Night of the Black Stars - Benedita

Benedita da Silva receiving the Stars Negras award held in the city of Volta Redonda in 1985. The event featured a presentation by Filó Filho and actress Dill Costa.

Benedita Speech - March 1983 - Black Movement 1983

March of 83 - Benedita da Silva speech - On November 19, 1983, the Black Movement took to the streets of downtown Rio, fighting racism and racial inequalities. In front of the demonstrations, black leaders such as councilor Benedita da Silva.

Dep. Benedita da Silva - Africa / Senegal

Present in the Brazilian delegation, the two producers Enugbarijô and Cor da Pele, registered the opening of the Memorial Goreé Almadies in Dakar, Senegal in 1986, at the opportunity, Federal Deputy Benedita da Silva was interviewed by Carlos Alberto Medeiros.

Brazilian Black Woman - Benedita da Silva

Brazilian Black Woman Project is a CULTNE initiative based on the mobilization of March 8, seen as a moment of mobilization for the achievement of rights and to discuss discrimination and moral, physical and sexual violence still suffered by women, especially black women of that country. CULTNE brings the poem by Benedita da Silva, recorded in 1987 in Senegal, on the African continent. Images from the producers Enugbarijô de Vik & Adauto; and CP-Cor da Pele by Filó Filho and Carlos Medeiros.

Blood Frontiers - Benedita da Silva

Interview with Congresswoman Benedita da Silva at the launch of the film Fronteiras de Sangue made by IPCN - Research Institute for Black Cultures at Ricamar Cinema in Copacabana. A documentary film, about 1H30M, about the peace effort in Southern Africa, directed by Mario Borgneth, from Kanemo Production and Comunication Ltd and made between 1985 and 1986.

Benedita da Silva - Zumbi 2010

Cultne recorded the message of the elected deputy, Benedita da Silva at the Zumbi dos Palmares Monument in Praça Onze, in Rio de Janeiro. Erected in 1986, in Praça Onze, with the deputy José Miguel as mentor, the monument that honors Zumbi dos Palmares received several activities with the participation of several groups of Afro culture in front of the monument to Zumbi dos Palmares. Rio de Janeiro was the first municipality to declare a holiday in honor of Zumbi dos Palmares, in 1995. Several demonstrations were held on November 20 in different neighborhoods and regions of Rio de Janeiro in memory of Zumbi, leader of Quilombo dos Palmares, in Alagoas, who died on November 20, 1695, consecrated as Black Awareness Day. The 20th of November is a symbol for the entire black movement in Brazil. The date marks the death of Zumbi dos Palmares, who died in 1695, an icon of resistance to slavery and a major mark of freedom. Although the holiday is not mandatory, 262 cities have defined, through their municipal administrations, the 20th as a milestone in the celebration of Black Awareness Day. The Black Awareness Day was instituted in the national territory to be celebrated on November 20 by law nº 10.639, of January 2003. The same law made the teaching on Afro-Brazilian History and Culture mandatory. In 262 cities, municipal laws determined a public holiday on that date, according to the Special Secretariat for Policies to Promote Racial Equality. The states with the largest number of cities that joined the 20th are Mato Grosso and Rio de Janeiro. It is noteworthy the fact that Bahia, the state with the largest contingent of black population in the country, does not have the date as a holiday in any city. The date of November 20 was chosen because it marks the death of Zumbi dos Palmares. He was killed in 1695, after being denounced by a companion and captured by the Portuguese. The day also saw the end of Quilombo dos Palmares, the largest in the country, located in Alagoas. The place was once home to more than 30,000 blacks. At the last Assembly of the Black and White Congress (Conneb), held in São Paulo, countless leaders, including those who participate in the Union of Blacks for Equality (Unegro), proposed that November 20 become a national holiday. Source:
Benedita da Silva 00:24
EP4 - Benedita da Silva

Benedita da Silva

Testimony of Mrs Benedita da Silva in 1986 in the city of Dakar, Senegal. Benedita led the Brazilian delegation during the celebrations of the Memorial Gorré-Alamadies, on the Island of Gorré - Dakar in Senegal.

Benedita da Silva - Chamber of Councilors

Deputy Benedita da Silva spoke on October 6, 2010 in the plenary of the Chamber to the Councilors on the occasion of the delivery of the Title of Honorary Citizen to Senator Paulo Paim, indicated by the leader of the Government in the Chamber, Councilor Adilson Pires (PT). On the occasion, entities and activists of the Black Movement were honored and senator Paulo Paim (PT-RS), author of the Racial Equality Statute bill, received the title of Honorary Citizen of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro.

Benedita da Silva - Centenary of Abolition 1988

Institutional video broadcast on national television on the occasion of the launch of the 1988 Centenary of Abolition and the creation of the Palmares Foundation - Ministry of Culture - Jose Sarney Government.
Benedita da Silva 01:03
EP1 - Benedita da Silva

Benedita da Silva

Benedita Sousa da Silva Sampaio (March 11, 1942). She is currently a federal deputy, having started her political career when she was elected councilor of Rio de Janeiro in 1982, after working in the Association of Favelas of the State of Rio de Janeiro. In 1986, she was elected federal deputy, and was reelected to this position in 1990. She was the 59th governor of Rio de Janeiro in 2002. She was Minister of the Special Secretariat for Labor and Social Assistance of Brazil from 01/01/2003 to 01/01 /2007 in the government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.
Contemporary Black Mov... 07:35
EP12 - Tribute to Sebastiana Arruda
Contemporary Black Mov... 04:11
EP4 - Vanda Ferreira - November 20
Contemporary Black Mov... 02:46
EP19 - 1983 Black Movement - Jurema Batista
Nossas Histórias 22:52
EP7 - Valdenia Menegon
Backyard of Madureira 02:23
EP5 - Awurê & Teresa Cristina
André Rebouças Working... 02:12
EP1 - Beatriz Nascimento - Poem Sonho - GTAR