Braiding Ideas 2010 - Events
Images of different places that the Caravan Trançando Ideas has passed
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EP5 - I First Cultural Exhibition - 2012 - Afro Block - Estimate
I First Cultural Exhibition - 2012 - Afro Block - Estimate
AI Mostra MAR Cultural that has the precious participation of @vandaferreira, @helenathedoro, the late Marcelo Reis, Nina Silva, @Jana Guinond - With a smile, Kevin Wilson from the American Consulate, Lucio Enrico from INEPAC, Bruno Onilu and the secretary of culture Emilio Kalil.
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EP4 - Structural Racism - Daycare - 2008 - Direction: Neide Diniz
Structural Racism - Daycare - 2008 - Direction: Neide Diniz
In this first work, Cinemina presents the series Re-visão: Four videos on Institutional Racism that help to reflect on some behaviors that happen in everyday life. This is a possibility to make a Re-Vision of concepts in the perspective of having a more egalitarian and just society, with respect to diversity.
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EP3 - Structural Racism - Advertising Agency - 2008 - Direction: Janaina Oliveira.
Structural Racism - Advertising Agency - 2008 - Direction: Janaina Oliveira.
In this first work, Cinemina presents the series Re-visão: Four videos on Institutional Racism that help to reflect on some behaviors that happen in everyday life. This is a possibility to make a Re-Vision of concepts in the perspective of having a more egalitarian and just society, with respect to diversity.
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EP2 - Structural Racism - School - 2008. Direction: Nina Silva
Structural Racism - School - 2008. Direction: Nina Silva
In this first work, Cinemina presents the series Re-visão: Four videos on Institutional Racism that help to reflect on some behaviors that happen in everyday life.
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EP1 - Structural Racism Employment Agency - 2008. Direction: Gisele Moraes.
Structural Racism Employment Agency - 2008. Direction: Gisele Moraes.
In this first work, Cinemina presents the series Re-visão: Four videos on Institutional Racism that help to reflect on some behaviors that happen in everyday life.
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EP5 - Afro Entrepreneurship - Vanda Ferreira
Afro Entrepreneurship - Vanda Ferreira
The 5th edition of the Recognition Program talks about Afro-Brazilian Entrepreneurship, with important tips for you who are already an entrepreneur or who are thinking about setting up your own venture.
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EP4 - Sexual Education - Dr. Berenice Aguiar
Sexual Education - Dr. Berenice Aguiar
Do you talk about sex with your kids? With your parents? Is it easy these days to have this dialogue? The presenters Neide Diniz and our Griot Vanda Ferreira, bring to the 4th edition of the Recognition Program the debate on Sexual Education and Women's Sexual Health. In the People Speaks box, people give us an overview of what this dialogue is currently like with their families. In the Collaborator table we bring important data regarding the sexual health of the Brazilian population. Dr. Berenice Aguiar Silva is our interviewee for this issue, she brings us very important information about women's gynecological health.
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EP3 - Black Women in the Labor Market - Lia Vieira
Black Women in the Labor Market - Lia Vieira
"What does it mean for you to look good? The pgm REknow presents its 3rd edition seeking to discuss the job market. How does society perceive and accept black women in this social context? open this discussion to a greater understanding of our visibility in the business circle is to recognize our ability to interact and seek solutions, does looking good mean being literally well dressed?
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EP2 - Health / Hypertension - Jurema Werneck
Health / Hypertension - Jurema Werneck
Did you know that Programa Recognize is the first web TV series produced by black women in Rio de Janeiro in 2011? Recognize - is to uncover the past and redefine the future The objective of the program
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EP1 - Black Women - Lélia Gonzáles
Black Women - Lélia Gonzáles
Did you know that Programa Recognize is the first web TV series produced by black women in Rio de Janeiro in 2011? Recognize - is to uncover the past and redefine the future The objective of the program To recognize is to highlight the diversity of the female universe, usually presented in a reductionist and unilateral way. RECOGNIZE is a different way of valuing African heritage: from our voice, our face and our writing!
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EP21 - MIMUNEGRA 2014 IV International Black Woman Art Exhibition - Zezé Motta.
MIMUNEGRA 2014 IV International Black Woman Art Exhibition - Zezé Motta.
The Team of the IV International Exhibition of Black Women's Art - MIMUNEGRA 2014 thanks all the people who contributed to make the event a success. The 70 years of Zezé Motta's Art & Attitude were celebrated with the recognition that Zezé Motta is a great Brazilian icon. And we are proud to be part of this story.MIMUNEGRA II International Black Women's Art Exhibition - 2012 - Salutes TIA CIATA.
In honor of Tia Ciata, watch the video and learn a little more about the great contributions of black women in Brazilian society.
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EP19 - Black Power Girls with Estimate at Pretta's Touch Event.
Black Power Girls with Estimate at Pretta's Touch Event.
In the old saying: "Unity is strength!" So we continue in the humble collaboration and in the promotion of the meeting of powerful black women, who know the great challenge that the system poses to us, so we decided to get together and strengthen the work of acting of each one, respecting our differences (which, thankfully, exist !) and celebrating with each passing day the overcoming of prejudices, discriminations in which we are inserted. But, we don't want to talk about sadness, but about joy, which is what we have most latent in us, and that this video serves as an incentive for a more differentiated look at us.
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EP18 - Maria Conga - "Proud to be Quilombola"
Maria Conga - "Proud to be Quilombola"
The documentary Maria Conga "Proud to be a quilombola" historicizes, through the Point of View and ancestral memories of quilombolas who were born there, the creation and mysteries of the Quilombo and Maria Conga, its founder.
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EP17 - Estimate in the Future Connection - Black Consciousness Week
Estimate in the Future Connection - Black Consciousness Week
Griot Vanda Ferreira and our Journalist Neide Diniz give a bath of information about the appreciation of black women and the importance of addressing Institutional Racism. We count on the precious participation of Jaqueline Pitanguy
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EP16 - Cinema Project in Public Schools - Estimate and Canada Fund
Cinema Project in Public Schools - Estimate and Canada Fund
Cinema Project in Public Schools - Estimate and Canada Fund
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EP15 - Estimate at CCBB - Cinecufa 2009
Estimate at CCBB - Cinecufa 2009
Participation of Jana Guinond, Estimation Coordinator, in the debate on the theme: Women in Audiovisual Production.
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EP14 - Institutional Video Estimate
Institutional Video Estimate
Possibility to get to know the work of the NGO Estimativa, which has been operating since 2005.
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I Estimated
EP12 - Trailer - Series Review - Cinema
Trailer - Series Review - Cinema
The Brazil Human Rights Fund and the Estimativa organization have teamed up to launch the Re-Visão series produced by Cinemina. An audiovisual project formed by women, especially in the direction, with the purpose of revealing dreams, struggles and reflections through the feminine point of view. The series, prepared by screenwriter Jana Guinand - actress of the film "Última Parada 174" by director Bruno Barreto - features four videos, each with approximately five minutes. The videos address different situations stitched together by the same theme: Institutional Racism.
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EP11 - Jornal Futura - Caravan Braiding Ideas at Morro da Formiga
Jornal Futura - Caravan Braiding Ideas at Morro da Formiga
We took a ride with the Caravan Braiding Ideas Towards Morro da Formiga. What happened from October 30, 2011 to November 27, which parked in the community
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EP10 - Launch of the publication "Every Wire a Story" at Circo Voador - Lapa
Launch of the publication "Every Wire a Story" at Circo Voador - Lapa
On July 27, 2010, Circo Voador was celebrating with the launch of "Cada Fio uma História", organized by @Jana Guinod - With smile and Nina Silva from Projeto Trançando Idéias, sponsored by IAF - Inter American Foundation.
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EP9 - VII Meeting of Tranceras - Palmares Cultural Foundation Award 2010
VII Meeting of Tranceras - Palmares Cultural Foundation Award 2010
The Meeting of Tranceiras, which was held for the seventh time, was awarded by the Palmares Cultural Foundation - MInc 2010 at the Creative Ideas Notice in Rio de Janeiro.
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EP8 - Braiding Ideas in Futura Connection live
Braiding Ideas in Futura Connection live
Interview on Canal Futura on the program Conexão Futura with the presence of one of the coordinators @Jana Guinond - With a smile and the braided Marilene Gonçalves. model: Luana Dias - from the Canal Futura mobilization team.
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EP7 - Braiding Ideas 2010 - Events
Braiding Ideas 2010 - Events
Images of different places that the Caravan Trançando Ideas has passed
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EP6 - Braiding Ideas - Madureira Viaduct on TV Brasil
Braiding Ideas - Madureira Viaduct on TV Brasil
It's worth showing the beauty of our people! Interview of the Revista Cultural Program on the Viaduto de Madureira telling the trajectory of charm with the participation of Thiago Falcão,, DJ Corello and Gerson King Kong, Marlon Guerreiro, Suzana Ferreira, Halley Meirelles, Marcos Valença, Jana Guinond, Marilene Gonçalves. With the participation of the braiders of the Projeto Trançando Idealis in partnership with SESC Madureira and sponsorship of the Inter American Foundation - IAF.
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EP5 - Braiding Ideas - Events - 2010
Braiding Ideas - Events - 2010
Braids: Alcirene Ferreira Martins / Ana Célia dos Santos / Bárbara Pessanha / Carolina Lopes / Claudia Custódio / Dayana da Silva / Ednéia Conceição / Girleide Santos da Silva / Lilian dos Santos / Margarida de Souza / Maria Mara / Marilene de Souza / Marilene Gonçalves / Nilda Vieira / Priscila Constantino / Raquel Alves de Oliveira / Regina Paula da Costa / Renata Ramos / Rosemary Santanna / Sonia Maria Felisberto / Suelen Goezi Ferreira / Valéria Gomes partners Adelina Moura / Andréia Rodrigues / Benedita da Silva / Camila Barroso / Cleide Fontes / Creuzelly Ferreira / Dr. Carla Verônica / Eliane Santos de Souza / Esther Dias / Evandro Machado / Giselle Moraes / Ierê Ferreira / Jana Guinond / Janaina Oliveira - Hostage / Leandro Costa / Lisa Castro / Marcos Shaft / Monika Nascimento / Michel Messer / Neide Diniz / Neli Gomes / Nina Silva / Osiris BVT / Paulinho Sacramento / Priscila Constantino / Priscilla Santos / Quênia Lopes / Rogério José / Rômulo Rosa / Sandra de Sá / Shirley Cruz / Sthela Garcez / Thaisa Araújo / VAnda Ferreira / Veluma / WG / Wilian Barbosa
I Estimated
EP4 - Workshop Braiding ideas on TV Brasil
Workshop Braiding ideas on TV Brasil
On the Revista Brasil program, where the theme was about blackness, and some people were interviewed, including Estimativa. Thanking the collaborator and wonderful photographer Ierê Ferreira. Know a little more about the project.
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EP3 - Braiding Ideas - Sesc Madureira - TVE 2006
Braiding Ideas - Sesc Madureira - TVE 2006
TVE network article about the event that took place on November 4, 2006 at SESC in Madureira about afro braids produced by the NGO Estimativa. Braiding Ideas, maintaining our Cultural Tradition, and raising self-esteem.
I Estimated
EP2 - Interview in Luta - Trançando ideias with Nina Silva
Interview in Luta - Trançando ideias with Nina Silva
Interview by Nina Silva for the Na Luta Program
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