Master in History from Unicamp.
EP7 - The Unequal Society
The Unequal Society
THE UNEQUAL SOCIETY The July edition of Coluna IPEAFRO will address the unequal Society, an increasingly necessary topic in public debate and which gives title to the recently released book by writer and economist Mario Theodoro published by Zahar, which discusses how racism operates for maintenance of the Brazilian social structure based on inequality. The following will participate in the dialogue: WANIA SANT'ANNA, Historian, researcher of gender relations and ethnic/racial relations; MARIO THEODORO, economist, counselor at Amnesty International and author of the book “The Unequal Society: racism and whiteness in the formation of Brazil”; and ELISA LARKIN NASCIMENTO, social scientist and director of IPEAFRO.Africa and Its Sixth Region: Thinking Education Paths for Food and Nutrition Sovereignty
AFRICA AND ITS SIXTH REGION: THINKING PATHS OF EDUCATION FOR FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL SOVEREIGNTY – Part 3 The African Union declared, in 2003, the African Diaspora as the Sixth Region and with that it has been creating mechanisms to enable the development of African people and their communities around the world. In compliance with Agenda 2063, the African Union chose as the theme of its action, in 2022, for its six regions, the “Strengthening Resilience in Nutrition and Food Security on the African Continent”, divided into these sub-themes: “Strengthening Agrifood Systems, of Health and Social Protection for Accelerating the Development of Human, Social and Economic Capital”. African Latitudes and Thinking Africanaly intend to provide a space for reflection around these questions: What is the Sixth African Region? What is your relationship to the Mother Continent? What does health, food and nutrition sovereignty mean for African people? In this third part, we will talk to BAS´ILELE MALOMALO, DANIELLE THEODORO, KWESI M. H. TA FARI and RAS KIJANI MENFESAWI.
EP5 - Ancestry on the Table and Health
Ancestry on the Table and Health
ANCESTRALITY AT THE TABLE AND HEALTH If we think of ancestry as everything connected to our ancestors, taking into account much more than genetic and social characteristics that shape our identity, think about eating, all the memory that, when sitting at the table or watching on a movie screen, scenes that put in time and spaces of pleasure. If we think that health is the bio, psycho, social, environmental and ancestral balance, which we mentioned before, it is also a determining factor of health. Cinema table is an experience that deals with these issues and we want to know emotional value, what are these most present memories in the form of cooking and the nutritional value for that. We will discuss these issues with KOTA MULANJI (Dr. Regina Goulart) and her guests DANI PIMENTA, KYZZY RODRIGUES and REJANE MARTINS.
EP4 - The Election of Francia Márquez in Colombia and Lessons for Brazil
The Election of Francia Márquez in Colombia and Lessons for Brazil
THE ELECTION OF FRANCIA MARQUEZ IN COLOMBIA AND LESSONS FOR BRAZIL Colombia has the second largest black population outside of Africa, second only to Brazil. However, here we are more than 50% of the population, and there are little more than 10%, according to official data. We have in common the colonial and slavery past, and a present marked by racial violence and by the asymmetries in the access and guarantee of basic rights. Francia Márquez Mina, elected vice president of Colombia on June 19, 2022, has a trajectory similar to that of many leaders in Brazil. A black woman, single mother, lawyer, she financed her own studies, working as a maid and prospector. She became an environmentalist and human rights activist for women, black and indigenous populations, with an internationally recognized trajectory. For the first time, Colombia will be governed by a left-wing party, which brought in its ticket this woman, Francia Márquez Mina. We are also experiencing an electoral process in Brazil, in which the left is once again an alternative to a fascist, racist and misogynist government, among other ills. What lessons can Colombia's recent electoral process bring to Brazil? Let's talk about this issue with journalist ANDRÉ SANTANA, social scientist REGINETE BISPO, social scientist VILMA REIS and Colombian activist ARLEISON ARCOS RIVAS.Africa and its Sixth Region: Thinking Education Paths for Food and Nutrition Sovereignty
AFRICA AND ITS SIXTH REGION: THINKING EDUCATIONAL PATHS FOR FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL SOVEREIGNTY - 2 The African Union declared, in 2003, the African Diaspora as the Sixth Region and with that it has been creating mechanisms to enable the development of African people and their communities around the world. In compliance with Agenda 2063, the African Union chose as the theme of its action, in 2022, for its six regions, the “Strengthening Resilience in Nutrition and Food Security on the African Continent”, divided into these sub-themes: “Strengthening Agrifood Systems, of Health and Social Protection for Accelerating the Development of Human, Social and Economic Capital”. African Latitudes and Thinking Africanaly intend to provide a space for reflection around these questions: What is the Sixth African Region? What is your relationship to the Mother Continent? What does health, food and nutrition sovereignty mean for African people? In this second part, we will talk to DAGOBERTO JOSÉ FONSECA, MESTRE JORGE RASTA and BAS´ILELE MALOMALO. LUCIA DE TOLEDO FRANÇA BUENO will mediate the debate highlighting its implications at national and international level.
EP2 - Elections 2022: The Importance of the Anti-Racist Vote
Elections 2022: The Importance of the Anti-Racist Vote
2022 ELECTIONS: THE IMPORTANCE OF THE ANTI-RACIST VOTE Every time the black movement presents the anti-racist agenda in the elections, white people stand up to shout that the anti-racist agenda is an identity agenda, which are proposed only for a group and not for the country. If the majority of the Brazilian population is black, and experiences historically constructed asymmetries, a government program designed for and based on the reality of the majority of the population is not for a group, but for Brazil. An anti-racist political program is the true universal program necessary for the development of the country and for the consolidation of national democracy. Let's talk with ANA CLEIA KIKA, IÊDA LEAL and NAILAH NEVES VELECI, about current policies, said to be universal, but which are actually made by and for white men. Let's talk about political renewal, the crisis of Representativeness, and how the anti-racist vote is the answer Brazil needs.
EP1 - For a Black Psychology
For a Black Psychology
FOR A BLACK PSYCHOLOGY Racism constitutes a network of diverse forms of violence, which daily affects the bodies and minds of the black population in Brazil. Genocide, mass incarceration, denial of rights, a state of denial of rights and belonging. All of this results in low self-esteem, anxiety, insecurity, and a permanent state of alertness and stress. What are the impacts of this situation on the mental health of the black population? Does psychology have tools to deal with the specifics of the reality experienced by the black population? We will discuss these issues with ARIANE KWANZA TENA, MARINA NIAMBI and ROBERTA FEDERICO.
EP20 - African Philosophies in Brazil: Scenarios and Challenges
African Philosophies in Brazil: Scenarios and Challenges
AFRICAN PHILOSOPHIES IN BRAZIL: SCENARIOS AND CHALLENGES At least since the 1950s of the last century, research in Brazil has shown interest in African philosophical thought and its presence in our country. Although at least sixty years have elapsed since these first discussions, especially from the Brazilian heirs of the African presence, it is only after two important phenomena that we get to know African philosophies a little better: the modification in the LDB carried out by Law 10.639/2003 and racial quotas in universities. From these two phenomena, not only activist people will be in search of African philosophies, but a group of researchers who, committed to the anti-racist struggle, will seek the African roots of what we think here... Given this history, I invite you to have a conversation with Adilbênia Freire Machado and Luís Thiago Freire Dantas about current scenarios - and their historical marks - and the challenges for research, teaching and dissemination of African philosophies in Brazil.
EP19 - Political Territories, Migration and Black Struggles
Political Territories, Migration and Black Struggles
POLITICAL TERRITORIES, MIGRATION AND BLACK STRUGGLES The election year of 2022 in Brazil represents a great watershed in the confrontation of the extreme right in power, but also an important cycle in the consolidation of the project of political participation of black men and women in the spaces of power. In this scenario, we want to discuss how in the place of “foreigners”, “immigrants”, attributions that are given to us in the context of migrantization, we look at and build territories of political participation, and how we align our struggles with transnational solidarity.
EP18 - Armamentism and Racial Violence in Brazil
Armamentism and Racial Violence in Brazil
ARMAMENTISM AND RACIAL VIOLENCE IN BRAZIL The current federal government approved several decrees and ordinances making gun control more flexible, once again making explicit its lack of commitment to life. The numbers of violence in Brazil surpasses some countries that experience civil war. We try to breathe amid frequent slaughters and daily murders, a young black man is killed every 23 minutes, about 75% of victims of lethal violence are black... Let's talk about this arms policy and racial violence in Brazil, with Luciane Soares, Huri Paz and Roberto Uchôa.
EP17 - Sortilegio, By Abdias Nascimento
Sortilegio, By Abdias Nascimento
IPEAFRO Column: SORTILÉGIO, BY ABDIAS NASCIMENTO The new edition of the definitive text of the play by Abdias Nascimento, Sortilégio, includes texts by Jessé Oliveira, founder of the Caixa Preta black theater group, as well as interviews with actors Léa Garcia and Ângelo Flávio, and an introductory text by Elisa Larkin Nascimento who historically situates the trajectory and evolution of this classic of black theater and Brazilian theater.
EP16 - Afrocentricity and Epistemological Reorientations
Afrocentricity and Epistemological Reorientations
AFROCENTRICITY AND EPISTEMOLOGICAL REORIENTATIONS In the process of ruptures with the Eurocentric colonial imposition on the bodies and minds of African people in the world, Afrocentricity emerges as an epistemological orientation, which recovers the central place of Africa in the production of thought, science and culture; at the same time it puts black people back in their place as humanity and as subjects of their own history. Let's talk about these issues with ABEL PAULO GAMBA, YELE KENGUE GERALDO, TRINDADE GOMES NANQUE and VALTER DUARTE ODARÁ.
EP15 - Our Story Tells
Our Story Tells
OUR STORY ACCOUNT Until the lions have their storytellers, the stories of hunts will glorify the deeds of hunters (Yoruba proverb) Against the policy of silencing and distorting our history, which weakens us as people and as a population, the column NOSSA HISTÓRIA CONTA, in partnership with the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians, shows us a past of struggles and constructions carried out by black women and men. in permanent struggle. In this edition, will participate: HN columnist Francisco Phelipe Cunha Paz: Doctoral student in History at Unicamp.
EP14 - Mercedes Baptista, The Black Lady of Dance
Mercedes Baptista, The Black Lady of Dance
MERCEDES BAPTISTA, THE BLACK LADY OF DANCING Mercedes Baptista, born in 1921, was a dancer and choreographer, the first black woman to join the corps de ballet of the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro. The artist was fundamental in the construction of the history of Afro dance in the country, having been responsible for the creation of Afro-Brazilian ballet, inspired by traditions of African origin, elaborating a codification and vocabulary of her own for these dances. Despite racism, Mercedes Baptista did not give in, nor did she give up. Her work with samba schools and Afro dance has been recognized throughout the country and abroad. Let's talk about this impressive black artist and her legacy, with PAULO MELGAÇO DA SILVA JUNIOR, HELENA THEODORO and ELISA LARKIN NASCIMENTO.Africa and Its Sixth Region: Thinking Education Paths for Food and Nutrition Sovereignty
AFRICA AND ITS SIXTH REGION: THINKING PATHS OF EDUCATION FOR FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL SOVEREIGNTY The African Union declared, in 2003, the African Diaspora as the Sixth Region and with that it has been creating mechanisms to enable the development of African people and their communities around the world. In compliance with Agenda 2063, the African Union has chosen as the theme of its activities, in 2022, for its six regions, “Strengthening Resilience in Nutrition and Food Security on the African Continent”, divided into these sub-themes: “Strengthening Agrifood Systems, of Health and Social Protection for Accelerating the Development of Human, Social and Economic Capital”. African Latitudes and Thinking Africanaly intend to provide a space for reflection around these questions: What is the Sixth African Region? What is your relationship to the Mother Continent? What does health, food and nutrition sovereignty mean for African people?
EP12 - Thinking Africanally with Sueli Carneiro
Thinking Africanally with Sueli Carneiro
We will dialogue with the philosopher SUELI CARNEIRO, with the participation of the lyrical singer INAICYRA FALCÃO, the professor Wanderson Flor (Tata Nkosi Namba) and the professor Ana Flávia Magalhães Pinto.
EP11 - Elections 2022: Black Population and Vote Suppression
Elections 2022: Black Population and Vote Suppression
ELECTIONS 2022: BLACK POPULATION AND THE SUPPRESSION OF VOTES In Brazil more than 56% of the population is black, but in the National Congress they do not even reach 20% of parliamentarians. There are numerous influences for this underrepresentation, from racial inequality to the distribution of campaign funding to structural issues of society to see blacks as representatives of Brazil. But a phrase that deniers of racism always use when we denounce the numbers of black underrepresentation is "but black people themselves don't vote for blacks". The point of this fallacy is that in Brazil there are no racial data on the electorate, it is not really known what electoral behavior is based on race/ethnicity. It is also not known how many of these 56% of blacks of the population are actually voters, because in Brazil there are numerous bureaucratic obstacles to having the right to vote (voting suppression) and the most vulnerable groups are the most impeded. We will dialogue with MAÍRA BRITO and NAILAH on this issue, bring the Brazilian history of black vote suppression and the mechanisms adopted to try to circumvent this institutional racism of electoral institutions.
EP10 - Panafricanisms today
Panafricanisms today
Pandemics, extreme weather events and military interventions are some of the challenges that the world in general and Africans and their descendants in particular have faced in contemporary times. Which exits to take in an increasingly collapsed world? Pan-Africanism is not a new proposal. The term was coined at the end of the 19th century and, since then, has taken on various configurations, but it can be summarized as a theoretical-practical proposition according to which the union between African peoples from all over the world is necessary for the separation of problems and common enemies. Is there room for Pan-Africanism today? What are your actions? What exits does it point? We will discuss these issues with DOUGLAS ARAÚJO, ANIN URASSE and ORLANDO VICTOR MUHONGO.
EP9 - Brazil - USA: Do Black Lives Matter?
Brazil - USA: Do Black Lives Matter?
BRAZIL – USA: DO BLACK LIVES MATTER? In Brazil and the USA, black people are at greater risk of being killed in a violent manner. Both countries have a history of slavery and institutionalization of racism as an instrument of control and exploitation of the black population. Racial violence is embedded in society and in the apparatus of control and repression, resulting in brutal murders, both by the police and by people from civil society. In the US, blacks are 13.4% of the population and 24% of those killed by police. In Brazil, blacks make up more than half of the population, but three quarters of those killed by police. (Data compiled by the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo, based on figures from the 2018 Brazilian Public Security Forum and the 2019 American Institute Mapping Police Violence). On May 15, a young white supremacist opened fire on black people in a supermarket in Buffalo, USA, killing 10. The attack was broadcast live on the streaming platform Twitch. Here and there, there is an embedded racist imaginary that claims the right to decide that black lives DO NOT matter. Between frequent slaughters and daily murders, we continue in the fight for the right to breathe and live. Let's talk about these issues with Dr. Kim Butler, Professor of History in the Department of Afro Studies at Rutgers State University in the United States; and with Prof. LUCIANE SOARES, from the State University of North Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro.
EP8 - Black Childhood and Adoption: Decolonial Perspectives. Maternity and Africentricity
Black Childhood and Adoption: Decolonial Perspectives. Maternity and Africentricity
BLACK CHILDHOOD AND ADOPTION: DECOLONIAL VIEWS. MATERNITY AND AFROCENTRICITY It is necessary and urgent to break with the taboo of the discussion of racial issues in the adoption institute: interracial families, ethnic preferences in the qualification for adoption, the real profile of children and adolescents available for adoption, the technical instruments, the courses of adoption and continued qualification for the racial issue in this process. If in contemporary times we discuss and ratify that racism is structural, the adoption institute is part of the social structure, and is also directly impacted by expressions of racism in a structural and structuring way, whether personal and/or institutional. It is also important to reflect on the right to motherhood of black women. In the slave system, black women were the property of their masters, served their productive and sexual interests, took care of their children, while their own children were raised as “pets” in the kitchens of the big house, hence the expression “son of creation”, which personifies stereotypes and stigmas that reach the present day. At the same time, we see black women who take care of other people's children, losing their own children to a system that considers them incapable of taking care of their own, and that is unaware of the mothering structures typical of black populations struggling for survival. We are going to talk about the adoption institute in a decolonial, afro-referenced and anti-racist perspective, with DENISE FERREIRA and EDUARDO AUGUSTO FARIAS.
EP7 - Black Youth, Existences and (Re)existences
Black Youth, Existences and (Re)existences
BLACK YOUTH, EXISTENCES AND (RE)EXISTENCES Let's talk about the trajectory and work of three young leaders of the Hip Hop Movement. Shaira Mana Josy (Pará), Thaylon Azevedo (Rio de Janeiro) and Katrá Ungila (Angola).
EP6 - Health of the Black Population and Elections 2022
Health of the Black Population and Elections 2022
Several social organizations and entities linked to the black movement launched two important manifestos calling on Brazilian society in general and the political class in particular to debate and guide the health issues of the black population in this year's national elections. The Letter to Society presents the PNSIPN (National Policy for the Comprehensive Health of the Black Population), reiterates the need for a broad national commitment to the SUS (Unified Health System), which is public, free, equitable, integral and universal. The other letter calls on the political class, the candidates for all the positions in dispute this year, to include in their programs the theme of SPN (Health of the Black Population), as a way of making an explicit commitment to the majority of the population, which declares itself black and brown in the country, and which faces the worst socioeconomic conditions, aggravated in recent years by the covid-19 pandemic.
EP5 - From Terreiro to Avenida, Ancestral Images at Carnival
From Terreiro to Avenida, Ancestral Images at Carnival
FROM THE TERREIRO TO THE AVENUE, ANCESTRAL IMAGES AT CARNIVAL SYNOPSIS The 2022 carnival plots brought several elements of black culture as a central theme, especially in samba schools in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. The cultural elements of the terreiros brought a particular glow to this year's parades. Not only because the orixá Exu was honored at this year's winning school in Rio, but also in the various other plots that placed on the avenue the immense cultural power that the terreiros' territories host, preserve, reproduce, recreate in their African and Afro-American matrices. amerindians. In addition to the party, what do these cultural elements allow us to think about in times when racism is intensified and, at the same time, we revere and reward elements of the black culture of the terreiros?
EP4 - Angola - Brazil: Black Women and Entrepreneurship
Angola - Brazil: Black Women and Entrepreneurship
ANGOLA-BRAZIL: BLACK WOMEN AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP SYNOPSIS: In many African societies, the space of commerce, fairs and markets, have historically been the domain of women. This practice was reproduced in Brazil, despite the limitations of the slave system and racism. We could mention, in addition to the many “enslaved to gain”, renowned deli, such as Mãe Aninha, Tia Ciata, among others. Whether because of this cultural “DNA” or the need to seek alternatives for survival, in the face of economic crises and discrimination in the job market, the entrepreneurship of black women is poignant. According to a World Bank report, the rate of female entrepreneurship is higher in Africa than in any other region of the world. In Brazil, research by the IBQP in partnership with SEBRAE (2019), indicates that the participation of black women in female entrepreneurship reaches 60%. Let's talk about these issues with JANINA JACINO, JÚLIA MBUMBA and SUELI CONCEIÇÃO.
EP3 - Our Story Tells
Our Story Tells
"Until the lions have their time counters, stories, the stories of the hunts will glorify the hunters." (Yoruba proverb)
EP2 - Abdias Nascimento, the Struggle in Politics
Abdias Nascimento, the Struggle in Politics
ABDIAS NASCIMENTO, THE STRUGGLE IN POLITICS Launched in the year that marked a decade since the passage of Abdias Nascimento to the condition of ancestor, the book Abdias Nascimento, a Luta na Política is part of the Debates Collection by Editora Perspectiva. The author, who was Abdias Nascimento's life and struggle companion for 38 years, makes a historical record of Abdias Nascimento's political performance as a parliamentarian and as a black activist. The book sheds light on the genesis of the Palmares Cultural Foundation, a republican institution conquered by the black movement, and features testimonies from four black parliamentarians: senator Paulo Paim, federal deputies Benedita da Silva and Talíria Petrone, and São Paulo state deputy Érica Malunguinho. Editora Perspectiva offers two copies of the book for drawing. Check out at the end of this text, how to participate.
EP1 - Kasa de Maat, AfRaKano Renaissance
Kasa de Maat, AfRaKano Renaissance
Theme: KASA DE MAAT, AfRaKano RENAISSANCE In this pleasant chat, master Mut Rosa Natalino, accompanied by Kemetic Yoga instructor Furaha Imani and scribe Thiago Iaqeb Ahmose introduce Kasa de Maat, an institution with the purpose of reconstituting African mental, physical and spiritual health through the legacy of Ancient Kemet, commonly known by Ancient Egypt. Kasa de Maat is a holistic center of AfRaKana Ancestral practices, starting from the civilization of Kemet. Kasa de Maat operates in Brazil and the United States, working with the exchange between quilombola communities and African people in the diaspora, willing to build a new reality. Kasa de Maat is the official representative of Yoga Skillis Chicago/USA, a pioneer in conducting Kemetic Yoga training in Brazil. In Brazil, the headquarters of Kasa de Maat is in Quilombo D'Oiti -Itacaré- Bahia.
EP20 - The Right to Housing: Black Population in Struggle
The Right to Housing: Black Population in Struggle
THE RIGHT TO HOUSING: BLACK POPULATION IN STRUGGLE One of the facets that explain inequality and how it affects the black population in Brazil is housing. Particularly the slums, towns, gorges, riverside populations and a multitude of situations of extreme precariousness to which this population is exposed to live and work in large cities. The struggle for decent housing and housing becomes the central axis of black resistance. The inviolability of the home, the right to basic sanitation and transportation, the existence of community day care centers and health posts, represent some of the needs in peripheral regions. Public policies for these areas must consider ways of global development, incorporating housing as one of the main areas of social change.
EP19 - Zita Dance, Ginga a História
Zita Dance, Ginga a História
ZITA DANCE, GINGA HISTORY “A life for the hope of freedom, which is coming from the ground of the quilombos and which for centuries has been fighting a fight with iron, fire and blood to build paths in search of liberation. Its main tool is the dance of the body, the dance of life.” (Maria Zita Ferreira) Iêda Leal invites Janira Sodré, Luciene Dias, Daya Gomes and Juliana Jardel to talk to Professor Zita Ferreira, about her trajectory. It's been 70 years of matripotence, swing, achievements and personal and collective victories.
EP18 - Blue April, Black Population and Autism
Blue April, Black Population and Autism
BLUE APRIL, BLACK POPULATION AND AUTISM Autism spectrum disorder is a growing reality in healthcare. The impact on the lives of black families that have a child with this diagnosis is unimaginable, explaining the inequality of access and building perspectives for black children. Most municipalities do not provide adequate multidisciplinary treatment, leaving the family, often single black mothers, alone responsible for these children, who need specialized monitoring to develop their potential.
EP17 - Afrocacia, A Political-Cultural Approach to Africa
Afrocacia, A Political-Cultural Approach to Africa
AFROCRACY, A POLITICAL-CULTURAL APPROACH TO AFRICA We will dialogue with the Angolans PAULO GAMBA, SIMÃO BENGUI and NASSER INGLÊS, about the concept of AFROCRACY, their visions and perceptions about the problem of culture and politics in Angola and Africa, as well as about the current dynamics of African societies in the sphere of geopolitics world and the value of culture in terms of its social development.
EP16 - Quilombola Education, Territorialities, Knowledge and struggles for rights
Quilombola Education, Territorialities, Knowledge and struggles for rights
QUILOMBOLA EDUCATION, TERRITORIALITIES, KNOWLEDGE AND STRUGGLES FOR RIGHTS Presentation of the book of the same title, composed of works that affirm the importance of the quilombola struggle and present reflections on the Brazilian educational context and the territorial struggle, a topic of constant disputes. The quilombola epistemologies presented show the multiple existences that fight for respect and rights that should be basic. The texts are the result of the I Virtual National Journey of Quilombola Education, an event that was a partnership between the University of Brasília (UnB) and the National Coordination of Articulation of Rural Black Quilombola Communities (CONAQ), being the first event organized by the National Collective of Education. The publication was made possible with the support of Instituto Ibirapitanga, through a partnership between Selo Sueli Carneiro, coordinated by Djamila Ribeiro and Editora Jandaíra.
EP15 - Between Terreiro and Academia: Leadership Trajectories in these two territories
Between Terreiro and Academia: Leadership Trajectories in these two territories
BETWEEN THE TERREIRO AND THE ACADEMY: LEADERSHIP TRAJECTORIES IN THESE TWO TERRITORIES We will dialogue with the leaders of the Terreiro Communities who also occupy a prominent place in the academy, moving between these two places of knowledge production with logics that are often at odds. Between the anti-racist struggle and other struggles that are added to it, how does this experience between worlds lived by these people bring elements to our process of strengthening and resistance?
EP14 - Black women from all over the world
Black women from all over the world
BLACK WOMEN ALL OVER THE WORLD In another edition of the column BLACK WOMEN FROM ALL THE WORLD, we will welcome the Angolan teacher ELISABETE CEITA VERA CRUZ, the Portuguese therapist ISABELLE CHEF and the Brazilian teacher, public manager SOCORRO GUTERRES. There are three important activists, who will share their trajectories and dialogue about black struggles, especially black women, from the reality of each one.
EP13 - Our Story Tells
Our Story Tells
"Until the lions have their accountants of history, the stories of the hunts will glorify the deeds of hunters." (Yoruba proverb)
EP12 - Abdias Nascimento, a Panamanian artist.
Abdias Nascimento, a Panamanian artist.
ABDIAS NASCIMENTO, A PANAMEFRICAN ARTIST Recently opened, the exhibition by Abdias Nascimento, on display at MASP, brings together 61 paintings made over three decades. The word “Panamefrican”, coined by the curator Amanda Carneiro, refers to the repertoire of characters, ideas, colors and forms of Pan-Africanism present in the artist’s work and to the term “Ladino-Américano”, coined by the anthropologist Lélia Gonzalez (1935-1994). ) to refer to the cultures of America called “Latin”. We will have the privilege of dialoguing with the curator and with the artist, researcher and teacher Renata Felinto.
EP11 - The Unequal Society: Racism and Whiteness in the Formation of Brazil
The Unequal Society: Racism and Whiteness in the Formation of Brazil
UNEQUAL SOCIETY: RACISM AND WHITENESS IN THE FORMATION OF BRAZIL - The Book "In its various forms and manifestations, violence acts as a guarantor of the maintenance of inequalities, in the complementary relationship between the action of the police and the Justice, in the conditions of housing, public transport, health and education systems and in the precariousness of work. In each of them, the racial element is the explanatory factor, and this set of violence sustains and preserves an unequal society, preventing significant structural changes. Mário Theodoro also points out the inability of scholars and the main economic theories to produce, until today, a model of study that takes into account – in a country with a black majority – the preponderance of racism in the inequality of Brazilian society, and, as the author writes, "Racism kills, arrests, excludes, limits, maddens". For him, the great force for transformation will come precisely from the segment most affected by inequality: the black population". Let's talk about these issues with the author of the book MÁRIO THEODORO, with the participation of Professor RENÍSIA CRISTINA GARCIA-FILICE and Professor WELLINGTON OLIVEIRA DOS SANTOS.
EP10 - Poetizing with Black Women
Poetizing with Black Women
POETIZING WITH BLACK WOMEN Over the centuries, white men had the hegemony of the recognized and read discourse in the country, dominating the narratives in the various literary genres. But the literary production of black women has long been thought-provoking. We need to read and listen to black women. So let's poetize with CLÁUDIA NASCIMENTO, ODAILTA ALVES and ROBERTA TAVARES.
EP9 - Militias and death squads in Brazil
Militias and death squads in Brazil
MILITIES AND EXTERMINATION GROUPS IN BRAZIL Militias, death squads and death squads have been responsible for an important part of violent deaths in Brazil over the last 30 years. Groups formed by public agents and professional killers act in the service of political leaders and economic interests, spreading fear and terror in communities and territories within a project of domination and control of communities. On the 29th, Pensar Africana will discuss the issue of militias and death squads in Brazil, rescuing the struggle of black movements against these forms of violence and pointing out the challenges to face this serious national problem.
EP8 - International Relations Brazil: Brazil - Africas
International Relations Brazil: Brazil - Africas
Brazil is the country with the largest black population outside the African Continent. We are more than 100 million Brazilians of African descent who were transferred here during the criminal slave regime. The relationship of the Brazilian State with African descent in the country we know well, a history of violence, ignominy and denial of rights. But what will Brazil's relationship with African countries be like? And how do we, black Brazilians and black Brazilians want this relationship to be? To discuss these issues, we invited diplomat IRENE VIDA GALA, the traditional Bantu authority in the diaspora, Dr. REGINA GOULART (Kota Mulanji), the Angolan researcher ABEL GAMBA and the Brazilian researcher FERNANDA LIRA.
EP7 - Political Violence: Black Parliamentarians in Struggle
Political Violence: Black Parliamentarians in Struggle
POLITICAL VIOLENCE: BLACK PARLIAMENTARIANS IN FIGHT More than half of the Brazilian population (54%) is made up of black people, but this is not reflected in political representation. There are many barriers that explain this underrepresentation, there are many strategies for the subordination of black bodies, and for the maintenance of the status quo. And when some black people manage to break this structure, being elevated to elective positions, the struggle to maintain their mandates and life itself becomes the keynote. To discuss this issue, Pensar Africanamente invites state deputy ANDREIA DE JESUS (MG), councilor RENATO FREITAS (Curitiba - PR), and law graduate DEISE BENEDITO.
EP6 - Becoming Black - Re-signification of the anti-racist struggle
Becoming Black - Re-signification of the anti-racist struggle
BECOME BLACK - RESIGNIFICATION OF THE ANTI-RACIST STRUGGLE In the permanent process of elaborating and re-elaborating tools to combat racism, Professor IÊDA LEAL invites GEORGE OLIVEIRA, author of the 'book Denegir – Education and Racial Relations'; and with professor ANATALINA LOURENÇO, coordinator of the ‘Anti-racist Pills’ project. Let's talk about your elaborations and contributions to anti-racist struggles
EP5 - The Thinker is... Bell Hooks
The Thinker is... Bell Hooks
THE THINKER IS... bell hooks The column A PENSADORA invites Clélia Prestes, Mariléa Almeida, Rosane Borges and Silvane Silva, to talk about the life, work and thought of bell hooks, whose legacy is alive, inspiring and animating our struggle processes. Bell Hooks, American thinker, teacher, writer and activist, of great importance, especially for the anti-racist and feminist movement. In her academic career, she has written and published more than 30 books, of various genres, such as cultural criticism, theory, memoirs, poetry and children's. Her studies present an empathic and resistant view of the world, addressing topics such as racism, the importance of love, social and gender inequality, and the critique of oppressive relationships.
EP4 - Our Story Tells
Our Story Tells
“Until the lions have their storytellers, the stories of hunts will glorify the deeds of hunters” (Yoruba proverb)
EP3 - Racismo Ambiental e Saúde Mental
Racismo Ambiental e Saúde Mental
Just by holding catastrophic thoughts, the brain is able to activate the defense system. Faced with stress, the body produces a series of substances that allow the body to respond in an agile way, such as adrenaline and cortisol. Thus, the brain is in a state of alert and the heart raises its heart rate, as well as the lung increases the respiratory rate. The effects of these constant chemical reactions include anxiety, depression, behavioral disorders, and post-traumatic stress. Don't think that our conversation will be about the war in Ukraine. No, we are dealing with the violence that has historically affected African peoples, from when they were confined on slave ships heading to the Americas, to the genocide they face today in countries like Brazil. We talk about violence against traditional authorities of African origin, who see their territories attacked, symbols and belongings destroyed, to the point that we have to hide our neck wires, not wear turbans, not hang white clothes on the clothesline... producing adrenaline and cortisol, substances that stimulate, but also constrict vessels reducing vascularization in vital organs, increase pressure, lead us to imbalance, diseases and even death. We see our deities being attacked, we are not talking about sculptures or representations of deities. We are talking about the tragedies that attack the waters, our mother water being killed along with her fish children. Our mother water in fury just wanting to pass and finding in her way unsafe buildings and paved streets. The lands attacked by predatory capital, by mining.
EP2 - For an anti-racist climate and environmental agenda
For an anti-racist climate and environmental agenda
The environmental debate has become increasingly essential in our time. Recent surveys show that 75% of people are not only concerned about climate change, but also know that it affects their lives and those of their families. Historically, racism has relegated the black population to the place of negligence and denial of rights. This also happens when we talk about climate and environmental issues, which asymmetrically affect black and native populations, on which the risks, damages and social and environmental impacts of the absence of public policies, the advance of predatory capital violently fall. and environmental destruction policies, both in the countryside and in the city. All of this is exacerbated by the crucial moment we are experiencing in Brazil, with the implementation of a state policy of environmental destruction, directly affecting traditional populations, quilombola communities, indigenous peoples and traditional peoples of African origin who suffer the hardest from the effects of devastation. and the advance on their territories. The environmental debate is also linked to the anti-racist struggle. Let's talk about this issue with DIOSMAR FILHO, PATRÍCIA ALVES-MELO and CÉLIO LEOCÁDIO
EP1 - 2022 Elections and Pre-candidates of Black Women
2022 Elections and Pre-candidates of Black Women
2022 presents important challenges and is strategic for the transformations that are needed in this country. Canal Pensar Africana reserved space on the agenda to discuss the racial issue in the elections. In the week of March 8th, we invited Federal Deputy TALÍRIA PETRONE (PSOL/RJ), NAILAH VELECI (Political Scientist) and ROSELI FARIA (Executive Coordination of the Coalition of Rights Vale mais) to discuss the representation of black women in Parliament and the affirmative actions approved by the TSE and the National Congress that seek to encourage and strengthen black and women's candidacies.
EP20 - March 8: Black Women Beyond Pain
March 8: Black Women Beyond Pain
March 8th is International Women's Day, or more specifically International Women's Day of Struggle. The Pensar Africana Channel has always had an important role for black women in the construction and realization of its agendas. Because of this, we will celebrate this March 8th by listening to the experience of two young black women, who, in addition to fighting racism and machismo on a daily basis, build interesting paths for their own lives and for black communities, through their thinking, LORENA SILVA OLIVEIRA and ANA LUIZA GUIMARÃES. Shall we hear them?
EP19 - Black women from around the world
Black women from around the world
BLACK WOMEN ALL OVER THE WORLD The BLACK WOMEN FROM ALL THE WORLD column brings together activists from different places for a dialogue about their trajectories and the realities in which they operate. In this edition the guests are Denize de Almeida Ribeiro, from Bahia – Brazil; Cecília Kitombe, from Angola; and Mut Rosa, a Brazilian based in the USA. Nilze Benedicto will perform the musical.
EP18 - Niterói On the Agenda: Music. Poetry. Culture. Citizenship
Niterói On the Agenda: Music. Poetry. Culture. Citizenship
Niterói has a rich cultural effervescence, both in the central areas and in the periphery. Music, literature and literary festivals are outstanding. To talk about this cultural wealth of the municipality, VILMA PIEDADE invites NILZE BENEDICTO, composer and singer; SOL DE PAULA, poet writer; and ALBERTO RODRIGUES, cultural producer.
EP17 - In times of so much violence, reacting is fundamental. React to Racial Violence!
In times of so much violence, reacting is fundamental. React to Racial Violence!
IN TIMES OF SO MUCH VIOLENCE, REACTION IS ESSENTIAL... REACTION TO RACIAL VIOLENCE! Let's talk about racial violence, based on two cases that recently occurred in Goiás, in the fields of work and health. It will also be an opportune moment to think and develop strategies for collective reaction, against racism, against impunity and for the defense and protection of our bodies and minds.
EP16 - Black Music and Resistance
Black Music and Resistance
BLACK MUSIC AND RESISTANCE Music has always been fundamental in the lives of African populations. Drums are an ancient form of communication. That unites us, strengthens and keeps an oral memory. Resistance is well demonstrated by the rural blues on American plantations during slavery and the forms of corporeality and drumming in Brazilian slave quarters. Samba, rap and funk are contemporary practices of this resistance. Mainly in urban areas. They celebrate the encounter, they carry out criticism and denunciation. It is this resistance that we will talk about this Saturday. Of our bodies dancing and singing from the tambourines, the drums, the electronic beats
EP15 - Black Youth in Social Movements
Black Youth in Social Movements
BLACK YOUTH IN SOCIAL MOVEMENTS Black youth are the group most victimized by urban violence, priority targets for homicides, police violence and “stray bullets” that only find black bodies. Racism and the lack of public policies make them top the list of unemployment, informality and illiteracy, among other ills historically imposed on black people. Faced with all this complexity, Andréa Bak invites Bruna Lira and Kawan Lopes to discuss the perspectives that present themselves, from the insertion and protagonism of black youth in social movements. Columnist ANDRÉA BAK: Artist, poet, writer, chemist and parliamentary advisor.
EP14 - Alimony. A Health Issue for the Black Family
Alimony. A Health Issue for the Black Family
Black families increasingly have to resolve the issue of child support. A child's right to eat! But in this fight, usually judicial, which food needs to be guaranteed, who is really defending the child's interest? Let's think Africanly about this. Participate, Contribute with your questions and testimonials. Regina Goulart (Kota Mulanji), pediatrician, invites Ariele Campos, lawyer; and Silvana Bunifácio (psychologist).
EP13 - Aphrodiasporic Voices Against Racial Violence in Brazil
Aphrodiasporic Voices Against Racial Violence in Brazil
The brutal murder of the young Congolese Moise Kabagamba generated a wave of protests, notes of repudiation, declarations and mobilizations by politicians and activists of social movements. Xenophobia and racism as motivations for the crime against the 24-year-old confront us with the different layers of racism and its tentacles. However, they reveal the tip of the iceberg of racial violence and its impacts on different Afro-diasporic immigrant communities. And in this episode of Coluna we will bring voices in diaspora inserted in the movements of immigrants and refugees, University, different organizations to express their paths and strategies of struggle in the fight against racism and xenophobia.
EP12 - Poetizing Black Fights, With Carlos de Assumpção and Guests – Episode 3
Poetizing Black Fights, With Carlos de Assumpção and Guests – Episode 3
In the midst of the struggles and mourning that cross the history and life of the black population in Brazil, the potency of the literary creation of “his” Carlos de Assumpção emerges. His poetry denounces racism and its iniquities, cries out for justice, at the same time that it warms and fills our hearts exhausted by so much struggle with hope.
EP11 - 2022: Black Prospects For a Challenging Year
2022: Black Prospects For a Challenging Year
The year 2022 brings us a series of very important events that decisively impact the lives of the black population. In a moment of escalating racist discourses and practices, without any shame, and even disrespecting the achievements that black movements have been making, we need to assess the prospects of what awaits us this year. At the same time that we are required to discuss agendas that not only do not concern us, but need to respond to idealizations of whiteness about anti-racist agendas, we invite you to discuss with us about these scenarios that await us and are so relevant to the paths of the population. black in our country.
EP10 - Black Youth, Existences And (Re)existences
Black Youth, Existences And (Re)existences
In this column Young black women are invited to talk about their realities, experiences, achievements and challenges. In the next edition will participate the marginal poetess from Pernambuco FLORA LUENA; Angolan rapper, based in Portugal, TELMA TVON; and the rapper from Pará SHAIRA MANA JOSY.
EP9 - Our Story Account
Our Story Account
“Until the lions have their storytellers, the stories of hunts will glorify the deeds of hunters.” (Yoruba proverb) The Negrx Historx Network articulates its actions through fundamental issues for overcoming racism in Brazil and the democratization of knowledge, based on the practice of historical literacy. Network members present debates on the history of the black population in Brazil, the Diaspora or the African continent. In this issue, I present my research JORGE MAIA, FELIPE MELO, MARCOS VINICIUS and THOMPSON CLIMACO.Atlas Of The Peripherals In Brazil: Racial Aspects Of Infrastructure In Subnormal Clusters
The launch of the book Atlas das Peripheries. The Atlas elaborates and expands cartographic exercises with different perspectives. They comprise the characteristic reflections of infrastructure and access to services around the home in subnormal agglomerations. Here we use peripheries. Even the topic of debate in the book itself about the nomenclature to be affirmed. The composition is quite creative with the presence of students, professors and professors, attorney, researchers and researchers, lawyer and other incorporated collaborations. This step is a milestone in the dedication of many people to an issue that matters to us.
EP7 - Black Women All Over The World
Black Women All Over The World
In this edition we will welcome Carla Fernandes, an Angolan living in Portugal, Vanda Sá Barreto, from that “country” called Bahia (Brazil) and Gabriela Lima, from Uruguay. There are three important activists, who will share their trajectories and dialogue about black struggles, especially black women, from the reality of each one.
EP6 - Literature. Black Writings. Dorority
Literature. Black Writings. Dorority
Let's dialogue black literature with two young black people. Alberto Rodrigues, with his children's literature; and Thainá Briggs, who deals especially with black women, their experiences of single motherhood and pain.
EP5 - Law 10.639/03 And Quilombola Education
Law 10.639/03 And Quilombola Education
EP4 - Reverse Racism And Other Lessons From Casa Grande
Reverse Racism And Other Lessons From Casa Grande
EP3 - Thinking African: Assessment And Outlook For 2022
Thinking African: Assessment And Outlook For 2022
EP2 - Black Conjuncture 2022: Elections, Scenarios And Outlook
Black Conjuncture 2022: Elections, Scenarios And Outlook
“Our Journal” is an initiative in the field of social communication that seeks to publish articles, poetry, cultural manifestations, opinions in favor of affirmative actions, denounce racism in the Brazilian style and act in the sense of trying to balance the game of forces around the debate. on the social inequalities generated by the prejudices of racialization. To talk about the 6th edition of Nosso Jornal, columnist Artur Antônio invites activists and intellectuals, Gladys Mitchell-Walthour, Roseli Faria, Dalila Negreiros and Deputy Fábio Felix (Psol/Df), to think together ways to rebuild Brazil. These paths go through next year's elections (2022), hunger, economic and budget policy, the continuation of the covid-19 pandemic. But also through different paths such as the International Decade of Afro-descendants, international coalitions in support of Brazil, black art and any form of resistance, survival and, above all, hope.
EP1 - Black Women And Political Representativeness
Black Women And Political Representativeness
EP20 - Afro-diasporic Bodies And The Resignification Of Borders
Afro-diasporic Bodies And The Resignification Of Borders
In this eighth and last episode of the year 2021 we will have a meeting with guests and a guest, whose research, activism and art projects are focused on the everyday phenomenon of the presence of migrant black bodies, their places, tensions provoked, challenges and transformations. The guests are called upon to dialogue above all in the epistemological, artistic, professional and individual perception of how they perceive in everyday life the relationships, tensions and changes with the presence of our Afro-diasporic bodies in the world.
EP19 - Jonatas Conceição, Poet Of The Black Resistance
Jonatas Conceição, Poet Of The Black Resistance
JONATAS CONCEIÇÃO, POET OF THE BLACK RESISTANCE Jônatas Conceição (1952 – 2009). Poet active in the Black Movement of Bahia. He worked as a Portuguese language teacher, broadcaster, director and coordinator of the Pedagogical Extension Project of Bloco Afro Ilê Aiyê. Learn more at https://obrasreunidasjonat.wixsite.co...
EP18 - Tunga, Abdias Nascimento And The Museum Of Black Art (man)
Tunga, Abdias Nascimento And The Museum Of Black Art (man)
TUNGA, ABDIAS NASCIMENTO AND THE MUSEUM OF BLACK ART (MAN) The Black Art Museum (MAN) project was developed under the leadership of Abdias Nascimento from the resolution of the 1st Brazilian Negro Congress held in 1950. The Experimental Theater of the Negro (TEN) took over the project and held competitions and exhibitions in 1955 and 1968. Abdias Nascimento continued his work in exile. Upon returning in 1981, he resumed the project through IPEAFRO, which keeps the collection and carries out educational and cultural activities based on its content. Today, part of the collection is on display at the Inhotim Institute. In a two-year action, divided into four acts, IPEAFRO and Inhotim show the wealth of the Museu de Arte Negra collection in various dimensions. At this meeting, curators Douglas Freitas and Deri Andrade, from Inhotim, dialogue with Julio Menezes Silva and Elisa Larkin Nascimento, from IPEAFRO, about the first act of this exhibition, inaugurated on December 4, which has as its axis the network of affections and actions. that intertwine the life and work of Tunga, one of the founding artists of Inhotim, and Abdias Nascimento, curator and artist of the Museu de Arte Negra collection.
EP17 - Black Women All Over The World
Black Women All Over The World
EP16 - Our Story Account
Our Story Account
OUR STORY ACCOUNT HN columnist BETHÂNIA PEREIRA Guest AMILCAR PEREIRA Article: The Brazilian black movement and the circulation of references for the anti-racist struggle Geledés: https://www.geledes.org.br/o-moviment... Cultne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rk6ZY... NOEMI DOS SANTOS DA SILVA Article: Education: denied right, reason for black struggles in the 19th century Geledés: https://www.geledes.org.br/educacao-d... Cultne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUeJI... ROBERTO DOS SANTOS Article: Tição – black press and conscience in Porto Alegre in the leaden years Geledés: https://www.geledes.org.br/ticao-impr... Cultne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXMrU... PATRÍCIA TEIXEIRA ALVES Article: “Repatriated territories”: a key to reading the black women’s agency Geledés: https://www.geledes.org.br/territorio... Cultne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsG_m... Mediation: Silvany Euclenio Chat Moderation: Caroline Matias
EP15 - Black November, Black Voices In The Anti-racist Struggle
Black November, Black Voices In The Anti-racist Struggle
EP14 - Racial Quotas And The 2022 Scenario: What To Evaluate?
Racial Quotas And The 2022 Scenario: What To Evaluate?
EP13 - Kilombos, From Africa To The Diaspora: Black Land And Territories
Kilombos, From Africa To The Diaspora: Black Land And Territories
EP12 - Black Consciousness And The Search For Food Sovereignty
Black Consciousness And The Search For Food Sovereignty
EP11 - The Thinker Is Oliveira Silveira
The Thinker Is Oliveira Silveira
THE THINKER IS... OLIVEIRA SILVEIRA! SYNOPSIS We are going to discuss Oliveira Silveira's thinking with guests who have lived with him and/or studied his life and work.
EP10 - Slavery And Freedom: Flow And Reflow In The Transatlantic Trafficking
Slavery And Freedom: Flow And Reflow In The Transatlantic Trafficking
EP9 - For An Anti-racist Environmental Agenda
For An Anti-racist Environmental Agenda
FOR AN ANTI-RACIST ENVIRONMENTAL AGENDA Participants: EDEL MORAES: Extractivist. Vice President of Chico Mendes Memorial. Researcher member of CAUIM. ELIETE PARAGUASSÚ: Shellfish gatherer, fisherwoman, quilombola and leader of Ilha de Maré (Bahia). RAQUEL SOUZAS: Sociologist. PhD in Public Health and Associate Professor at Ims/Cat – Ufba. MARIA JOSÉ HONORATO PACHECO: Executive Secretary of CPP Regional BA and SE. She is also a member of the Collective Mahin-Organization of Black Women, the Black Coalition for Rights and the Brazilian Environmental Justice Network, she is a Social Worker and Specialist on the Rights of Traditional Peoples and Communities. Mediation: Silvany Euclenio Chat moderation: Luana Arantes
EP8 - Meeting Of Generations In Diaspora On The Legacy Of Palmares In The World
Meeting Of Generations In Diaspora On The Legacy Of Palmares In The World
A meeting between generations, which in different countries, cultural contexts and trajectories will dialogue this Black November on the legacy of “the Palmares” in the world. In diaspora, in Europe, lands of our former colonial overseers, when we live in these spaces, we are also for this continent the memory of the past of violence and domination. Our bodies, however, are territories of beauty, royalty, struggle, resistance and humanity. That is why we occupy with all dignity the places where we plant new roots. And in this dialogue, in the context of different transnational experiences, in dialogue with Brazil, its chances and challenges, what learnings, what appeals do we face?
EP7 - Algorithms And Calculated Racism
Algorithms And Calculated Racism
EP6 - Covid-19 And Impacts On The Lives Of The Black Population
Covid-19 And Impacts On The Lives Of The Black Population
“The e-book BLACK POPULATION AND COVID-19 brings together 13 articles that follow the trajectory of the pandemic between July 2020 and September 2021. The articles inform about the structural problems of Brazilian society, addressing racism, exclusion and the lack of access of the black population to basic services, which places it at the top of the worst indices of the pandemic in terms of the number of vaccinated and infected and, consequently, in the total number of deaths. They also talk about the black population from the perspective of rights to citizenship, mental health, healthy aging, female representation and the fight against violence”.
EP5 - Afro-brazilian Territory Planning: Governance & Perspectives
Afro-brazilian Territory Planning: Governance & Perspectives
EP4 - Our Story Account
Our Story Account
OUR STORY ACCOUNT HN columnist BETHÂNIA PEREIRA Participants RENATA RIBEIRO FRANCISCO Article: A HIDDEN HISTORY: BLACK MASONS IN 19TH CENTURY BRAZIL Geledés: https://www.geledes.org.br/uma-histor... Cultne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3e9u... ANTONIO CARLOS HIGINO DA SILVA Article: ANDRÉ REBOUÇAS AND THE REFORM OF BRAZILIAN PORTS (1866 – 1878) Geledés: https://www.geledes.org.br/andre-rebo... Cultne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWYqL... CLEUDIZA FERNANDES DE SOUZA Article: BLACK PROTAGONISM AND LEGAL STRUGGLES IN THE POST-ABOLITION MINING Geledés: https://www.geledes.org.br/protagonis... Cultne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oe5X0... Mediation: Silvany Euclenio Chat moderation: Caroline Matias Partnership: Geledes, HN, Cultne
EP3 - Art Is Life, Art Is Movement!
Art Is Life, Art Is Movement!
ART IS LIFE, ART IS MOVEMENT! IPEAFRO COLUMN The meeting will discuss the movements of black art today from a decolonial perspective, which tensions the global art system, questions its racist methods and proposes to give life - and movement - to the Afro-Brazilian works that integrate the collections of these hegemonic museums. . The Black Art Museum (MAN) project was developed under the leadership of Abdias Nascimento from the resolution of the 1st Brazilian Negro Congress held in 1950. The Experimental Theater of the Negro (TEN) took over the project and held competitions and exhibitions in 1955 and 1968. Abdias Nascimento continued his work in exile. Upon returning in 1981, he resumed the project through IPEAFRO, which keeps the collection and carries out educational and cultural activities based on its content. Today, part of the collection is on display at the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro. IPEAFRO is preparing a 3D augmented reality platform and exhibition as the virtual headquarters of the Museum of Black Art (MAN).
EP2 - Territories Of African Headquarters Tombled In São Paulo - Reports
Territories Of African Headquarters Tombled In São Paulo - Reports
TERRITORIES OF AFRICAN HEADQUARTERS TOMBLED IN SÃO PAULO - REPORTS Conversation circle about the experiences of tipping and registering Afro-Brazilian assets and the possibilities of building joint actions based on community demands and the legal frameworks present in public patrimonialization policies.
EP1 - Black Actress In Movement: Black Narratives And Ancestrality On Scene
Black Actress In Movement: Black Narratives And Ancestrality On Scene
EP20 - Racism, Early Childhood Education And Development In Early Childhood
Racism, Early Childhood Education And Development In Early Childhood
EP19 - Assessment Of Racial Quota Policy In 2022: Scenarios And Contexts
Assessment Of Racial Quota Policy In 2022: Scenarios And Contexts
EP18 - Talks Black Art
Talks Black Art
TALKS BLACK ART Columnist FERNANDA LIRA GOES guest AIDA KELLEN JOSÉ EDUARDO FERREIRA SANTOS Mediation: Silvany Euclenio Chat moderation: Camila Carvalho
EP17 - October Rosa And Black Women
October Rosa And Black Women
OCTOBER ROSA AND BLACK WOMEN Pink October is the month of mobilization for women's access to breast exams. Early diagnosis of breast cancer is very important to control the disease and reduce mortality rates. Access to these tests is precarious for all women who depend on the SUS. But what will it be like for black women, who form the base of the social pyramid in Brazil? Let's talk about this issue with the DR. REGINA NOGUEIRA (KOTA MULANJI) - Daughter of Maria Agostinha and Francisco Goulart, of Mametu Ndandalakata, traditional authority of the Bantu people in the diaspora. She is a pediatric intensive care physician, National Coordinator of FONSANPOTMA, PhD student in Biomedicine.
EP16 - Territories Of African Headquarters In São Paulo - Reflections
Territories Of African Headquarters In São Paulo - Reflections
TERRITORIES OF AFRICAN HEADQUARTERS IN SÃO PAULO - REFLECTIONS Conversation circle with the leaders and authorities of the traditional communities of African origins in the state of São Paulo whose terreiros and spaces were listed. Launch of the book “Terreiros Tombados em São Paulo – Reports and reflections on the patrimonialization of Afro-Brazilian goods”, organized by Vagner Gonçalves da Silva, which records the collective experiences of communities in their patrimonialization processes. The publication was sponsored by the PROAC Notice 22/2019 of the Secretary of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo.
EP15 - Poetizing The Black Struggles, Carlos De Assumpção And Guest (o)s - Episode 2
Poetizing The Black Struggles, Carlos De Assumpção And Guest (o)s - Episode 2
EP14 - Black Youth In Psychology
Black Youth In Psychology
EP13 - Black And Migrant Collectives: Legitimity Of Struggles Beyond Sea - Episode 2
Black And Migrant Collectives: Legitimity Of Struggles Beyond Sea - Episode 2
BLACK AND MIGRANT COLLECTIVES: LEGITIMITY OF STRUGGLES BEYOND SEA - Episode 2 Column: “Weaving Dialogues in Negritude, Diaspora and Migration” In this sixth episode of our Column, and the second meeting of our series “Coletivos negroes e migrantes”, we will continue our dialogue between black organizations in foreign territories about our processes of self-organization as black people in the world. This time we bring the reflection specifically on how we build our own “territories of belonging” and the legitimacy of our struggles in a foreign context.
EP12 - Our Story Account
Our Story Account
OUR STORY ACCOUNT HN columnist BETHÂNIA PEREIRA BRUNO PINHEIRO Article: IMAGES OF THE “BLACK MOM”: BRAZILIAN MODERNISM AND ANTI-RACIST CULTURE Geledés: https://www.geledes.org.br/imagens-da... Cultne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyD9v... MARIA CLAUDIA CARDOSO FERREIRA Article: BLACK MOVEMENTS, HERITAGE EDUCATION AND THE RIGHT TO THE CITY Geledés: https://www.geledes.org.br/movimentos... Cultne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gutmo... MARIZE CONCEIÇÃO DE JESUS Article: RACISM IN THE FOREIGN POLICY OF THE MILITARY GOVERNMENT Geledés: https://www.geledes.org.br/o-racismo-... Cultne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odHsm... CLAUDIELLE PAVÃO Article: OUT OF TIME: STEREOTYPES ABOUT PASSISTS IN THE 1980s RIO DE JANEIRO PRESS Geledés: https://www.geledes.org.br/fora-do-co... Cultne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiyKs... Mediation: Silvany Euclenio Chat moderation: Bárbara Porfirio
EP11 - Museum Of Black Art, Physical And Virtual Reality
Museum Of Black Art, Physical And Virtual Reality
Theme: MUSEUM OF BLACK ART, PHYSICAL AND VIRTUAL REALITY IPEAFRO offers two copies of the exhibition catalog “ABDIAS NASCIMENTO, UM ESPÍRITO LIBERTADOR” (Museum of Contemporary Art of Niterói, 2019). Rules at the end... The Black Art Museum (MAN) project was developed under the leadership of Abdias Nascimento from the resolution of the 1st Brazilian Negro Congress held in 1950. The Experimental Theater of the Negro (TEN) took over the project and held competitions and exhibitions in 1955 and 1968. Abdias Nascimento continued his work in exile. Upon returning in 1981, he resumed the project through IPEAFRO, which keeps the collection and carries out educational and cultural activities based on its content. Today, part of the collection is on display at the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro. IPEAFRO is preparing a 3D augmented reality platform and exhibition as the virtual headquarters of the Museum of Black Art (MAN). Our meeting brings together two researchers and professors of art and art history – Nelson Inocêncio and Lorraine Pinheiro Mendes – with the curators of the virtual MAN, for a conversation about black art and the legacy of Abdias Nascimento, based on the face-to-face and virtual experience of the Black Art Museum project.
EP10 - Black Women All Over The World
Black Women All Over The World
BLACK WOMEN ALL OVER THE WORLD ANA GRAÇA CORREIA WITTKOWSKI (Mainz, Germany) ISABEL CINTRA (Stockholm, Sweden) TÂNIA DE CARVALHO (Luanda, Angola) musical performance DANUZA NOVAES (São Paulo, Brazil) Mediation: Silvany Euclenio
EP9 - Black City In Fight: Housing, Real Estate Speculation And Surroundings
Black City In Fight: Housing, Real Estate Speculation And Surroundings
BLACK CITY IN FIGHT: HOUSING, REAL ESTATE SPECULATION AND SURROUNDINGS Columnist FERNANDA LIRA GOES guests MAURA CRISTINA\ GLORIA CECÍLIA FIGUEIREDO Mediation: Silvany EuclenioNational Seminar Of Black Universities (i Senun), Advances And Challenges 28 Years Later
NATIONAL SEMINAR OF BLACK UNIVERSITIES (I SENUN), ADVANCES AND CHALLENGES 28 YEARS LATER From September 3 to 7, 1993, young black men and women from all over the country gathered at the Federal University of Bahia to discuss the theme “THE UNIVERSITY THAT THE BLACK PEOPLE WANT”. 28 years later, we're going to talk to people who were there, about the situation 28 years later, the advances and challenges that still persist. Columnist IÊDA LEAL: Pedagogue, specialized in Teaching Methods and Techniques. Black Movement and Trade Union Movement activist. CNTE Secretary for Combating Racism, Coordinator of the Lélia Gonzalez Reference Center and the Unified Black Movement. Guest ANA CLÁUDIA PACHECO: Professor at UNEB-Salvador, researcher and black feminist from Bahia. CARLOS AUGUSTO SANT'ANNA GUIMARÃES: Researcher at the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation. MARIA APARECIDA DE MATOS: Activist of the Black Women's Movement. Professor at UFT. JADIR BRITO: Professor at PPDH/UFRJ.
EP7 - Traditional Knowledge, Women's Knowledge
Traditional Knowledge, Women's Knowledge
EP6 - Racism And Personal Recognition In Criminal Proceedings
Racism And Personal Recognition In Criminal Proceedings
EP5 - Black Girl I Am!
Black Girl I Am!