Nelson Mandela in Braz... 09:05
EP8 - Tribute to Nelson Mandela

Tribute to Nelson Mandela

Tribute to leader Nelson Mandela registered by the producers Enugbarijô (Ras Adauto and Vik Birkbeck) and Cor da Pele (Filó Filho and Carlos Medeiros); and images from TV Globo. The leader and statesman Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a lawyer, rebel leader and president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999, considered as the most important leader of Black Africa, winner of the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize, and Father of the Fatherland of the modern nation South African.

"Mandela among us" - Paths of Report - TV Brasil

In Mandela's centenary, TV Brasil's Caminhos da Reportagem program tells more than the story of this man capable of materializing such profound changes in society. The program shows as an example of it was, and still is, a source of hope and inspiration all over the world, especially in Brazil, a country that suffers from racism. When he was here, in 1991, he marked a generation.

Mandela - Jornal do SBT - Collection Cultne

O noticiário televisivo "Jornal do SBT", da televisão brasileira SBT, veiculou no dia 6 de dezembro de 2013 uma reportagem sobre a passagem de Nelson Mandela no Rio de Janeiro. O acervo Cultne contribui com suas imagens exclusivas do evento o Rio Abraça Nelson Mandela ocorrido em 1991 na Praça da Apoteose do Sambódromo no Rio de Janeiro para a matéria do Jornal do SBT. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela foi um advogado, líder rebelde e presidente da África do Sul de 1994 a 1999, considerado como o mais importante líder da África Negra, ganhador do Prêmio Nobel da Paz de 1993, e Pai da Pátria da moderna nação sul-africana.
Nelson Mandela in Braz... 03:59
EP5 - Nelson Mandela in Brazil

Nelson Mandela in Brazil

Images recorded by Enugbarijô (Ras Adauto e Vik Birkbeck) and edition of Acervo Cultne during Nelson Mandela's visit to Rio de Janeiro on August 2, 1991 at Praça da Apoteose. On the occasion, several artists performed, including Martinho da Vila, Tim Maia, Leci Brandão, Cidade Negra, Emílio Santiago, Alcione, Taiguara and Mombaça.
Nelson Mandela in Braz... 22:58
EP4 - Bishop Desmond Tutu at ABI - RJ

Bishop Desmond Tutu at ABI - RJ

Cor da Pele recorded on May 1, 1987 the visit of South African Bishop Desmond Tutu at ABI - Brazilian Press Association in Rio de Janeiro. South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu, an important anti-apartheid leader, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, visited Rio de Janeiro in 1987 and was received by the Black Movement, Benedita da Silva, Abdias de Nascimento, Januário Garcia, Zé Miguel, Justo , between others.
Nelson Mandela in Braz... 09:49
EP3 - Desmond Tutu in Rio

Desmond Tutu in Rio

South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu, an important anti-apartheid leader, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, visited Rio de Janeiro in 1987 and was received by the Black Movement, Benedita da Silva, Abdias de Nascimento, Januário Garcia, Zé Miguel, Justo de Carvalho, among others.
Nelson Mandela in Braz... 00:52
EP2 - Apartheid, Shame of Humanity - 1988

Apartheid, Shame of Humanity - 1988

TV Rio produced the clip "Apartheid Vergonha da Humanidade" for the Radial Filó Program. These are strong images that portray the racist regime in South Africa in the late 1980s. Apartheid (separation) was a regime of racial segregation adopted from 1948 to 1994 by the successive governments of the National Party in South Africa, in which the rights of the vast majority of the inhabitants were curtailed by the government formed by the white minority.

Anti Apharteid - Let's be Free - March 21st

Event held on March 21, 1987 - outdoors at Praça XV in Rio de Janeiro in celebration of the International Day of Struggle for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination was created by the United Nations (UN) and is celebrated on March 21 in reference to the Sharpeville Massacre.
Cultne na TV 27:56
EP5 - Rute Sales Program
Nossas Histórias 39:03
EP3 - Amilcar Pereira
André Rebouças Working... 02:12
EP1 - Beatriz Nascimento - Poem Sonho - GTAR
Events and Demonstrations 09:49
EP7 - Desmond Tutu in Rio
Cultne Quarantine 1:02:33
EP3 - Urban violence