From the Candelária massacre to the top - Robson Douglas

Former ultra marathon runner Robson Douglas had a childhood divided between life on the street, drug use and hospitalization at the State Foundation for the Welfare of Minors (FEBEM), until he became one of the members of the Candelária slaughter on the 23rd July 1993, where about 50 street children were sleeping near the Church of Candelária, in the center of Rio, when armed men surprised the children and killed seven of them. The suspects were officers of the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro.

Act against the Black Youth Genocide - 2015

Mobilization of black youth on December 3, 2015, in Madureira neighborhood in the northern part of the city of Rio de Janeiro after the slaughter where 111 shots were fired by military police at five black youths, and then tried to plant a gun in the victims' car. The dreams of the five boys were interrupted by more than 100 shots of rifles and pistols fired by PMs from the 41st BPM on November 28, 2015.
Black Youth Genocide 14:47
EP2 - Black Youth Genocide - OAB RJ

Black Youth Genocide - OAB RJ

"Genocide of Black Youth - Systemic Violence of Slavery?", event held on November 13, 2017 at the OAB auditorium in Rio de Janeiro, with an initiative of CNVENB/CFOAB - National Commission for the Truth of Black Slavery in Brazil and CVENB OAB RJ - State Commission for the Truth of Black Slavery in Brazil / OAB RJ.

Act Against the Genocide of Black Youth - Madureira

On December 3, 2015, the vast majority of black youth gathered in an act against the genocide of the black population in our country, especially the massacre of the 5 young residents in Costa Bastos, north of Rio de Janeiro who were shot. by officers of the Military Police of the State of Rio de Janeiro with more than 110 shots while inside a vehicle. Cultne was present at the act with images, interviews and editing by Pedro Oliveira and Ricardo Brasil.