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Luiz Gama, the voice of freedom

Historian Ana Flavia Pinto and actor Deo Garcez developed a thought about the abolitionist lawyer Luiz Gama for Festival Ori, held on November 20, 2020.

Rio Parada Funk - Ep1

Rio Parada Funk turned 10 years old and couldn't do without a special edition, following all the protocols, obviously. The format changed, it became digital, the production and programming team became leaner and without an audience, to preserve everyone's lives. Streamed online, directly from Rocinha, on April 11, 2021, Rio Parada Funk digital took to smart TVs, smartphones, tablets and desktops of the funk crowd that delicious atmosphere that only baile funk provides.

Durban+20 | Against Racism Here and Now | Live #3

The III World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, held in 2001, in the city of Durban (South Africa), was a global milestone in the debate on racism and the role of States and civil society in its elimination. The Brazilian black movement and its activists played an important role in this result and in the preparatory process of organization. The event DURBAN+20 – AGAINST RACISM HERE AND NOW, a series of three lives, aims to present this history and political legacy.

Ori Festival 2020

In partnership with Open Society Foundations, Ford Foundation and Olabi, Cultne presents the Ori Festival: an online program involving technology, innovation and black culture. The ORI - Festival Digital Transmídia aims to promote the collective Afro-Brazilian memory, through audiovisual communication, in an innovative way, based on the use of new information and communication technologies in the field of digital culture. Being Ori, a word from the Yoruba language that literally means head, it refers to a spiritual intuition and destiny. The proposal of the transmedia festival was implemented in an unprecedented way the first television program made, presented and produced by Afro-Brazilians.

What is inclusion for you?

Since 2019, Escola de Música da Rocinha has been offering specialized support to children and young people with disabilities, especially those with Down Syndrome and Autism, seeking to socialize and improve the learning of these students in regular schools through the teaching of Music. This mini-documentary shows the trajectory and work that has been developed by the Escola de Música da Rocinha in the field of inclusion of people with disabilities through its Accessibility and Inclusion Center.

Afro Brazilian Orchestra on Stage Workshop

The Afro-Brazilian Orchestra was 40 years off the stage, but when he returned, in 2017, to release the CD entitled “Afro-Brazilian Orchestra 75 Years”, he surprised the national artistic scene by the quality of the work endowed with a unique sound signed by the musician , composer and baritone Carlos Negreiros. The orchestra rescued, in great style, the first erudition experience of black music in Brazil.

Marcelo Amaro Program

Program aired on March 22, 2020 on TV Alerj with the guest musician, singer and composer, Marcelo Amaro. It is a TV program that uses the richness of the Cultne collection in addition to new content in a mix of lightness and information about black culture. The program Cultne na TV is on the air at TV ALERJ, a cable TV that belongs to the legislative power of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Cultne on TV weekly show brings to television an important contribution to the diversity of the image conveyed in the Brazilian media. The program will give viewers of TV Alerj the opportunity to inform themselves, to be moved, to deconstruct prejudices, based on facts from the contemporary history of the black movement in Brazil. The program is a partnership of TV Alerj, with the Digital Collection of Black Culture, having been contemplated with the resources of the Edital Viva o Cinema of Rio Filme / City Hall of Rio de Janeiro in 2015. CULTNE, a site that brings together a great audiovisual content of important moments in the recent history of Afro-Brazilians. These are moments that portray cultural, artistic and sporting events, a material that contributes to the originality of the program. Divided into two blocks and lasting twenty-eight minutes, the program has the format of a studio interview. Presenter Ricardo Brasil, and the guest, will be face to face, in an engaging chat. The presenter conducts the interview having as a guideline, the display of videos on a tablet. These are videos where the guest appears acting in some historical episode, or facts that have relevance to the interviewee's life story. The idea is to contextualize the story and learn from it. The program is aimed at any and all audiences, regardless of social class, race, age, religion and sex. It is an attraction that will give everyone the opportunity to know the past in order to rethink the present.

Ori Festival - Altay Veloso _ Daughters of Zambi

Singer and composer Altay Veloso who composed with partner Paulo Cesar Feital the Music Filhas de Zambi participated live at the Ori Festival. In partnership with Open Society Foundations, Ford Foundation and Olabi, Cultne presented the Ori Festival: an online program involving technology, innovation and black culture on November 20, 2020.

Black Clips in Power - João Drama

"Music clip" "Pretos no Topo" "by João Drama - Instrumental: Cotty Bass - Recording / Mix / Master: Cotty Bass in Big Monster Studio WebVideo: Douglas Pina - @douglaslealpina - Pounds translator and interpreter - @ marylima2735 "

Ori Festival - Altay Veloso _ Daughters of Zambi

Singer and composer Altay Veloso who composed with partner Paulo Cesar Feital the Music Filhas de Zambi participated live at the Ori Festival. In partnership with Open Society Foundations, Ford Foundation and Olabi, Cultne presented the Ori Festival: an online program involving technology, innovation and black culture on November 20, 2020.