Ad Junior Youtuber - Negritude 2 0

Cultne registered on March 14, 2018, at the Olodum headquarters in Salvador, Bahia, the debate Negritude 2.0 - The Black Brazilian Movement on Social Media with the participation of black youtubers Spartakus Santiago, Tati Sacramento, Tia Má, Leno Sacramento, Ad Júnior and a psychologist Débora Medeiros who mediated the debate. The event was held during the World Social Forum held in the city and featured images of Mario Elena and Filó Filho, edited by Filó Filho and a report by Carlos Alberto Medeiros.

Spartakus Youtuber - Negritude 2.0

Cultne registered on March 14, 2018, at the Olodum headquarters in Salvador, Bahia, the debate Negritude 2.0 - The Black Brazilian Movement on Social Media with the participation of black youtubers Spartakus Santiago, Tati Sacramento, Tia Má, Leno Sacramento, Ad Júnior and a psychologist Débora Medeiros who mediated the debate. The event was held during the World Social Forum held in the city and featured images of Mario Elena and Filó Filho, edited by Filó Filho and a report by Carlos Alberto Medeiros.

Negritude 2.0 - Brazilian Black Movement on Social Media

Cultne registered on March 14, 2018 at the Olodum headquarters in Salvador, Bahia the debate Negritude 2.0 - The Black Brazilian Movement on Social Media with the participation of black youtubers Spartakus Santiago, Tati Sacramento, Tia Má, Leno Sacramento, Ad Júnior and the psychologist Débora Medeiros who mediated the debate. The event was held during the World Social Forum held in the city and featured images of Mario Elena and Filó Filho, edited by Filó Filho and a report by Carlos Alberto Medeiros.
Cultne na TV 27:56
EP5 - Rute Sales Program
Contemporary Black Mov... 07:35
EP12 - Tribute to Sebastiana Arruda
Contemporary Black Mov... 03:41
EP10 - Tributo a Martin Luther King
Contemporary Black Mov... 02:46
EP19 - 1983 Black Movement - Jurema Batista
Contemporary Black Mov... 03:25
EP18 - 1983 Black Movement - Marcos Romão
Contemporary Black Mov... 03:36
EP8 - Revista Acervo - National Archive
Contemporary Black Mov... 09:45
EP7 - Reparations - Black Movement Part 3
Contemporary Black Mov... 09:45
EP6 - Reparations - Black Movement Part 2
Contemporary Black Mov... 14:53
EP5 - Reparations - Black Movement - Part 1
Contemporary Black Mov... 02:30
EP4 - Cultural chat
Contemporary Black Mov... 08:15
EP2 - Renaissance - Black Awareness Week
Contemporary Black Mov... 14:09
EP2 - Paulo Paim - Citizen of Rio
Contemporary Black Mov... 05:44
EP18 - Nigerian Connection - 3/3
Contemporary Black Mov... 04:54
EP17 - Nigerian Connection - 2/3
Contemporary Black Mov... 03:30
EP16 - Nigerian Connection - 1/3
Contemporary Black Mov... 03:29
EP5 - Club Renascença Board Members
Contemporary Black Mov... 09:07
EP1 - Marcos Romão - Black Movement
Contemporary Black Mov... 09:30
Contemporary Black Mov... 08:44
Contemporary Black Mov... 01:35
EP14 - Luiz Carlos Gá - November 20
Nossas Histórias 39:03
EP3 - Amilcar Pereira
Shows & Events of ... 00:56
EP9 - Douglas Silva -
Events and Demonstrations 09:49
EP7 - Desmond Tutu in Rio
Cultne Quarantine 1:02:33
EP3 - Urban violence