Durban+20 | Against Racism Here and Now | Live #3

The III World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, held in 2001, in the city of Durban (South Africa), was a global milestone in the debate on racism and the role of States and civil society in its elimination. The Brazilian black movement and its activists played an important role in this result and in the preparatory process of organization. The event DURBAN+20 – AGAINST RACISM HERE AND NOW, a series of three lives, aims to present this history and political legacy.

Durban+20 | Against Racism Here and Now | Live #2

The III World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, held in 2001, in the city of Durban (South Africa), was a global milestone in the debate on racism and the role of States and civil society in its elimination. The Brazilian black movement and its activists played an important role in this result and in the preparatory process of organization. The event DURBAN+20 – AGAINST RACISM HERE AND NOW, a series of three lives, aims to present this history and political legacy.

Durban+20 | Against Racism Here and Now | Live #1

The III World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, held in 2001, in the city of Durban (South Africa), was a global milestone in the debate on racism and the role of States and civil society in its elimination. The Brazilian black movement and its activists played an important role in this result and in the preparatory process of organization. The event DURBAN+20 – AGAINST RACISM HERE AND NOW, a series of three lives, aims to present this history and political legacy.
Live Black Movement 52:42
EP5 - MAN - Museum of Black Art

MAN - Museum of Black Art

Inauguration of the virtual platform of the Museum of Black Art (MAN-IPEAFRO), with an exhibition in 3D and augmented reality, broadcast live from the studio of the Museum of Art in Rio (MAR). In addition to the inauguration, our ambassador and our ambassador, Emicida and Érica Malunguinho will take office, and the tribute held in 2021 in Serra da Barriga, in Alagoas, for the 10th anniversary of the deposition of Abdias Nascimento's ashes, will be broadcast.

Live CEAP — Communication, brands and logos in the black movement

Taking as a reference one of the definitions of the term logo “visually distinct arrangement of letters in which companies, organizations and social causes are readily recognized by the public”, the Center for Articulation of Marginalized Populations – CEAP, when launching its new logo, invites for reflection on live Communication, Brands and Logos in the Black Movement.

Live - Forms of Black Resistance Against Racism in the South of Rio de Janeiro

Live to debate the Forms of Black Resistance Against Racism in the South of Rio de Janeiro in spaces of African matrix religions and Afro culture. Our guest speakers are: Mãe Célia Morais - Mother of Santo from the Spiritist Center Nossa Senhora da Guia (CENSG), Eked Janaína - Director and Composer of Grupo Afro Iya Mí Dunda and Mestra Arara - Master of Capoeira, Educator and Undergraduate in Social Service.

Live - Black Women Against Political Violence

In recent years, murders and attacks have played an important role in the structuring of political and electoral violence in Brazil, according to a recent survey that shows that these crimes were consolidated in the scenario of political disputes as more recurrent practices than imagined. Live produced in partnership with AMNB - Articulação de Mulheres Negras Brasileiras. The AMNB is an articulation whose mission is to promote structured political action in the fight against racism, sexism, libtophobia and other oppressions.

Live - Unity and Struggle in the Brazilian Black Movement

Live with "Old Guard" militants in the fight against racism and alignment with the new generation. Militants Amauri Mendes Pereira, Yedo Ferreira, Joselina da Silva and Adélia Azevedo participated. Since the 70s / 80s, the generation of black and black activists has done its best in the fight against racism, building moments of strategic local, regional and national UNITY, building the history that needs to be known by the new generations.
Cultne na TV 27:56
EP5 - Rute Sales Program
Contemporary Black Mov... 01:15
EP13 - ADACI Brasil - Edna Rodrigues
Contemporary Black Mov... 07:35
EP12 - Tribute to Sebastiana Arruda
Contemporary Black Mov... 03:41
EP10 - Tributo a Martin Luther King
Contemporary Black Mov... 02:46
EP19 - 1983 Black Movement - Jurema Batista
Contemporary Black Mov... 03:25
EP18 - 1983 Black Movement - Marcos Romão
Contemporary Black Mov... 14:13
EP16 - SOS Racismo - Launch
Contemporary Black Mov... 03:36
EP8 - Revista Acervo - National Archive
Contemporary Black Mov... 09:45
EP7 - Reparations - Black Movement Part 3
Contemporary Black Mov... 09:45
EP6 - Reparations - Black Movement Part 2
Contemporary Black Mov... 14:53
EP5 - Reparations - Black Movement - Part 1
Contemporary Black Mov... 02:30
EP4 - Cultural chat
Contemporary Black Mov... 08:15
EP2 - Renaissance - Black Awareness Week
Contemporary Black Mov... 14:09
EP2 - Paulo Paim - Citizen of Rio
Contemporary Black Mov... 05:44
EP18 - Nigerian Connection - 3/3
Nossas Histórias 00:43:04
EP18 - Lissa dos Passos e Silva
Shows and Events 08:59
EP20 - Vissungo - SOS Racism
In the balance of Reggae 04:19
EP20 - Show Macdonis - Reggae
Events and Demonstrations 09:49
EP7 - Desmond Tutu in Rio
Cultne Quarantine 1:02:33
EP3 - Urban violence