Protest march to Jair Bolsonaro in Rio de Janeiro - Ep 02

The prof. Dr. Babalawo Ivanir dos Santos was present at the protest alongside thousands of people who criticized the President of the Republic Jair Bolsonaro, on Saturday morning, October 2, 2021. The protest in Rio de Janeiro for “Out, Bolsonaro ” brought together the broadest spectrum of political parties, unions and social movements. It was one of the biggest recent acts held in the capital of Rio de Janeiro in terms of number of people: it is estimated that 70,000 protesters took to the streets of the central region of the city.

Protest march to Jair Bolsonaro in Rio de Janeiro - Ep 01

The prof. Dr. Babalawo Ivanir dos Santos was present at the protest alongside thousands of people who criticized the President of the Republic Jair Bolsonaro, on Saturday morning, October 2, 2021. The protest in Rio de Janeiro for “Out, Bolsonaro ” brought together the broadest spectrum of political parties, unions and social movements. It was one of the biggest recent acts held in the capital of Rio de Janeiro in terms of number of people: it is estimated that 70,000 protesters took to the streets of the central region of the city.

X Walk in Defense of Religious Freedom - 2017

Cultne with images and editing by Alexandre Dias, Pedro Oliveira and Filó Filho recorded the 10th Walk in Defense of Religious Freedom on the 17th of September 2017 on the Copacabana beachfront, in Rio de Janeiro, bringing together about 50 thousand people, bringing together mostly faithful of Afro-Brazilian origin religions, but also representatives of Christian churches, the Jewish community and other religions (Baha'i, Wicca, Kardecist, Buddhist and Hare Krishna).

Summary Commissions - CPI Religious Intolerance

Summary Program of the Commissions on the CPI on Religious Intolerance held on August 24, 2021 at Alerj.

Religious Intolerance - Alerj Debate 2019

Program Alerj Debate held on August 15, 2019 at TV Alerj studios under the command of journalist Fernanda Nogueira, with the participation of deputy Mônica Francisco; the teacher and babalawo Ivanir dos Santos; and babalorixã Jonhy de Odé.
Prof. Dr. Babalawo Iva... 29:31
EP5 - Ivanir dos Santos Program

Ivanir dos Santos Program

Cultne on TV program presented by Carlos Alberto Medeiros, aired on July 20, 2019 on TV Alerj with Prof. Dr. and babalawo Ivanir dos Santos.

III CONAPIR - Babalawo Ivanir dos Santos

Cultne recorded with images and editing by Filó Filho, interviews by Carlos Medeiros and Elias D'Yansã, the III National Conference for the Promotion of Racial Equality (III CONAPIR), which took place from November 5th to 7th, 2013, in Brasília (DF). On that occasion, Carlos Medeiros interviewed babalawo Ivanir dos Santos present at the III CONAPIR.
Prof. Dr. Babalawo Iva... 06:19
EP3 - I Favela and Periphery Meeting - 1985

I Favela and Periphery Meeting - 1985

Enugbarijô registered on October 19, 1985, the 1st Encounter of Favela and Periphery promoted by ASSEAF - Funabem Alumni Association, which at that time was in charge of Ivanir dos Santos.

Journalist Abdias Nascimento Award / Ivanir dos Santos

In an interview with Cultne, militant Ivanir dos Santos, present at the launch of the Abdias Nascimento Award, spoke about the importance of the award and Abdias do Nascimento's legacy for the Afro-descendant community.

Night of the Stars - Ivanir dos Santos

Ivanir dos Santos receiving the Black Stars award held in the city of Volta Redonda in 1985. The event featured the presentation of Filó Filho and actress Dill Costa. Ivanir dos Santos, is babalawo (kind of cardinal, in the hierarchy of African religions) and secretary of the Center for Articulation of Marginalized Populations (CEAP), in Rio de Janeiro.
Cultne na TV 27:32
EP17 - DJ A Program
Cultne na TV 27:56
EP5 - Rute Sales Program
Cultne na TV 28:02
EP2 - Zulu 4-O Program
Cultne na TV 29:00
EP7 -
Cultne na TV 27:42
EP4 - Tia Ju Program
Contemporary Black Mov... 12:49
EP3 - TV Alerj - Filó Filho - Pt 2
Contemporary Black Mov... 13:16
EP2 - TV Alerj - Filó Filho - Pt 1
TV Alerj 00:30:53
EP21 - João Loroza
TV Alerj 00:28:18
EP20 - Deise Nunes
TV Alerj 00:29:25
EP14 - Juliana França
TV Alerj 00:28:46
EP10 - Leilane Ribeiro
TV Alerj 00:29:15
EP7 - Wilson Rabelo
TV Alerj 00:31:16
EP20 - Otair Fernandes
TV Alerj 00:32:12
EP14 - Cássia Raquel
TV Alerj 00:29:13
EP13 - José Araújo
TV Alerj 00:28:11
EP12 - Elber Xavier
TV Alerj 00:28:36
EP5 - Marcos Munrimbau
TV Alerj 00:28:49
EP2 - Joana Guimarães
Black Women 13:15
EP11 - black women
samba chat 14:03
EP8 - Samba Train
Januário Garcia 28:39
EP3 - Januário Garcia Program