One year after the death of Congolese Moïse Kabagambe
The death of Congolese Moïse Kabagambe completed one year this Tuesday (24) and the immigrant's relatives said, during tributes on the date, that justice is being very slow in the case. At a mass celebrated at the Sanctuary of Christ the Redeemer, in Rio, Moïse's mother, Lotsove Lolo Lavy Ivone, said that she hopes for more speed in the judgment of the culprits. Cultne Coverage: Reporter - Neide Diniz Images and editing: Angelino Albaneze Direction - Filo Filho
Justice for Moise, Now!
EP3 - One year after the death of Congolese Moïse Kabagambe
One year after the death of Congolese Moïse Kabagambe
The death of Congolese Moïse Kabagambe completed one year this Tuesday (24) and the immigrant's relatives said, during tributes on the date, that justice is being very slow in the case. At a mass celebrated at the Sanctuary of Christ the Redeemer, in Rio, Moïse's mother, Lotsove Lolo Lavy Ivone, said that she hopes for more speed in the judgment of the culprits. Cultne Coverage: Reporter - Neide Diniz Images and editing: Angelino Albaneze Direction - Filo Filho
Justice for Moise, Now!
EP2 - Inauguration of the Moïse Kiosk and in the Madureira Park
Inauguration of the Moïse Kiosk and in the Madureira Park
Inauguration of the Moise kiosk, in Parque Madureira, in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro on June 30, 2022, bringing together the young man's family, politicians and representatives of civil society organizations.
Justice for Moise, Now!
EP1 - Justice Act by Moïse in Rio de Janeiro - Ep 1
Justice Act by Moïse in Rio de Janeiro - Ep 1
Coverage on the brutal murder of the Congolese Moïse Kabagambe, 24, in front of the kiosk where the young man was killed, on Barra da Tijuca beach, West Zone of Rio. 2022, when thousands of people protested on the waterfront in front of the Tropicália and Birutas kiosks, where Moïse lost his life.

EP9 - Brazil - USA: Do Black Lives Matter?
EP9 - Militias and death squads in Brazil
Roda de Samba
EP15 - Canjerê do Amaro - Pt 2
Cobertura Cultne
EP7 - Interview with Ms. Abena Busia, Ambassador of Ghana to Brazil by Carlos Medeiros
Cobertura Cultne
EP5 - Love Dance - Ludmilla
Cobertura Cultne
EP4 - Boogie Week 2022
Cobertura Cultne
EP3 - “1st DJ Expo – Time Does Not Stop” - Discoterj 2022
UNEafro Brasil
EP10 - Darkening ideas - Black Coalition for Rights with Adriana Moreira
UNEafro Brasil
EP6 - Darkening ideas - Youth in politics - with Beatriz Lourenço and Débora Dias
Awure Group
EP18 - Launch of the Awurê Documentary
Baile Black Bom
EP7 - Coverage - Baile Black Bom
Cultne Quarantine
EP3 - Urban violence
Theater Shows