Nossas Histórias 00:17:29
EP11 - André Lemos

André Lemos

In today's episode we received the graduate in history (UFRRJ), specialist in the history of Africa and black in Brazil (UCAM), master in history teaching (UFRRJ) and history professor at SEEDUC-RJ, André Lemos. He presents his research which has as its theme: "For a Historical and Racial Literacy" The column Nossas Histórias is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledes and Acervo Cultne

Rita de Cássia Ribeiro da Silva

In today's episode we received the Master in Social History from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ); Professor of History at the Secretary of Education of the State of Rio de Janeiro (SEEDUC) and Scholarship holder for Training and Technical Qualification (FAPERJ), Rita de Cássia Ribeiro da Silva. She presents her research with the theme: "On the route of removals: black people and housing complexes in Brás de Pina." The column Nossas Histórias is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledes and Acervo Cultne
Nossas Histórias 00:30:50
EP9 - Leonardo Angelo da Silva

Leonardo Angelo da Silva

In today's episode we received the Doctor in Social History from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, Leonardo Ângelo da Silva. He presents his research which has as its theme: "Race revelation tea: Clube Palmares and the black agency in Volta Redonda" The column Nossas Histórias is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledes and Acervo Cultne
Nossas Histórias 00:20:49
EP8 - Ieda Palheta Moraes

Ieda Palheta Moraes

In today's episode we received the Professor of History and Amazonian Studies at SEDUC-PA, Master in History Teaching (PROFHISTÓRIA - UFPA / Campus Ananindeua) and Member of the Gender WG of ANPUH-Pará, Ieda Palheta Moraes. She presents her research which has as its theme: "Representation and Empowerment of Black Women in History Teaching" The column Nossas Histórias is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledes and Acervo Cultne
Nossas Histórias 00:18:57
EP7 - Liana Amorim

Liana Amorim

In today's episode we received the Master in Social History by UFMA and Graduate in History by UEMA, Liana Amorim. She presents her research on the theme: "Indigenous lives in Maranhão: between projects of autonomy and destruction." The column Nossas Histórias is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledes and Acervo Cultne
Nossas Histórias 00:25:45
EP6 - José Maria Vieira de Andrade

José Maria Vieira de Andrade

In today's episode we received the Doctor in History from the Federal University of Ceará and Professor at the Federal University of Piauí, José Maria Vieira de Andrade. He presents his research on the theme: "Clóvis Moura: black intellectual writing in the Atlantic World." The column Nossas Histórias is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledes and Acervo Cultne
Nossas Histórias 00:45:40
EP5 - Ana Carolina da Silva Borges

Ana Carolina da Silva Borges

Today we received the Doctor in Cultural History by UNICAMP and Effective Professor at UFMT, Ana Carolina da Silva Borges. She presents her research on the theme: “Forced labor and black and indigenous sociability in the Pantanal (1889-1930)”. The column Nossas Histórias is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledes and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:38:39
EP4 - Janailson Macêdo Luiz

Janailson Macêdo Luiz

In today's episode we received the Doctor in Social History from USP; and Professor at UNIFESSPA, Janailson Macêdo Luiz. He presents his research which has as its theme: "Religious racism, repression and the memories of the Guerrilha do Araguaia". The column Nossas Histórias is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledes and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:14:10
EP3 - Caroline Barroso

Caroline Barroso

In today's episode, I received the Master in History Teaching by UFPA and the History Teacher at SEDUC-PA, Caroline Barroso. She presents her research on “Race, gender and class: what does the textbook not tell about our stories?”. The column Nossas Histórias is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledes and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:10:51
EP2 - Ingrid Aquino

Ingrid Aquino

Today we received the PhD in Social History by UFRRJ, Ingrid Aquino. She presents her research that has as its theme “Black women in motion: strategies and transgressions in the Black Press of São Paulo (1920-1940)”. The column Nossas Histórias is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledes and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:22:20
EP1 - Caio Arrabal Fernandez Jabbour

Caio Arrabal Fernandez Jabbour

Today we received the Master in Social History from the State University of Campinas, Caio Arrabal Fernandez Jabbour. He presents his research on the theme: "How do you make an Ex-Black? Biraciality in the work of James Weldon Johnson". The column Nossas Histórias is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledes and Acervo Cultne
Nossas Histórias 00:21:15
EP20 - Igor Antonio Santiago

Igor Antonio Santiago

Today I received the Master in Social History from UFBA, Bachelor and Degree in History from UFBA and Civil Servant of the Government of the State of Bahia, Igor Antonio Santiago Soares. He presents his research, which has as its theme: "Commerce of luck and bad luck? Jogo do bicho and the post-abolition period in Brazil". The column Nossas Histórias is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledes and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:38:06
EP19 - Maria Telvira da Conceição

Maria Telvira da Conceição

Today, in the Nossas Histórias column, we welcome Maria Telvira da Conceição, Post-Doctorate in Social History from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and professor at the Department of History at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA). She presents her contribution with the theme: "The color of devotion: the legacy of the black people in Ceará's Cariri." The column Nossas Histórias is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledes and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:43:04
EP18 - Lissa dos Passos e Silva

Lissa dos Passos e Silva

Today we welcome Lissa dos Passos e Silva, a doctoral student in social history at UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense. She presents her research on the theme “Is Brazilian humor racist?”. The column Nossas Histórias is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledes and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:27:21
EP17 - Guilherme Botelho

Guilherme Botelho

Who will participate in the first episode of the year of the Column Nossas Histórias is the Historian Guilherme Botelho, Bachelor in History from PUC-SP and Master in Brazilian Cultural Studies from IEB-USP he presents his research that has as its theme "Black Brazilian Music: a historical concept and/or music label?". The column “Our Stories” is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:16:28
EP16 - Harmie Alexandre Silva

Harmie Alexandre Silva

Historian Harmie Alexandre Silva is a History student at the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) and is part of Gayfez, a study and research group in history, gender and sexuality. Her research has as its theme: "Where are trans bodies in Brazilian historiography?". The "Our Stories" column is produced by the Black Historians and Black Historians Network, in partnership with Portal Geledés and Cultne TV.
Nossas Histórias 00:18:34
EP15 - Guilherme Oliveira Lemoso

Guilherme Oliveira Lemoso

Historian Guilherme Oliveira Lemoso holds a PhD in History from UnB and teaches at the Federal Institute of Brasília. His research has as its theme: "Expedito and Gildemar: the Two Candangos and the post-abolition memories in Brasília".
Nossas Histórias 00:09:45
EP14 - Gabrielle Nascimento

Gabrielle Nascimento

Historian Gabrielle Nascimento is a PhD student in Art History at the Graduate Program in History – UNICAMP and Educator at the Museu Afro Brasil. Her research has the theme: "The African collection of the National Museum of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro".
Nossas Histórias 00:16:55
EP13 - Jacques Ferreira Pinto

Jacques Ferreira Pinto

Historian Jacques Ferreira Pinto is a PhD candidate in History of Science and Health at PPGHCS-COC/FIOCRUZ, Master in Social History at PPGHIS-UFRJ and Specialist in Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations in Basic Education at Colégio Pedro II. His research has as its theme: "Health, slavery and the search for freedom in Brazil in the 19th century". The "Our Stories" column is produced by the Black Historians and Black Historians Network, in partnership with Portal Geledés and Cultne TV.
Nossas Histórias 00:12:18
EP12 - Vandelir Camilo

Vandelir Camilo

Historian Vandelir Camilo is a PhD student in Social Memory at UNIRIO. His research has as its theme “Dr. José Mauricio Nunes Garcia: a black doctor in the Empire (1808 - 1884)”. The column “Our Stories” is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:12:05
EP11 - Karine Teixeira Damasceno

Karine Teixeira Damasceno

Historian Karine Teixeira Damasceno is a postdoctoral student in Social History at PUC Rio. Her research has the theme “Owners of themselves: black women against patriarchy in Bahia (1876-1883)”. The column “Our Stories” is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:29:27
EP10 - Raimunda Conceição Sodré

Raimunda Conceição Sodré

Historian Raimunda Conceição Sodré is a PhD student in Social History at UFPA. Her research has the theme “Quilombo Party: devotion and struggle for rights in the Community of Narcisa”. The column “Our Stories” is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:15:47
EP9 - Amailton Magno Azevedo

Amailton Magno Azevedo

Historian Amailton Magno Azevedo has a PhD in History from PUC-SP. Her research theme is “Black authorships: why study them”. The column “Our Stories” is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:27:56
EP8 - Antonio Bispo

Antonio Bispo

Historian Antonio Ramos Bispo Neto is a Master in History and PhD student at UFRJ. Her research theme is “Daily life, trades and black struggles in Rio de Janeiro in the 19th century”.
Nossas Histórias 00:33:47
EP7 - Marcelo Assunção

Marcelo Assunção

Historian Marcelo Assunção is a Doctor of History. Her research theme is “White Ignorance: whose hands write the Brazilian canons?”. The column “Our Stories” is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:38:04
EP6 - Lucilene Reginaldo

Lucilene Reginaldo

Historian Lucilene Reginaldo is a Doctor in History and Professor at the Department of History – IFCH/UNICAMP. Her research has as its theme “There's Information! Black Students at the University of Coimbra”.
Nossas Histórias 00:35:09
EP5 - Roseli dos Santos

Roseli dos Santos

Historian Roseli dos Santos has a PhD in History. Her research has as its theme “Candendê: lands of captivity and dreams of freedom”. The column “Our Stories” is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:31:30
EP4 - Marcelo José Domingos

Marcelo José Domingos

Historian Marcelo José Domingos is a Doctoral Student in History. His research theme is “What happened in Algiers? Exiles, Black Panthers and the CIA in the 1970s”.
Nossas Histórias 00:14:17
EP3 - Álvaro Pereira dos Santos

Álvaro Pereira dos Santos

Historian Álvaro Pereira do Nascimento is a Doctor of History. Your research has as its theme “Entrepreneur? Black Francisco Madeira "unrolls, hits and throws aside".
Nossas Histórias 00:35:44
EP2 - Dandara Matos

Dandara Matos

Historian Dandara Matos is a Doctoral Student in History. Her research has as its theme “The voice of a government: the Revolution in the post-independence of São Tomé and Príncipe”. The column “Our Stories” is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 18:02:00
EP1 - Andre Santos Luigi

Andre Santos Luigi

Historian Andre Santos Luigi is a Doctoral Student in History. His research theme is “Black Trajectories and Territories in Vila de Itu (1770-1840)”. The column “Our Stories” is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:16:43
EP20 - Gabriel dos Santos Rocha

Gabriel dos Santos Rocha

Historian Gabriel dos Santos Rocha is a PhD student in Economic History. Her research theme is “Clóvis Moura: An intellectual and his time”. The column “Our Stories” is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:18:46
EP19 - Simone de Assis

Simone de Assis

Historian Simone de Assis is a Master in Social History. Her research theme is “The drumming of the box trembled”: Congado and the patrimonial relationship".
Nossas Histórias 00:23:13
EP18 - Carlos Augusto Braga

Carlos Augusto Braga

Historian Carlos Augusto Braga is a Doctoral Student in History. Her research has as its theme “Fumageiras and the manufacture of history: struggles of black workers in Bahia”.
Nossas Histórias 00:25:53
EP17 - Iraneide Soares da Silva

Iraneide Soares da Silva

Historian Iraneide Soares da Silva has a PhD in Social History. Her research has as its theme "Catharina Mina: An African Liberated in São Luís in the 19th Century".
Nossas Histórias 00:20:48
EP16 - Ana Célia Barbosa Guedes

Ana Célia Barbosa Guedes

Historian Ana Célia Barbosa Guedes is a PhD student in Social History. Her research has as its theme "Women and midwives: knowledge and care in a quilombo in the Amazon".
Nossas Histórias 00:18:24
EP15 - Suelen Girotte do Padro

Suelen Girotte do Padro

Historian Suelen Girotte do Prado @historiadorasuelen.girotte is a Master in Social History and Coordinator of the Center for Documentation and Institutional Memory, Geledés. Her research theme is “Geledés Connections: what can we learn from black women's organizations?” The column “Our Stories” is a creation of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:28:55
EP14 - Claudia Daiane Garcia Molet

Claudia Daiane Garcia Molet

Historian Claudia Daiane Garcia Molet @daianemolet is a Doctor of History at UFRGS and administrative technician at UFPel. Her research theme is “Generations of quilombola women on the black coast of Rio Grande do Sul”.
Nossas Histórias 00:29:15
EP13 - Janete Santos Ribeiro

Janete Santos Ribeiro

Historian Janete Santos Ribeiro, Master in Education (UFF), bachelor and degree in History (UFF), professor at the FAETEC Network (RJ), member of NEAB Sankofa at the Adolpho Bloch State Technical School. Her research theme is “Narratives at the crossroads: a teacher and the future of quilombola classrooms”.
Nossas Histórias 00:26:03
EP12 - Fernanda Oliveira

Fernanda Oliveira

Historian Fernanda Oliveira, PhD in History from the Federla University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). His research has as its theme “Laundresses and Normalists in black clubs in a border region.” The column “Nossas Histórias” is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and Acervo Cultne.

Andre Luiz de Souza Filgueiras

Historian André Luiz de Souza Filgueira, Bachelor and degree in History from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (PUC-GO). Doctor in Literature from the University of Brasilia (UnB). His research has as its theme “The body-razor of Jorge Laffond and a black-gay cocksucker activism”.
Nossas Histórias 00:21:02
EP10 - Jucimar Cerqueira

Jucimar Cerqueira

Historian Jucimar Cerqueira dos Santos, PhD student in Social History at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). Her research theme is “Blacks and the poor far from schools: A political project of social retention.” The column “Nossas Histórias” is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:49:28
EP9 - Roberta Tavares

Roberta Tavares

Historian Roberta Tavares, Master's student in History at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). Her research theme is “On the margins of freedom: Black struggles and Amazonian streams and rivers".
Nossas Histórias 00:51:26
EP8 - Diana Santos Souza

Diana Santos Souza

Historian Diana Souza, Master in History from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). Her research theme is “Before Abolition: Black Workers, Rights and Freedom Struggles in Salvador".
Nossas Histórias 00:34:12
EP7 - Aderivado Ramos de Santana

Aderivado Ramos de Santana

Associated historian Ramos de Santana, Doctor in History from the Sorbonne University. Her research theme is “African informants: What enslaved and freed people said about the interior of West Africa (19th century)". and the Cultne Collection.
Nossas Histórias 00:21:48
EP6 - Ramon Feliphe Souza

Ramon Feliphe Souza

Historian Ramon Feliphe Souza, Doctoral Student in Health and Science History (FIOCRUZ). Her research theme is “Environmental racism: between past, contemporary and future epidemics.” The column “Nossas Histórias” is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 00:12:44
EP5 - Gustavo Bronze

Gustavo Bronze

Historian Gustavo Bronze, Bachelor of History from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) and Professor of Public Education. His research has as its theme "Monarchy and Republic in the "ginga" of an abolitionist and his Black Guard".
Nossas Histórias 00:12:27
EP4 - Fabiana Schleumer

Fabiana Schleumer

Historian Fabiana Schleumer, PhD in History from USP and Professor of the Department and Postgraduate Program in History at Unifesp. Her research has as its theme “Francisco Rodrigues: a sorcerer in the sights of the Inquisition-Angola, sec. XVIII".
Nossas Histórias 00:06:57
EP3 - Priscila Nunes Pereira

Priscila Nunes Pereira

Historian Priscila Nunes Pereira, Teacher in the municipal education network of Guaíba-RS and Doctoral Student in Education PPGEDU/UFRGS. Her research has as its theme "There are black women in the south ... black women building pedagogies of existence".

Benedito Emílio da Silva Ribeiro

Historian Benedito Emílio da Silva Ribeiro, Master's student in History at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). Her research theme is “Mestizaje doesn't explain everything! Afro-indigenous Existences and Connections in Brazil".
Nossas Histórias 00:24:31
EP1 - Historian Patrícia Alves-Melo

Historian Patrícia Alves-Melo

Historian Patrícia Alves-Melo, PhD in History from the Fluminense Federal University (UFF). Full Professor at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), researcher at CNPq and Graduated in History. Her research theme is “Artemia and Maria Felipa: women who faced colonial power in the Amazon”.
Nossas Histórias 00:11:26
EP20 - Daniel Xavier da Fonseca

Daniel Xavier da Fonseca

Historian Daniel Xavier da Fonseca, Master's in History at the from UFPA - Federal University of Pará and Graduated in History. His research has as its theme ""Play in the ramada and in the terreiro: Afro-indigenous relations in Pará".
Nossas Histórias 00:21:09
EP19 - Silvane Silva

Silvane Silva

Historian Silvane Silva, PhD in History from PUC SP and Graduated in History. Her research has as its theme “Quilombolas and the Right to Protection: Who takes care of women who struggle?”.
Nossas Histórias 16:51
EP18 - Mayara Santos

Mayara Santos

Historienne Mayara Santos, doctorante en histoire à l'UNICAMP et diplômée en histoire. Ses recherches ont pour thème "Les trajectoires des premières femmes médecins noires à la Faculté de médecine de Bahia".
Nossas Histórias 42:41
EP17 - Raiza Canuta da Hora

Raiza Canuta da Hora

Historian Raiza Canuta da Hora, PhD student in History at PPGH-UFBA and Graduated in History. Her research has as its theme "Protagonisms of Black B Mothers: manumissions and gender relations in slave-holding Brazil".
Nossas Histórias 24:51
EP16 - Renata Melo

Renata Melo

Historian Renata Melo, Doctor in History from UNB and Graduated in History. Her research has as its theme "Representation of Black Women in Brazilian Cinema and Literature".
Nossas Histórias 17:01
EP15 - Tayane Rodrigues

Tayane Rodrigues

Historian Tayane Rodrigues, Master's Student in History at PGHIS-UFSJ and Graduated in History. Her research has as its theme “Benzadeiras, affection, memory, tradition and faith in Minas Geraes".
Nossas Histórias 18:42
EP14 - Alessandra Tavares

Alessandra Tavares

Historian Alessandra Tavares, Doctor in History from UFRRJ and Graduated in History. His research has as its theme "Mano Eloy: Worker, macumbeiro, Sambista Pioneiro das samba schools in Rio de Janeiro".
Nossas Histórias 00:08:44
EP13 - Sivaldo Reis Santos

Sivaldo Reis Santos

Historian Sivaldo Reis Santos, Master in History from UFBA and Graduated in History. Her research theme is "Maxwell Alakija: African anti-racist militancy in post-abolition Bahia".
Nossas Histórias 00:10:29
EP12 - Vitor Gurgel

Vitor Gurgel

Historian Vitor Gurgel, Master in History from UFRRJ and Graduated in History. Her research has as its theme “Prince Nature and the arts of freedom in Rio de Janeiro in the 19th century". .
Nossas Histórias 19:50
EP11 - Juliana Pereira

Juliana Pereira

Juliana Pereira, Doctor in History from UFF and Graduated in History.
Nossas Histórias 20:21
EP10 - Felipe Alvarenga

Felipe Alvarenga

Historian Felipe Alvarenga, Doctoral Student in History at UFF and Graduated in History.
Nossas Histórias 23:58
EP9 - Jorge Maia

Jorge Maia

Historian Jorge Maia, Doctoral Student in History at UFRJ and Graduated in History.
Nossas Histórias 17:32
EP8 - Thompson Climaco

Thompson Climaco

Historian Thompson Climaco, Master's Degree in History at UFRJ and Graduated in History.

Marcus Vinicius de Oliveira

Historian Marcus Vinicius de Oliveira, Doctoral Student in History at UFF and Graduated in History.

Patricia Teixeira da Silva

Historian Patricia Teixeira Alves, Doctoral Student in History at UNIRIO, Master in History – UNICAMP, Graduated and Specialist in History – UNEB.
Nossas Histórias 46:00
EP5 - Roberto dos Santos

Roberto dos Santos

Historian Roberto dos Santos, Historian, Doctor in Education from the Lutheran University of Brazil – Rio Grande do Sul (ULBRA/RS).

Noemi dos Santos Silva Program

Historian Noemi dos Santos Silva, Doctoral Student in History at Uneb – University of Campinas - Unicamp. Her research has the theme "Education: denied right, reason for black struggles in the 19th century".
Nossas Histórias 39:03
EP3 - Amilcar Pereira

Amilcar Pereira

Historian Amilcar Pereira, Doctoral Student in History at UFF – Fluminense Federal University and Post-doctorate at Columbia University. His research has the theme “Brazilian black movement and the circulation of references for the anti-racist struggle”.

Luana Vanessa Costa Soares

Historian Luana Vanessa Costa Soares, Graduated in History and Master in Education and Contemporary at Uneb – University of the State of Bahia. Her research has as its theme "Dona Analia-a curator against the repression of the Estado Novo".

Antonio Carlos Higino da Silva

Historian Antonio Carlos Higino da Silva, Post-Doctoral Student in Comparative History at UFC – Federal University of Ceará. His research theme is “André Rebouças and the reform of Brazilian ports (1866-1878)”.

Cleudiza Fernandes de Souza

Historian Cleudiza Fernandes de Souza, Doctoral Student in History at UFRJ – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Her research has the theme "In the plots of the law: Black agency and trajectories of the struggle in the post-abolition period".
Nossas Histórias 19:11
EP19 - Renata Ribeiro Francisco

Renata Ribeiro Francisco

Historian Renata Ribeiro Francisco, Post-Doctoral Student in History at UNIFESP – Federal University of São Paulo. Her research has the theme "A hidden history: black Freemasons in 19th century Brazil".
Nossas Histórias 30:51
EP18 - Claudielle Pavão

Claudielle Pavão

Historian Claudielle Pavão, Doctoral Student in History at UFRRJ – Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. Her research has the theme "Out of step: stereotypes about the dancers in the press in Rio de Janeiro in the 1980s".
Nossas Histórias 35:50
EP17 - Ynaê Lopes de Souza

Ynaê Lopes de Souza

Historian Ynaê Lopes de Souza, PhD in History from USP – University of São Paulo. Her research has the theme “Um Rio Negro. Slavery and Freedom in Rio de Janeiro in the 19th century".
Nossas Histórias 27:39
EP16 - Marize Conceição

Marize Conceição

Historian Marize Conceição, Doctoral Student in History at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGHS_FFP/UERJ). Her research has the theme “Racism in the foreign policy of the military government.” The column “Nossas Histórias” is a realization of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and the Cultne Collection.

Maria Claudia Cardoso Ferreira

Historian Maria Claudia Cardoso Ferreira, PhD in History from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV-RJ). Her research has the theme “Black movements, heritage education and the right to the city.” The column “Our Stories” is a realization of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and the Cultne Collection.
Nossas Histórias 12:24
EP14 - Bruno Pinheiro

Bruno Pinheiro

Historian Bruno Pinheiro, Doctoral Student in History at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). Her research has as its theme “Mãe Preta”: Brazilian modernism and anti-racist culture. The column “Our Stories” is a realization of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and the Cultne Collection.
Nossas Histórias 11:08
EP13 - Taina Silva Santos

Taina Silva Santos

Historian Taina Silva Santos, Master's Student in History at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). Her research has the theme "Exclusion-racism and sexism markets in child food advertisements in the 19th century". The column “Our Stories” is a realization of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and the Cultne Collection.
Nossas Histórias 51:08
EP12 - Monica Lima

Monica Lima

Historian Monica Lima e Souza, PhD in History from the Fluminense Federal University (UFF). Her research has the theme "Return freed to Africa". The column “Our Stories” is a realization of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and the Cultne Collection.
Nossas Histórias 21:26
EP11 - Carlos da Silva Junior

Carlos da Silva Junior

Historian Carlos da Silva Junior, PhD candidate in History at the University of Hull, United Kingdom. His research has as its theme "Monuments and memories of slavery in contemporary Brazil". The column “Our Stories” is a realization of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and the Cultne Collection.

Francisco Phelipe Cunha Paz

Historian Francisco Phelipe Cunha Paz, majoring in History, Master in Preservation of Cultural Heritage by IPHAN. His research theme is "The trajectory and work of artist Sebastião Mendes de Sousa". The column “Our Stories” is a realization of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and the Cultne Collection.
Nossas Histórias 09:18
EP9 - Rosana Falcão Lessa

Rosana Falcão Lessa

Historian Rosana Falcão Lessa Doctoral Student in History at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). In her doctorate her research has as theme "Fumageiras do Recôncavo Baiano: Fundamental Subjects for the Understanding of Freedom". The column “Our Stories” is a realization of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and the Cultne Collection.
Nossas Histórias 26:39
EP8 - Mariléa de Almeida

Mariléa de Almeida

Historian Mariléa de Almeida PhD in History from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). In her doctorate, her research has as the theme "Becoming quilomba and the feminization of the concept of quilombo in Brazil". The column “Our Stories” is a realization of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and the Cultne Collection.
Nossas Histórias 22:52
EP7 - Valdenia Menegon

Valdenia Menegon

Historian Valdenia Menegon, PhD in History from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos), presents comments on the article "Black Women and the 2020 Elections". The column “Our Stories” is a realization of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and the Cultne Collection.
Nossas Histórias 29:14
EP6 - Luara Santos da Silva

Luara Santos da Silva

Historian Luara Santos da Silva is a history teacher in the public school system in Rio de Janeiro. She is a master in ethnic racial relations, with research on black etymologies Emetério José dos Santos and racial issues from his time 1888 to 1920. She is also a doctoral student in social history, with research on the trajectories of black teachers in the same period.
Nossas Histórias 17:18
EP5 - José Gomes Junior

José Gomes Junior

Historian José Gomes Junior, Master in History from the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), presents comments on the article "40 years of Adé Dudu: the history of Grupo Negro Homosexual" on Portal Geledés. The column “Our stories” on Portal Geledés. The column “Our stories” is a realization of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and the Cultne Collection.
Nossas Histórias 18:49
EP4 - Mairton Celestino

Mairton Celestino

L'historien Mairton Celestino, docteur en histoire de l'Université fédérale de Pernambuco (UFPE), commente l'article « Esperança Garcia et les usages du passé et du présent : identité, histoire publique et droit à la mémoire » sur Portal Geledés. La rubrique « Nos Histoires » sur le Portail Geledés La rubrique « Nos Histoires » est une réalisation du Black Historian et Black Historian Network en partenariat avec le Portail Geledés et la Collection Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 19:24
EP3 - Jonatas Ribeiro

Jonatas Ribeiro

Historian Jonatas Ribeiro, doctoral candidate in History at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), presents comments on the article "Space of Freedom and Autonomies: Os Clubes Negros de Minas Geraes" on Portal Geledés. The column “Our Stories” is a realization of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and the Cultne Collection.
Nossas Histórias 26:10
EP2 - Janira Sodré Miranda

Janira Sodré Miranda

Historian Janira Sodré Miranda, a doctoral student in History at the University of Brasilia (UnB), presents comments on the article "Leodegária de Jesus: intellectual, black woman poet in Goiás in the post-abolition period" on Portal Geledés. The column “Our Stories” is a realization of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and the Cultne Collection.
Nossas Histórias 22:11
EP1 - Heloisa Rosa Costa Lima

Heloisa Rosa Costa Lima

Historian Heloisa Rosa Costa Lima, a Master's student in History at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), presents comments on the article "Os Pretos do Rosário de São Paulo: A new look at the city" on Portal Geledés. is a realization of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledés and Acervo Cultne.
Nossas Histórias 14:06
EP20 - Clecia Maria Miranda

Clecia Maria Miranda

Historian Clecia Maria Miranda, PhD in History from the University of São Paulo (USP) presents comments on the article "Aguinaldo Camargo and his multifacets of an activist". The column “Nossas Histórias” is a realization of the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with the Portal Geledés and the Cultne Collection.

Ana Flávia Magalhães Pinto

Historian Ana Flávia Magalhães Pinto, PhD in History from Unicamp and currently Adjunct Professor in the History Department at UnB, presents comments on the article "Citizenship and Black People in Brazil - a built incompatibility", published in the column "Our Histories" on the Portal Geledés. The column “Nossas Histórias” is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with the Geledés Portal and the Cultne Collection.

Ana Paula de Oliveira Cruz

Historian Ana Paula Oliveira Lima, Master's student in History at the University of Brasília (UnB), presents comments on the article "José do Patrocínio Marques Tocantis e Abolição em Goiás", published in the column "Nossas Histórias" on the Portal Geledés.
Nossas Histórias 00:20:25
EP17 - Itan Cruz

Itan Cruz

Historian Itan Cruz, PhD student in History at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), presents comments on the article "The Baroness" Morena "of Abolition: Amanda Paranaguá Dória, Mother of the Illiterates", published in the column "Our Stories" on the Geledés Portal .
Nossas Histórias 14:54
EP16 - Alanna Perônio

Alanna Perônio

Alanna Perônio, comments on the article "" Whoever tells a story, adds one point: the trajectory of the luxurious Bahian lady, Rita Gomes da Silva ".
Nossas Histórias 24:00
EP15 - Marcos Santos

Marcos Santos

Marcos Santos, presents comments on the article "Ceilândia - Distrito Federa l - Negro Territory in Brasilia's Contra-hand"
Nossas Histórias 00:38:55
EP14 - Mariana Vieira de Carvalho

Mariana Vieira de Carvalho

Historian Marina Vieira de Carvalho presents her reflections based on the theme "Black Muses: Race, gender and class in the life and work of Gilka da Costa Machado". The researcher reveals, for example, that Gilka Costa "de (s) colonizes the erotic imagination, identifying and valuing other inspiring muses of Brazilian society."
Nossas Histórias 00:20:41
EP13 - Jessica Cristina Rosa

Jessica Cristina Rosa

"Press and Citizenship in São Tomé and Príncipe between 1911 and 1925" is the theme presented by the historian Jéssica Cristina Rosa. The highlight in the scenario is the defense of a colonization that would guarantee education for all, that would not segregate blacks and whites, and guarantee the possibility of freedom.
Nossas Histórias 00:19:23
EP12 - Maria Emília Vasconcelos

Maria Emília Vasconcelos

Historian Maria Emília Vasconcelos presents the dilemmas that women, ex-slave mothers went through to exercise motherhood more fully in Recife in the post-abolition period at the end of the 19th century. She talks about the theme, "An obstinate mother: black motherhood in the post-abolition period (Recife, 1890)"
Nossas Histórias 21:23
EP11 - Stephane Ramos da Costa

Stephane Ramos da Costa

The historian Stephane Ramos da Costa talks about "The patrician Jose Cláudio do Nascimento and the experiences of popular education". The author has a personality still little known among researchers who invest in the history of post-emancipation and Brazilian education.

Leonardo Ângelo da Silva

Leonardo Ângelo da Silva, historian, presents his study "A city and an industrial complex under the myth of racial democracy". The scenario is the region of Vale do Paraíba, south of the state of Rio de Janeiro, which initially lived off coffee production and industrialized.
Nossas Histórias 16:29
EP9 - Rafael Rosa da Rocha

Rafael Rosa da Rocha

Historian Rafael Rosa da Rocha brings his analysis of the "Brazilian Judiciary in black and white: the cases of Juvêncio Serafim and Eduardo Silva in Rio de Janeiro at the beginning of the 20th century". Rafael explains that the unequal treatment within the institutions has always harmed the black population.

Ivangilda Bispo dos Santos

Ivangilda Bispo dos Santos, historian, talks about "Reactions to the myth of racial democracy in the Mozambican context in the middle of the 20th century". The author points out that the myth persists today to guarantee the maintenance of social and racial hierarchies
Nossas Histórias 21:12
EP7 - Bethania Pereira

Bethania Pereira

The historian Bethania Pereira brings the theme "Haitian pioneering spirit in the struggles for freedom in the Atlantic", highlighting the way in which, despite the political and economic isolation imposed by the powers on Haiti, the country's project was more ambitious than was conceived .
Nossas Histórias 26:21
EP6 - Igor Alencar

Igor Alencar

Igor Fernandes de Alencar, historian, talks about the "Collective Strategies of Freedom in Goiás in the 19th century". The highlight is the freedom letters, among the diversity of dynamics, exemplifying the various strategies of freedom performed by the enslaved.

Fabiano Moreira dos Santos

Historian Fabiano Moreira dos Santos deals with the theme “The Mobilization of Black Teachers in the First Republic in the City of Salvador". Data, facts, photos, speeches and texts illustrate the black presence in the struggle for better working conditions at the beginning of the 20th century. , in Salvador / BA.
Nossas Histórias 14:15
EP4 - Flaviane Nascimento

Flaviane Nascimento

Flaviane Nascimento, historian, talks about “The transit to freedom and precariousness of free labor at the end of the 19th century". It portrays the gradual dismantling of slavery, the expectation of control and discipline of female and male workers who came out of slavery, mishaps and advances .
Nossas Histórias 23:24
EP3 - Elson Rabelo

Elson Rabelo

Historian Elson Rabelo comments on the theme “Experiences of blackness in Bahian photography in the late twentieth century". One of the highlights of the author is the process in which "a look of blacks in photography emerged with greater emphasis."
Nossas Histórias 20:42
EP2 - Iracélli Alves

Iracélli Alves

"Black women, politics and culture of cancellation in republican Brazil" is the theme of historian Iracelli da Cruz Alves. She asks: "And what does this have to do with the weaknesses of democracy in Brazil?"
Nossas Histórias 25:25
EP1 - Samuel Rocha Ferreira

Samuel Rocha Ferreira

Historian Samuel Rocha Ferreira comments on his study “Whitening, indigenous peoples and the slave trade” and points out that “the history of indigenousism in the 19th century has important points of connection with the history of the slave trade.”
Nossas Histórias 09:26
EP17 - 2020 Retrospective

2020 Retrospective

The column “Nossas Histórias” ended 2020 with sixteen titles published in the formats of articles and videos about the lives of black people in Brazil and in the world, through the writing and the voices of black historians and black historians from different Brazilian regions.
Nossas Histórias 02:31
EP16 - Edinélia Maria Oliveira

Edinélia Maria Oliveira

Historian Edinélia Maria Oliveira talks about the theme “Memories and resistances in black voices in the Recôncavo Baiano”, with emphasis on the erasure of references to the region's slave past and the ties of the interviewees' ancestors to captivity.
Nossas Histórias 29:17
EP15 - João Paulo Lopes

João Paulo Lopes

The historian João Paulo Lopes brings his analysis “A black history for sure: The writing of history in black newspapers in São Paulo”. He highlights the counter-narrative actions in communication spaces that, through black people, write other stories.
Nossas Histórias 19:28
EP14 - William Lucindo

William Lucindo

Historian William Lucindo comments on the theme "Respectability is also a struggle: a history of Sociedade Beneficente 13 de Maio de Piracicaba". The author shows how associations of this nature sought to present a positive image, to achieve respectability.
Nossas Histórias 24:34
EP13 - Tatiane Reis

Tatiane Reis

“Female protagonism: Notions of development and solidarity economy in Africa" is the theme of the historian Tatiane Reis. For her, there is a low repercussion of local / international African political articulations that escape the stereotype of corruption, violence and maintenance of misery.

Vitor Hugo Monteiro Franco

Vitor Hugo Monteiro Franco talks about the theme “Slaves of Religion: What it was like to be enslaved by the Catholic Church in the 19th century". The historian leads us to understand the scenario that combined Christian religion, violence and slavery.

Gabrielle Oliveira de Abreu

The subject of analysis by the historian Gabrielle Oliveira de Abreu is “Negro must go to the wood: legacies of the dictatorship in the genocide of the black people in Brazil today". She highlights how the racist narrative presents itself in the scenario of the dictatorial regime between 1964 and 1985.
Nossas Histórias 17:13
EP10 - Danilo Luiz Marques

Danilo Luiz Marques

“Quilombo: The Art of Black Memory on Palmares” is the theme of the historian Danilo Luiz Marques. He defends the importance of memories of quilombola experiences being constant during and after the period of slavery.
Nossas Histórias 21:22
EP9 - Ana Paula Cruz

Ana Paula Cruz

Ana Paula Cruz, historian, comments on her article “I was born and raised here: the process of recognizing the quilombola territory of Vale do Iguape". For her, quilombola communities remain, resist and represent.
Nossas Histórias 16:19
EP8 - Guilherme Oliveira

Guilherme Oliveira

Historian Guilherme Oliveira asks "Why is it wrong to say that 'blacks enslaved blacks'". The analysis brings reflections and data on arguments that the specialist counters from his studies.
Nossas Histórias 27:42
EP7 - Angélica Ferrarez

Angélica Ferrarez

"The tragic mulatto: rethinking the mulatto category in Brazil," is the theme of historian Angélica Ferrarez. Her research is traversed by female gender issues in studies on African and Afro Brazilian history and culture.

Idalina Maria A. de Freitas

Idalina M. Almeida de Freitas, historian, presents "Senses of 'true freedom': the Agricultural School of Bahia and the destinies of the free black population of the Recôncavo". São Francisco do Conde (BA), in the 19th century. XIX, is the scenario.
Nossas Histórias 17:34
EP5 - Júlio César Rosa

Júlio César Rosa

The historian Júlio César da Rosa comments on his study "Blacks and Mulattos in Black Social Clubs in a little piece of Europe in Brazil", on spaces of socio-cultural exchanges in Santa Catarina, in the 19th century. XX.
Nossas Histórias 45:49
EP4 - Valéria Costa

Valéria Costa

Valéria Costa reports means and strategies for emancipation among black women in the study entitled “For Francisca's pins !: ties of solidarity between Africans and Creoles in slave-holding Recife”.

Aline Najara da S. Gonçalves

Aline Najara da Silva Gonçalves, historian, comments on “The fear of the Free Womb: What to do with blacks?”. Scenario that includes the position of Emperor Dom Pedro II and social perspectives.

Lucimar Felisberto dos Santos

The historian Lucimar Felisberto dos Santos presents his view on “Women of struggle: the mothers of naive by virtue of the Free Womb Law” and relations with the “Slave Emancipation Fund”, in the 19th century. XIX.
Nossas Histórias 23:46
EP1 - Lucas Campos

Lucas Campos

Historian Lucas Campos speaks of the “The Protective Society of the Underprivileged and the Black Resistance in Brazil”, emphasizing its importance as a space for collective agency from the 19th century to today.
Contemporary Black Mov... 01:15
EP13 - ADACI Brasil - Edna Rodrigues
Contemporary Black Mov... 03:25
EP18 - 1983 Black Movement - Marcos Romão
Contemporary Black Mov... 14:13
EP16 - SOS Racismo - Launch
Contemporary Black Mov... 09:07
EP1 - Marcos Romão - Black Movement
Contemporary Black Mov... 21:30
EP8 - I IPCN Associates Meeting - 1987
Abdias do Nascimento 01:42
EP12 - Premio Abdias - Internet
Shows and Events 08:59
EP20 - Vissungo - SOS Racism
In the balance of Reggae 04:19
EP20 - Show Macdonis - Reggae
Cultne at Harvard Univ... 17:46
EP4 - Afro-Brazilian religiosity