Clowns - "Seu Sebastião" by Altay Veloso

Performance by Altay Veloso playing "Clowns" with the character "Seu Sebastião" from the book "Lábos de Cuba Libre", - from the author's literary work. "Lábos de Cuba Libre" is the name of a fictional nightclub in downtown Rio de Janeiro, which operated between 1957 3 1968. The most important episodes of this period, in Brazil and in the world, are discussed among the regulars of home: artists, rascals, sportsmen, ambassadors, politicians and traders all this, washed down with good doses of cuba libre.

"Lábios de Cuba Libre" by Cultne Ediçôes

"Lábios de Cuba Libre" is the name of a fictional nightclub in the center of Rio de Janeiro, which operated between 1957 and 1968. The most important episodes of this period, in Brazil and in the world, are discussed among the regulars. : artists, tricksters, sportsmen, ambassadors, politicians and merchants. The book has the Cultne Editions seal.

Altay Veloso - Fragments of the Opera "Alabet of Jerusalem"

Show "Mãe Africa" by the Awurê Group at Teatro Rival bringing to light the essence that Brazil has of the African presence that crossed the Atlantic. On this occasion, the singer, composer and writer Altay Veloso performed a section of the "Ópera Alabê de Jerusalem".

Alabê de Jerusalem - Full DVD

The Jerusalem Alabê Opera where the hues of dyes extracted from different roots are merged to make possible a new, original, fertile and bold painting. This is the Alabê de Jerusalem, the African saga of Dahomey, a contemporary and friend of Jesus Christ, who today, 2,000 years later, returns to Earth to tell us his story. The musical and poetic richness, the exquisite scenic construction, the 250 costumes, combined with a ballet with 24 dancers, a choir of 15 singers rocked by the musical score recorded by an orchestra of 86 musicians, give rise to a Brazilian work for these we have to globalize consciousness and above all materialize a spectacle-celebration of tolerance and love.

Mother Africa - Altay Veloso

Emblematic video of the opening of the ORI Festival - Head in Conscience. Direction: David Obadia, Mauricio Eiras and Asfilófio Filho; Director of photography and editing: David Obadia; Poetry and soundtrack: Altay Veloso; Actresses: Léa Garcia, Cida Moreno and Lilian Amancai; Digi2 Filmes / Cultne coproduction

Altay Veloso - Letter to the President of the Palmares Foundation

Open letter to Mr. Sergio Camargo, president of Fundação Palmares in June 2020. The poem letter by Altay Veloso, with Video and subtitles from PH2 Filmes and artistic editing by Cultne. The origin of the letter is due to the controversy between the President of the Palmares Foundation, Sergio Camargo, contrary to the issues of the black community and the singer Alcione.

Ori Festival - Altay Veloso _ Daughters of Zambi

Singer and composer Altay Veloso who composed with partner Paulo Cesar Feital the Music Filhas de Zambi participated live at the Ori Festival. In partnership with Open Society Foundations, Ford Foundation and Olabi, Cultne presented the Ori Festival: an online program involving technology, innovation and black culture on November 20, 2020.

Launch of the DVD Alabê de Jerusalem

Le DVD du Grand Opéra Alabê de Jérusalem d'Altay Veloso sorti à Livraria Cultura (RJ) le 17 juillet 2013. L'événement a marqué un spectacle de poche, une discussion sur le syncrétisme religieux avec Régis de Morais, écrivain et professeur de philosophie à l'UNICAMP et des autographes nocturnes avec Altay Veloso suivi d'un cocktail. «Alabê de Jerusalem» est un récit œcuménique qui parle de l'amour du Christ pour l'humanité, célébrant le respect des différences et le syncrétisme religieux dans la culture afro-brésilienne.

Altay Veloso & Awurê - Show Mãe África

Show "Mãe Africa" by the Awurê Group at Teatro Rival bringing to light the essence that Brazil has of the African presence that crossed the Atlantic. On this occasion, the singer, songwriter and writer Altay Veloso made a performance with the group Awurê.
Altay Veloso 07:01
EP3 -

"Encontro das Áfricas", an event held on November 20, 2013, Black Awareness Day, at the Oi Casa Grande Theater, in Rio de Janeiro. The event was held in support of the campaign for the Member States of the United Nations to approve the International Decade of People of African Descent - a movement advocated by Brazil - by the United Nations Information Center in the country (UNIC Rio).

Encuentro de Áfricas - Altay Veloso - 4 vientos de África

"Encontro das Áfricas", an event held on November 20, 2013, Black Awareness Day, at the Oi Casa Grande Theater, in Rio de Janeiro. The event was held in support of the campaign for the Member States of the United Nations to approve the International Decade of People of African Descent - a movement advocated by Brazil - by the United Nations Information Center in the country (UNIC Rio).

549 / 5000 Resultados da tradução Altay Veloso at Renascença Clube

Cor da Pele Party at Renascença Clube. Cacá da Festa Cor da Pele interviews the singer and composer Altay Veloso. The Festa Cor da Pele was launched in 1987 with great success at Renascença Clube. The parties featured several musical aspects, among which the highlights were samba, jongo, Hip Hop and Charme. Under the command of Dom Filó, its creator.
Contemporary Black Mov... 02:30
EP4 - Cultural chat
Contemporary Black Mov... 02:40
EP20 - Pai Ricardo D'Oxum - Zumbi 2010
TV Alerj 00:29:05
EP17 - Isaac Belfort
TV Alerj 00:27:58
EP3 - Thiago Thomé
TV Alerj 00:29:44
EP15 - Jeff Fagundes
TV Alerj 00:28:58
EP8 - MC Soffia
TV Alerj 00:28:36
EP5 - Marcos Munrimbau
TV Alerj 27:32
EP7 - Val Caetano
TV Alerj 28:22
EP6 - Travis Knoll
Events and Demonstrations 00:58
EP16 - Tribute to Makota Valdina
Shows and Events 08:59
EP20 - Vissungo - SOS Racism
In the balance of Reggae 26:50
EP19 - Reggae on the road
Rooted Encounter 04:00
EP11 - The Global Hybrids
Save the Trickery 09:09
EP11 - Zé's Friends
Cultne Quarantine 1:28:58
EP9 - Negritude - EP 01
Special Tributes 06:40
EP9 - Tribute to Bob Marley