Radio Lapa 55 - Marcio Grafitti & Dom Filó
soul in the box Marcio Graffiti received Dom Filó at Radio Lapa 55 for another edition of the Música Suburbana program. Dom Filó is one of the creators of the Black Rio movement and two of the main balls of the seventies, Noite do Shaft in 1972 and Soul Grand Prix. Together with other contemporary young people, Dom Filó contributed to combating the reality of racial discrimination by valuing the self-esteem of black youth through music, cinema and literature.
Soul music
EP3 - Cavalo de Aço
Cavalo de Aço
“Steel Horse” [Official Clip] (BiD, Gabriel Moura and Marlon Sette) Feat. Di Melo, Paula Lima and Gabriel Moura Photography: Paola Vianna Editing: Lico Cardoso Directed by Flavio Frederico, Paola Vianna and Lico Cardoso A realization @soulcityprod and @kinoscopiocinematografica Direction and music production: BiD Keyboards: Limma Bass, guitar and beat: BiD Trombone and brass arrangement: Marlon Sette Sax: Jorge Continentino Trumpet: Diogo Gomes Recorded by BiD - SoulCity Prod Mix by Evaldo Luna - Estúdio 3Orelhas Mastering by Felipe Tichauer from RedTraxxMastering
Soul music
EP2 - CULTNE - Soul Guanabara no Wakanda in Madureira - 2021
CULTNE - Soul Guanabara no Wakanda in Madureira - 2021
Soul Guanabara's participation in the Wakanda in Madureira party. The Soul Guanabara group was formed in May 2017 and since then has attracted the eyes and ears of the Carioca public. The group rescues in its repertoire the classics of an authentic Baile Charme, bringing back important classics of Black Music International and shows the influence on black music and culture in Brazil, the national hits. In its formation we have Roberta Ribeiro, Sandrinho Carioca and Anselmo Salles.
Soul music
EP1 - Skin Color Party - Soul Music
Skin Color Party - Soul Music
New and old generations enjoyed soul music at the Cor da Pele party at Renascença Clube.

Soul music
EP20 - Soul + Samba - Weird what?
Soul + Samba - Weird what?
Cultne recorded with images and edition by Pedro Oliveira and Filó Filho the event "Amigos do Zé" that took place on the court of Estacio de Sá and on December 12, 2012. on the occasion, Soul + Samba accompanied the guests and gave a soup at the music "Weird what? by Moacyr Luz. The party was attended by several artists, among them Almir Guineto, Sombrinha, Renato Milagres, Dorina, Toninho Geraes, Almirzinho, Sombrinha, Marcelinho Moreira, Juninho Thybau, Lu Carvalho, the group Soul + Samba and many other supporters of the friend "Zé".
Soul music
EP19 - Soul of Brasil Project - YOU Entertainment
Soul of Brasil Project - YOU Entertainment
Dom Filó participated in the project of the American Seal You Entertaiment. With A&R, a kind of Artistic Director, alongside brother Ira Moseley and other African Americans who together did a beautiful job.
Soul music
EP18 - Soul Man Tony Bizarro
Soul Man Tony Bizarro
LUB TV under the command of BF's Slow recorded the show of Tony Bizarro and B. Negeg at Cine Odeon BR in 2008. Tony Bizarro is one of the great pillars of Brazilian "black music". His influence on black music is indisputable and definitive. In the 60s, Tony began to polish his own style of singing when he heard records from the American vocal group Four Tops. There was the mark that would be imprinted on Bizarro's voice and music forever. In 1970, Tony started his career alongside Frank Arduini, with the duo "Tony and Frank".
Soul music
EP17 - Soul Mais Samba Baile de Favela
Soul Mais Samba Baile de Favela
Soul Mais Samba at Renascença Clube interpreting the hit "Baile na Favela" by MC João. Cultne recorded it on March 19, 2016 with images, audio and editing by Victor Dias, Alexande Dias and Filó Filho.
Soul music
EP16 - Soul Guanabara at the 6 Continents Festival
Soul Guanabara at the 6 Continents Festival
Cultne recorded with images by Mario Elena, Gabriel Torraca and edition of Filó Filho, the Festival 6 Continentes at Lapa Café, in downtown Rio, on September 27, 2019. The group Soul Guanabara was formed in May 2017 and since so it has attracted the eyes and ears of the carioca public.
Soul music
EP15 - Soul Guanabara at Festival 6 Continentes - RJ 2019
Soul Guanabara at Festival 6 Continentes - RJ 2019
Cultne registered the Festival 6 Continentes at Lapa Café, in downtown Rio, on September 27, 2019. The Soul Guanabara group was formed in May 2017 and since then it has attracted the eyes and ears of the Carioca public. The group rescues in its repertoire the classics of an authentic Baile Charme, bringing back important classics from international Black Music and shows the influence on black music and culture in Brazil, with national successes.
Soul music
EP14 - Don Capuccino & Soul Guanabara
Don Capuccino & Soul Guanabara
Cultne recorded with images of Mario Elena, Gabriel Torraca and edition of Filó Filho, the Festival 6 Continentes at Lapa Café, in downtown Rio, on September 27, 2019. On the occasion, Don Capuccino performed alongside the group Soul Guanabara .
Soul music
EP13 - Soul Guanabara & Augusto Bapt
Soul Guanabara & Augusto Bapt
Cultne recorded with images of Mario Elena, Gabriel Torraca and edition of Filó Filho, the Festival 6 Continentes at Lapa Café, in downtown Rio, on September 27, 2019. On the occasion, Augusto Bapt performed alongside the Soul Guanabara group.
Soul music
EP12 - Soul Guanabara - Agbara Dudu
Soul Guanabara - Agbara Dudu
Cultne recorded with images and editing by Filó Filho the Soul Agbara Dudu event in his Quilombo Urbano in Madureira, on September 23, 2018. The initiative aims to rescue the true history of the soul movement in Rio de Janeiro. At the opportunity, the Soul Guanabara group performed for the crowd.
Soul music
EP11 - Soul + Samba & Paula Lima
Soul + Samba & Paula Lima
Cultne with images and editing by Filó Filho, Alexandre Dias and Pedro Oliveira and sound by Aranha DJ recorded last November 8, 2013 the meeting of Paula Lima and the Soul Mais Samba group at Renascença Clube in Rio de Janeiro.
Soul music
EP10 - Soul + Samba - Rebolado da Nêga (Rehearsal)
Soul + Samba - Rebolado da Nêga (Rehearsal)
Cultne recorded the rehearsal of the Soul + Samba group on December 11, 2012 with the direction and editing by Pedro Oliveira and images by Xandão. With a mix of black music and samba, the group bet on the musical footprint for 2013 with the hit Rebolado da Nega.
Soul music
EP9 - Radio Lapa 55 - Marcio Grafitti & Dom Filó
Radio Lapa 55 - Marcio Grafitti & Dom Filó
soul in the box Marcio Graffiti received Dom Filó at Radio Lapa 55 for another edition of the Música Suburbana program. Dom Filó is one of the creators of the Black Rio movement and two of the main balls of the seventies, Noite do Shaft in 1972 and Soul Grand Prix. Together with other contemporary young people, Dom Filó contributed to combating the reality of racial discrimination by valuing the self-esteem of black youth through music, cinema and literature.
Soul music
EP8 - Nina Black - soul singer
Nina Black - soul singer
Cultne recorded the performance of the young singer Nina Black in the "Danças Negras" project of the Cia Étnica de Dança de Carmem Luz that took place at the Cacilda Becker Theater in February 201, in Largo do Machado, Rio de Janeiro. The event "From Soul to Charm - Encounter of Generations" aims to celebrate, present and discuss the black dances that arose in the suburbs of the city of Rio de Janeiro in the 70s, 80s and 90s.
Soul music
EP7 - Soul Circus Party 2
Soul Circus Party 2
LUB TV registered the Circo Soul party, held in 2008 at Circo Voador. On the occasion there was an exhibition of photos, performance of dancers from the soul era, DJs of the old and new generations of black music, in addition to the Banda Black Rio show, under the command of William Magalhães, son of the late leader of the band, Oberdan Magalhães. The event was a tribute to the composer and singer Tim Maia. The sound has been a journey since the days of great teams like Soul Grand Prix, Black Power, Cashbox and many others. Representing the new generation of parties, there was the sound of the Baile do Viaduto de Madureira under the command of Don Cappucino, presenter of the Baile do Viaduto de Madureira.
Soul music
EP6 - Chocolate with Pepper Party by Zezinho Andrade
Chocolate with Pepper Party by Zezinho Andrade
Video of the Chocolate with Pepper Party (Festa Havaiana).Cultne recorded with the lenses of TV LUB the Chocolate with Pepper Party on May 20, 2007 in the northern area of Rio de Janeiro. Soul brother Zezinho Andrade made a big splash with the young man present at the party, in the best meeting of generations.
Soul music
EP5 - Blax Party - Cine Odeon
Blax Party - Cine Odeon
Don Filó (camera) and Slow Da BF (reporter) checked on May 11, 2007 the Blax party that took place at Cine Odeon, in Cinelândia in downtown Rio. The event was attended by Black Music lovers, among them soul dancers Jailson and Zezinho Andrade (old soul guard) and B.Boy Balah Machine (new generation of black music).
Soul music
EP4 - Black Space - Soul Music
Black Space - Soul Music
Cultne recorded the eighth edition of the Blacks' Meeting at Espaço Black on December 1, 2012. With images by Humberto Disco Funk from Espaço Black and Dom Filó (images and edition). Tony DJ and Paulinho DJ Blackpower and Dom Filó were guests at Espaço Black.
Soul music
EP3 - Tony Tornado - 90 Years
Tony Tornado - 90 Years
Cultne celebrates Tony Tornado's 90th birthday. He was one of the exponents in the awareness of black youth with the Black Rio Movement. In 1970 he was the winner of the Brazilian phase of the 5th International Song Festival with the soul song "BR-3".
Soul music
EP2 - PC Capoeira Tribute - Soul Dancer
PC Capoeira Tribute - Soul Dancer
Paulo César Mateus, or simply PC capoeira, capoeira master and one of the greatest black soul music dancers in Brazil.
Soul music
EP1 - Alexandre Lucas - CD Soul of Brazil
Alexandre Lucas - CD Soul of Brazil
Recorded in studios in Rio, São Paulo, Maryland, New York and Los Angeles, during its 70 minutes of duration, parade names from the Brazilian music scene, such as Edmon, Andréa Dutra, Mariana Rangel, Abdullah and Alexandre Lucas interpreting remakes of American songs in Portuguese and also new songs, in addition to the special participation of Luciana Mello, interpreting two songs, one of them being the unprecedented "Simple Measures" (Jair Oliveira), accompanied by a team of top-ranking musicians, such as Léo Gandelman and Armando Marcal.
Cultne na TV
EP20 - Luiz Felipe de Lima Program
Roda de Samba
EP6 - Soul + Samba & Paula Lima
Afro Blocks
EP19 - Soul Agbara Dudu honors the Black Soul team
EP3 - Journalist Abdias Nascimento / Radio Award
Shows & Events
EP16 - Sandra de Sá - Renascença Clube
Contemporary Black Mov...
EP12 - Clip 20 November - The 90s
Cultne cinema
EP11 - James Brown the Movie
Black Literature
EP8 - Controversy Monteiro Lobato - Prof. Ana Gomes
Usafricarib Party
EP17 - Usafricarib 2002 Party - Virtual Dance
Usafricarib Party
EP16 - Swing Brasil in Usafricarib
Usafricarib Party
EP15 - Soul in Usafricarib
Usafricarib Party
EP14 - Naira - Usafricarib Promoter
Charming events
EP14 - Festival 6 Continents - Rio de Janeiro - 2019
Cultne Quarantine
EP11 - DJ Paulinho Blackpower at Quarantena Cultne
Cultne at Harvard Univ...
EP6 - Black Brazil and today - Paulina Alberto, Ph.D
Hip Hop Dance