Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 7/8
Launch of Abdias Nascimento's biography for the collection "Great Figures That Honored the Senate" which took place on August 26, 2015 at an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Afro-descendant community in Rio de Janeiro.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP3 - Abdias Nascimento 2013 Award - Elisa Larkin
Abdias Nascimento 2013 Award - Elisa Larkin
The National Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award aims to encourage journalism that contributes to the prevention, combat and elimination of racism and racial discrimination. With images from the Cultne Collection, Elisa Larkin talks about the launch of the 3rd Abdias Nascimento National Journalist Award: "It's what would best suit Abdias. It's an initiative that has impact, continuity and that mobilizes and creates spaces to increase ? awareness of the entire population about what the racial issue means in Brazil".
Abdias do Nascimento
EP2 - Launch of the Abdias Nascimento 2013 Award - Pt1
Launch of the Abdias Nascimento 2013 Award - Pt1
Launch Abdias Nascimento Award 2013 at the headquarters of the Union of Journalists of the State of Rio de Janeiro, headed by COJIRA - Rio.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP1 - 1st Abdias Nascimento Award Party
1st Abdias Nascimento Award Party
Delivery of the 1st Abdias Nascimento Journalism Award, in 2011. November 7, at Teatro Oi Casa Grande. Rio de Janeiro - RJ. Were the winners of the seven categories (Print Media, Television, Radio, Internet, Alternative or Community Media, Photography and Special Gender Journalist Antonieta de Barros) awarded at a memorable party? which brought together authorities, journalists, activists from different sectors of our society.

Abdias do Nascimento
EP20 - Experimental Black Theater - Abdias Nascimento
Experimental Black Theater - Abdias Nascimento
Abstract: In October 1944 in Rio de Janeiro a group formed by black women and men, having as its leader the black activist Abdias do Nascimento was created: the Experimental Black Theater. Its prime aim was to give black actors and actresses conditions to take to stage characters free from the stereotyped vision that was being reproduced and absorbed specially after the 19th century. Black people represented in an inhumane way were about to be ignored, to make room for the Negro with his own questions and dilemmas. The white actor painted black, so common in the Brazilian theater, would also be substituted. Widely the group initiative also represented the refuse of a role, not only in theater, but also in society, that the stage represented very clearly. Considered the subject of his own destiny the blacks were asked to assume a great part of the responsibility to himself integrated, but always claiming for real integration conditions. This objective was determinant for the development of a wide proposal of the group. And the investigation of its trajectory and its strategy of action shows the way this important initiative of the Brazilian black movement was it connected to its context.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP19 - Clip of the Abdias Nascimento Award
Clip of the Abdias Nascimento Award
The Abdias Nascimento Award was presented on November 7, 2011, in Rio de Janeiro. The ceremony to deliver the National Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award took place at the Oi Casa Grande Theater, in Leblon (RJ). The winners of the seven categories (Print Media, Television, Radio, Internet, Alternative or Community Media, Photography and Special Gender Journalist Antonieta de Barros) were honored at a memorable party that brought together authorities, journalists, militants from different sectors of our society.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP18 - Abdias Nascimento - Centenary of Abolition 1988
Abdias Nascimento - Centenary of Abolition 1988
Institutional video broadcast on national television on the occasion of the launch of the 1988 Centenary of Abolition and the creation of the Palmares Foundation - Ministry of Culture - Jose Sarney Government.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP17 - 1983 Black Movement - Abdias Nascimento
1983 Black Movement - Abdias Nascimento
On November 20, 1983, the Black Movement marched through the streets of downtown Rio, fighting racism and racial inequalities. In front of the demonstrations, black leaders like Abdias Nascimento, at the time a federal deputy for the PDT of Leonel Brizola.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP16 - Marcelo Dias - I Abdias Nascimento Award
Marcelo Dias - I Abdias Nascimento Award
Cultne listened to Marcelo Dias, the superintendent of SEPPIR during the closing ceremony of the Abdias Nascimento Award, which was presented on November 7, 2011, in Rio de Janeiro. The ceremony to deliver the National Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award took place at the Oi Casa Grande Theater, in Leblon (RJ). The winners of the seven categories (Print Media, Television, Radio, Internet, Alternative or Community Media, Photography and Special Gender Journalist Antonieta de Barros) were honored at a memorable party that brought together authorities, journalists, militants from different sectors of our society.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP15 - João Batista - 1st Abdias Nascimento Award
João Batista - 1st Abdias Nascimento Award
Cultne listened to Professor João Batista, during the closing ceremony of the Abdias Nascimento Award, which was presented on November 7, 2011, in Rio de Janeiro. The ceremony to deliver the National Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award took place at the Oi Casa Grande Theater, in Leblon (RJ). The winners of the seven categories (Print Media, Television, Radio, Internet, Alternative or Community Media, Photography and Special Gender Journalist Antonieta de Barros) were honored at a memorable party that brought together authorities, journalists, militants from different sectors of our society.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP14 - Januário Garcia - I Abdias Nascimento Award
Januário Garcia - I Abdias Nascimento Award
Cultne listened to the photographer and activist of the black movement, Januário Garcia, during the closing ceremony of the Abdias Nascimento Award, which was presented on November 7, 2011, in Rio de Janeiro. The ceremony to deliver the National Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award took place at the Oi Casa Grande Theater, in Leblon (RJ).
Abdias do Nascimento
EP13 - Angelica Basthi - I Abdias Nascimento Award
Angelica Basthi - I Abdias Nascimento Award
Cultne listened to Angelica Basthi, coordinator of the Abdias Nascimento Award, which was presented on November 7, 2011, in Rio de Janeiro. The ceremony to deliver the National Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award took place at the Oi Casa Grande Theater, in Leblon (RJ). The winners of the seven categories (Print Media, Television, Radio, Internet, Alternative or Community Media, Photography and Special Gender Journalist Antonieta de Barros) were honored at a memorable party that brought together authorities, journalists, militants from different sectors of our society.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP12 - Premio Abdias - Internet
Premio Abdias - Internet
The Cultne team listened to the winners of the Internet category, at the invitation of the Union of Professional Journalists of the State of Rio de Janeiro and the Commission of Journalists for Racial Equality - Cojira-Rio registered the award party of the National Journalist Award ABDIAS NASCIMENTO that has the purpose to encourage the production of journalistic content that contributes to the prevention, combat and elimination of all forms of manifestation of racism and racial discrimination.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP11 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento / Telejournalism Award
Journalist Abdias Nascimento / Telejournalism Award
Cultne listened to Vera Valério from TV Educativa - Alagoas, winner of the Telejournalism category during the closing ceremony of the Abdias Nascimento Award, which was presented on November 7, 2011, in Rio de Janeiro. The award ceremony took place at the Oi Casa Grande Theater, in Leblon (RJ). The winners of the seven categories (Print Media, Television, Radio, Internet, Alternative or Community Media, Photography and Special Gender Journalist Antonieta de Barros) were honored at a memorable party that brought together authorities, journalists, militants from different sectors of our society.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP10 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento / Radio Award
Journalist Abdias Nascimento / Radio Award
Cultne listened to Leandro Lacerda of Rádio CBN - Rio, winners of the Radio category during the closing ceremony of the Abdias Nascimento Award, which was presented on November 7, 2011, in Rio de Janeiro. The award ceremony took place at the Oi Casa Grande Theater, in Leblon (RJ). The winners of the seven categories (Print Media, Television, Radio, Internet, Alternative or Community Media, Photography and Special Gender Journalist Antonieta de Barros) were honored at a memorable party that brought together authorities, journalists, militants from different sectors of our society.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP9 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Print Media
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Print Media
Cultne escuchó a Conceição Freitas del Correio Brasiliense, ganador de la categoría Medios Impresos durante la ceremonia de clausura del Premio Abdias Nascimento que fue entregado el 7 de noviembre de 2011 en Río de Janeiro. La entrega de premios tuvo lugar en el Teatro Oi Casa Grande, en Leblon (RJ). Los ganadores de las siete categorías (Prensa escrita, Televisión, Radio, Internet, Medios alternativos o comunitarios, Fotografía y Periodista especial de género Antonieta de Barros) fueron homenajeados en una fiesta memorable que reunió a autoridades, periodistas, militantes de diferentes sectores de nuestra sociedad.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP8 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento / Alternative Media Award
Journalist Abdias Nascimento / Alternative Media Award
Cultne listened to Jorge Américo and Eduardo Sales of Jornal Brasil de Fato, winners of the Alternative Media category during the closing ceremony of the Abdias Nascimento Award that was delivered on November 7, 2011, in Rio de Janeiro. The award ceremony took place at the Oi Casa Grande Theater, in Leblon (RJ). The winners of the seven categories (Print Media, Television, Radio, Internet, Alternative or Community Media, Photography and Special Gender Journalist Antonieta de Barros) were honored at a memorable party that brought together authorities, journalists, militants from different sectors of our society.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP7 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento / Photography Award
Journalist Abdias Nascimento / Photography Award
Cultne listened to Domingos Peixoto of Jornal O Globo, winner of the Photography category during the closing ceremony of the Abdias Nascimento Award, which was presented on November 7, 2011, in Rio de Janeiro. The award ceremony took place at the Oi Casa Grande Theater, in Leblon (RJ). The winners of the seven categories (Print Media, Television, Radio, Internet, Alternative or Community Media, Photography and Special Gender Journalist Antonieta de Barros) were honored at a memorable party that brought together authorities, journalists, militants from different sectors of our society.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP6 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Suzana Blass
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Suzana Blass
In an interview with Cultne, the president of the Union of Professional Journalists of Rio de Janeiro, Suzana Blass during the ceremony to launch the Abdias Nascimento Award, spoke of her support and the importance of the award and the legacy of Abdias do Nascimento to the Afro-descendant community .
Abdias do Nascimento
EP5 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Sandra Martins
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Sandra Martins
A member of COJIRA-Rio and one of the creators of the National Abdias Nascimento Award, journalist Sandra Martins spoke to Cultne about the importance of the award and Abdias do Nascimento's legacy for the Afro-descendant community.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP4 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Paulo Roberto dos Santos
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Paulo Roberto dos Santos
Cultne recorded the message from President Paulo Roberto dos Santos "Paulão" from CEDINE - State Council for the Rights of the Negro about the launch of the Abdias Nascimento National Award. Among CEDINE's attributions, the promotion of citizenship of the black population and equity in gender social relations stands out, providing advice to government agencies, issuing opinions and monitoring the elaboration of programs and projects developed by the government, in addition to promoting the articulation and integration of government programs in the various instances of direct and indirect public administration, with regard to public policies for equal rights and opportunity for black people.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP3 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award - Muniz Sodré
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award - Muniz Sodré
Sociologist and professor Muniz Sodré spoke of the importance of the Journalistic Award Abdias Nascimento to Cultne during its launch. Muniz Sodré de Araújo Cabral (São Gonçalo dos Campos, January 12, 1942) has two daughters, three granddaughters and is currently married to UFRJ professor Raquel Paiva. He is a journalist, sociologist and Brazilian translator, professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, at the School of Communication. He currently holds the position of director of the National Library. He is a Brazilian and Latin American researcher in the field of Communication and Journalism. He directed TV Educativa. He published almost a hundred books and articles, in the area of ??communication (journalism in particular) but also fiction books and a novel (The animal that arrived at the fair), some books made him more known in the area, such as Monopoly of Speech (about television discourse) and Grotesque Communication (about TV programs that exploit scandals and aberrations). One of the few Brazilian theoreticians who has circulation and respectability abroad, that is why he is a professor and speaker at several institutions in countries such as Sweden, France, USA, Spain, Portugal, Colombia, Bolivia, Uruguay, Peru among others.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP2 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Miriam Leitão
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Miriam Leitão
In an interview with Cultne, journalist Miriam Leitão, who participated in the launch ceremony of the Abdias Nascimento Award, spoke about the importance of the award and Abdias do Nascimento's legacy for the Afro-descendant community.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP1 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Marcos Romão
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Marcos Romão
In an interview with Cultne, militant Marcos Romão, present at the launch of the Abdias Nascimento Award, spoke about the importance of the award and Abdias do Nascimento's legacy for the Afro-descendant community.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP20 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award - Luiza Bairros
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award - Luiza Bairros
Minister Luiza Bairros visiting Rio de Janeiro, spoke to Cultne during the launch of the National Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP19 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award - Januário Garcia
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award - Januário Garcia
Present at the launch of the National Abdias Nascimento Award, photographer Januário Garcia spoke to Cultne about the importance of the award and Abdias do Nascimento's legacy for the Afro-descendant community.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP18 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Ivanir dos Santos
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Ivanir dos Santos
In an interview with Cultne, militant Ivanir dos Santos, present at the launch of the Abdias Nascimento Award, spoke about the importance of the award and Abdias do Nascimento's legacy for the Afro-descendant community.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP17 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Humberto Adami
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Humberto Adami
Attending the launch of the Abdias Nascimento National Award, lawyer Humberto Adami spoke to Cultne about the importance of the award and Abdias do Nascimento's legacy for the Afro-descendant community.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP16 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award - Fezinha
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award - Fezinha
Present at the launch of the Abdias Nascimento National Award, coordinator of the Forum of Black Christian Women, Maria da Fé (Fezinha) Humberto Adami spoke to Cultne about the importance of the award and Abdias do Nascimento's legacy for the Afro-descendant community.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP15 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award - Elisa Larkin Nascimento
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award - Elisa Larkin Nascimento
IPEAFRO professor, doctor and director, Elisa Larkin Nascimento spoke to Cultne during the launch of the Abdias Nascimento National Award. Elisa Larkin Nascimento holds a PhD in psychology from USP, author of the book The color charm: Identity, race and gender in Brazil and a researcher at the Institute for Afro-Brazilian Research and Studies, Rio (IPEAFRO).
Abdias do Nascimento
EP14 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award - Carlos Alberto Caó
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award - Carlos Alberto Caó
Carlos Alberto CAÓ Oliveira dos Santos spoke to Cultne about the launch of the Journalist Abdias do Nascimento award, he was president of the Union of Journalists of the State of Rio de Janeiro in the 90s. Carlos Alberto CAÓ's political trajectory is marked by firm commitments and engagement in the social and political struggles that the Brazilian people have been waging, aiming to build social coexistence based on the principles of social justice and equality.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP13 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Angelica Basthi
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Angelica Basthi
A member of COJIRA-Rio and one of the creators of the National Abdias Nascimento Award, journalist Angelica Basthi spoke to Cultne about the importance of the award and Abdias do Nascimento's legacy for the Afro-descendant community.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP12 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Ana Toni
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Ana Toni
In an interview with Cultne, Ana Toni, Ford Foundation representative who supported the launch of the Abdias Nascimento Award, spoke about the importance of the award and Abdias do Nascimento's legacy for the Afro-descendant community.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP11 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Ana Davis
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Ana Davis
In an interview with Cultne, journalist Angela Davis who presented the launch ceremony of the Abdias Nascimento Award, spoke about the importance of the award and Abdias do Nascimento's legacy for the Afro-descendant community.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP10 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Amauri Silva
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Amauri Silva
In an interview with Cultne, the coordinator of SEPPIR-RJ, Amauri Silva during the ceremony to launch the Abdias Nascimento Award, spoke about the importance of the award and Abdias do Nascimento's legacy for the Afro-descendant community.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP9 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award
Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award
The Cultne team at the invitation of the Union of Professional Journalists of the State of Rio de Janeiro and the Commission of Journalists for Racial Equality - Cojira-Rio presented this video at the launch of the National Journalist Award ABDIAS NASCIMENTO which aims to stimulate the production of journalistic content that contribute to the prevention, combat and elimination of all forms of manifestation of racism and racial discrimination.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP8 - Ethiopian Lion of Méier - 2016
Ethiopian Lion of Méier - 2016
The production was by the collective Leão Etíope do Méier in honor of the life and work of the great Abdias do Nascimento, one of the greatest black militants in history! The event featured interspersed moments of debates, testimonies, cinema, theatrical performances and music in celebration. There were Nathalia Grilo, Elisa Larkin Nascimento, Asfilofio (Dom Filó), Carmen Luz, Renato Noguera and Zezé Motta. And more shows with the group Feijão Coletivo, group Afrolaje, group Favela Brass, Guerreiros da Guia, group Comanches, Abayomy Afrobeat Orchestra. And more exhibition of films and short films by Cine Giro, live graffiti with Cazé and DJ Rajão.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP7 - Ethiopian Lion - Renato Noguera - 2
Ethiopian Lion - Renato Noguera - 2
Cultne recorded with images and editing by Filó Filho and Alexandre Xandão the festival "Viva Abdias" in Jardim do Méier on September 1, 2016. On this occasion, we recorded the speech of Professor Renato Noguera. The production was by the collective Leão Etíope do Méier in honor of the life and work of the great Abdias do Nascimento, one of the greatest black militants in history!
Abdias do Nascimento
EP6 - Ethiopian Lion - Nathalia Grilo
Ethiopian Lion - Nathalia Grilo
The production was made by the collective Leão Etíope do Méier in honor of the life and work of the great Abdias do Nascimento, one of the greatest black militants in history! The event featured interspersed moments of debates, testimonies, cinema, theatrical performances and music in celebration. There were Nathalia Grilo, Elisa Larkin Nascimento, Asfilofio (Dom Filó), Carmen Luz, Renato Noguera and Zezé Motta. And more shows with the group Feijão Coletivo, group Afrolaje, group Favela Brass, Guerreiros da Guia, group Comanches, Abayomy Afrobeat Orchestra. And more exhibition of films and short films by Cine Giro, live graffiti with Cazé and DJ Rajão.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP5 - Leão Ethiopian - Grupo Feijão Coletivo
Leão Ethiopian - Grupo Feijão Coletivo
Cultne recorded with images and editing by Filó Filho and Alexandre Xandão the festival "Viva Abdias" in Jardim do Méier on September 1, 2016, when we recorded the performance of the musical group Feijão Coletivo. The production was by the collective Leão Etíope do Méier in honor of the life and work of the great Abdias do Nascimento, one of the greatest black militants in history!
Abdias do Nascimento
EP4 - Ethiopian Lion - Favela Brass
Ethiopian Lion - Favela Brass
Cultne recorded with images and editing by Filó Filho and Alexandre Xandão the festival "Viva Abdias" in Jardim do Méier on September 1, 2016, when we interviewed the kids and the musician responsible for the Favela Brass Project, which has been offering classes since 2014. free music and English for children in the Pereirão favela in the Laranjeiras neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro. The production was by the collective Leão Etíope do Méier in honor of the life and work of the great Abdias do Nascimento, one of the greatest black militants in history
Abdias do Nascimento
EP3 - Ethiopian Lion - Emaye Ama Mizani
Ethiopian Lion - Emaye Ama Mizani
The production was made by the collective Leão Etíope do Méier in honor of the life and work of the great Abdias do Nascimento, one of the greatest black militants in history! The event featured interspersed moments of debates, testimonies, cinema, theatrical performances and music in celebration. There were Nathalia Grilo, Elisa Larkin Nascimento, Asfilofio (Dom Filó), Carmen Luz, Renato Noguera and Zezé Motta. And more shows with the group Feijão Coletivo, group Afrolaje, group Favela Brass, Guerreiros da Guia, group Comanches, Abayomy Afrobeat Orchestra. And more exhibition of films and short films by Cine Giro, live graffiti with Cazé and DJ Rajão.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP2 - Ethiopian Lion - Elisa Larkin Nascimento
Ethiopian Lion - Elisa Larkin Nascimento
The production was made by the collective Leão Etíope do Méier in honor of the life and work of the great Abdias do Nascimento, one of the greatest black militants in history! The event featured interspersed moments of debates, testimonies, cinema, theatrical performances and music in celebration. There were Nathalia Grilo, Elisa Larkin Nascimento, Asfilofio (Dom Filó), Carmen Luz, Renato Noguera and Zezé Motta. And more shows with the group Feijão Coletivo, group Afrolaje, group Favela Brass, Guerreiros da Guia, group Comanches, Abayomy Afrobeat Orchestra. And more exhibition of films and short films by Cine Giro, live graffiti with Cazé and DJ Rajão.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP1 - Ethiopian Lion - Public Class - Renato Noguera
Ethiopian Lion - Public Class - Renato Noguera
Cultne recorded with images and editing by Filó Filho and Alexandre Xandão the festival "Viva Abdias" in the garden of Méier on September 1, 2016. On the occasion, the philosopher and professor Renato Noguera gave a public class. The production was by the collective Leão Etíope do Méier in honor of the life and work of the great Abdias do Nascimento, one of the greatest black militants in history!
Abdias do Nascimento
EP20 - Abdias and Slavery Repair - OAB RJ and Ipeafro
Abdias and Slavery Repair - OAB RJ and Ipeafro
Cultne registered on September 12, 2019 at the headquarters of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB / RJ) in downtown Rio de Janeiro, the event Abdias and the Reparation of Slavery, which counted on a partnership between the Afro Research and Studies Institute -Brazilians (IPEAFRO) and the State Commission for the Truth of Black Slavery in Brazil (CEVENB-OAB / RJ). The books "The tradition of the orixás" and "O Quilombismo" were launched on the occasion.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP19 - Abdias and Slavery Repair - Milsoul Santos
Abdias and Slavery Repair - Milsoul Santos
Cultne registered on September 12, 2019 at the headquarters of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB / RJ) in downtown Rio de Janeiro, the event Abdias and the Reparation of Slavery, which counted on a partnership between the Afro Research and Studies Institute -Brazilians (IPEAFRO) and the State Commission for the Truth of Black Slavery in Brazil (CEVENB-OAB / RJ). On that occasion, the poet and writer of IPEAFRO, Milsoul Santos spoke to Cultne about his performance in the poem "Padê de Exu" by Abdias Nascimento.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP18 - Abdias and Slavery Repair - Luiz Claudio Oliveira
Abdias and Slavery Repair - Luiz Claudio Oliveira
Cultne registered on September 12, 2019 at the headquarters of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB / RJ) in downtown Rio de Janeiro, the event Abdias and the Reparation of Slavery, which counted on a partnership between the Afro Research and Studies Institute -Brazilians (IPEAFRO) and the State Commission for the Truth of Black Slavery in Brazil (CEVENB-OAB / RJ). At the opportunity, the professor and writer Luiz Claudio de Oliveira.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP17 - Abdias and the Repair of Slavery - Ivone Caetano
Abdias and the Repair of Slavery - Ivone Caetano
Cultne registered on September 12, 2019 at the headquarters of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB / RJ) in downtown Rio de Janeiro, the event Abdias and the Reparation of Slavery, which counted on a partnership between the Afro Research and Studies Institute -Brazilians (IPEAFRO) and the State Commission for the Truth of Black Slavery in Brazil (CEVENB-OAB / RJ). On the occasion, Judge Ivone Caetano spoke to Cultne.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP16 - Abdias and the Repair of Slavery - Humberto Adami
Abdias and the Repair of Slavery - Humberto Adami
Cultne registered on September 12, 2019 at the headquarters of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB / RJ) in downtown Rio de Janeiro, the event Abdias and the Reparation of Slavery, which counted on a partnership between the Afro Research and Studies Institute -Brazilians (IPEAFRO) and the State Commission for the Truth of Black Slavery in Brazil (CEVENB-OAB / RJ). On the occasion, lawyer Humberto Adami, president of the State Commission for the Truth of Black Slavery in Brazil, spoke to Cultne.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP15 - Abdias and the Repair of Slavery - Elisa Larkin
Abdias and the Repair of Slavery - Elisa Larkin
Cultne registered on September 12, 2019 at the headquarters of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB / RJ) in downtown Rio de Janeiro, the event Abdias and the Reparation of Slavery, which counted on a partnership between the Afro Research and Studies Institute -Brazilians (IPEAFRO) and the State Commission for the Truth of Black Slavery in Brazil (CEVENB-OAB / RJ). At the opportunity, the director of Ipeafro, Elisa larkin spoke about "O Quilombismo" by Abdias Nascimento.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP14 - Abdias Nascimento profile
Abdias Nascimento profile
The video tells the story of TEN - Teatro Experimental do Negro founded by Abdias do Nascimento. In an interview, abdias himself talks about the reasons that led him to create TEN, from which many black actors and black actresses came from. TEN gave opportunity, gave the chance for actors to learn and develop. Upon returning to Brazil, he was arrested because of racism and political issues. At the Carandirú penitentiary he creates the sentenced theater, where he once again takes on art as a form of resistance and transformation.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP13 - Candidate Abdias do Nascimento - Part 3
Candidate Abdias do Nascimento - Part 3
Part of the speech given by candidate Abdias do Nascimento, at the time (1982), candidate for federal deputy for the PDT in a ceremony at the Associação Cultura de Frevo Pás Douradas in Realengo, west zone of Rio de Janeiro. There were: Deputy José Miguel, Ananias, Paulo Nunes, Leather Hat, Eliza Larkin, among others.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP12 - Candidate Abdias do Nascimento - Part 2
Candidate Abdias do Nascimento - Part 2
Part of the speech given by candidate Abdias do Nascimento, at the time (1982), candidate for federal deputy for the PDT in a ceremony at the Associação Cultura de Frevo Pás Douradas in Realengo, west zone of Rio de Janeiro. There were: Deputy José Miguel, Ananias, Paulo Nunes, Leather Hat, Eliza Larkin, among others.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP11 - Candidate Abdias do Nascimento - Part 1
Candidate Abdias do Nascimento - Part 1
Part of the speech given by candidate Abdias do Nascimento, at the time (1982), candidate for federal deputy for the PDT in a ceremony at the Associação Cultura de Frevo Pás Douradas in Realengo, west zone of Rio de Janeiro. There were: Deputy José Miguel, Ananias, Paulo Nunes, Leather Hat, Eliza Larkin, among others.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP10 - Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 8/8
Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 8/8
Launch of Abdias Nascimento's biography for the collection "Great Figures That Honored the Senate" which took place on August 26, 2015 at an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Afro-descendant community in Rio de Janeiro.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP9 - Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 7/8
Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 7/8
Launch of Abdias Nascimento's biography for the collection "Great Figures That Honored the Senate" which took place on August 26, 2015 at an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Afro-descendant community in Rio de Janeiro.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP8 - Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 6/8
Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 6/8
Launch of Abdias Nascimento's biography for the collection "Great Figures That Honored the Senate" which took place on August 26, 2015 at an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Afro-descendant community in Rio de Janeiro.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP7 - Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 5/8
Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 5/8
Launch of Abdias Nascimento's biography for the collection "Great Figures That Honored the Senate" which took place on August 26, 2015 at an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Afro-descendant community in Rio de Janeiro.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP6 - Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 4/8
Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 4/8
Launch of Abdias Nascimento's biography for the collection "Great Figures That Honored the Senate" which took place on August 26, 2015 at an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Afro-descendant community in Rio de Janeiro.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP5 - Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 3/8
Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Pt 3/8
Launch of Abdias Nascimento's biography for the collection "Great Figures That Honored the Senate" which took place on August 26, 2015 at an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Afro-descendant community in Rio de Janeiro.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP4 - Release of the biography of Abdias do Nascimento - EP 02
Release of the biography of Abdias do Nascimento - EP 02
Launch of the biography of the great leader Abdias Nascimento for the collection "Grandes Vultos Que Honou o Senado" that took place in August 2015 in an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Rio de Janeiro Afro-descendant community.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP3 - Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Ep 01
Release of the biography of Abdias Nascimento - Ep 01
Launch of the biography of the great leader Abdias Nascimento for the collection "Grandes Vultos Que Honou o Senado" that took place in August 2015 in an event held by IPEAFRO with the presence of personalities and members of the Rio de Janeiro Afro-descendant community.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP2 - Zombie March is Alive - 1983
Zombie March is Alive - 1983
Marcha Zumbi is Alive 1983 - Speech by Abdias do Nascimento. On November 19, the Black Movement took to the streets of downtown Rio, fighting racism and racial inequalities. In front of the demonstration, black leaders such as federal deputy Abdias do Nascimento.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP2 - Negro Experimental Theater - Abdias Nascimento
Negro Experimental Theater - Abdias Nascimento
TEN fue fundada y dirigida por Abdias do Nascimento. El debut de la compañía fue en 1945, con Emperor Jones. Eugene O'Neill cedió los derechos para montar el texto de forma gratuita. La elección se justificó por la ausencia, en la dramaturgia brasileña de la época, de obras que contemplaran el problema racial.
Abdias do Nascimento
EP1 - Abdias do Nascimento
Abdias do Nascimento
Abdias dos Nascimento, the great Brazilian Griot talks about the trajectory of the black struggle in Brazil. Abdias do Nascimento was an actor, director and playwright. Militant in the fight against racial discrimination and for the valorization of black culture. He is responsible for the creation of Teatro Experimental do Negro, which operates in Rio de Janeiro between 1944 and 1968 and is the first company to promote the inclusion of the Afro-descendant artist in the Brazilian theatrical panorama.
EP13 - Black Literature: and Anti-Racist Education
EP2 - Black People and Politics
EP10 - Sortilegio, By Abdias Nascimento
EP17 - Sortilegio, By Abdias Nascimento
EP2 - Abdias Nascimento, the Struggle in Politics
EP12 - Abdias Nascimento, a Panamanian artist.
Cultne na TV
EP13 - Tom Farias Program
Contemporary Black Mov...
EP8 - Polemic Monteiro Lobato - Current Affairs Program - Part 2
Januário Garcia
EP2 - Januário Garcia - I Abdias Nascimento Award
EP9 - Abdias Nascimento's spell
EP6 - Seminar & Exhibition - MAC Niterói - Pt1
EP5 - 1st Abdias Nascimento Award Party
EP3 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento / Radio Award
EP2 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Print Media
EP20 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento / Photography Award
EP18 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award - Fezinha
EP17 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Ana Toni
EP15 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Ana Davis
EP14 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Amauri Silva
EP11 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Marcos Romão
Events and Demonstrations
EP11 - Book Release of Ilê Axé Opô Afonjá
EP5 - grandma's lamp
Ori Festival
EP1 - Nelson Maca Interview
Shows and Events
EP13 - Music Poem of Senegal - Musical Encounter Teatro Rival BR
Theater Shows
EP13 - CORPAS - Poem "Manifesta Corpas" by Simone Ricco
Altay Veloso
EP11 - "Lábios de Cuba Libre" by Cultne Ediçôes
Altay Veloso
EP7 - Altay Veloso - Letter to the President of the Palmares Foundation
Live Black Movement
EP5 - MAN - Museum of Black Art
Social media