Seminar on Memories and Legacies - Lelia Gonzalez - UERJ

"Memories and Legacies Seminar" about the historical activist Lelia Gonzalez held at UERJ. The course included cultural, historical, religious and social aspects of blacks in Africa and the Diaspora, going through slavery and protest movements in Brazil, up to the history of the Brazilian black movement, including the quilombolas, and the social indicators of the black population in Brazil.

Lelia Gonzalez - Black Feminism on the Stage of History

Created in 1997, the Memory Project was created by the Banco do Brasil Foundation and has as partners in this edition the REDEH Human Development Network and BrasilCap. The Cultne Collection provided part of the images for the making of the documentary.

The Negro and Advertising - Lélia Gonzalez

In the year of the Centenary of Abolition in 1988 at Cave do Empresario, in the center of Rio de Janeiro, several activists and artists gave testimony about Negro and Advertising, among them the photographer Januário Garcia, the writer Joel Rufino, the composer Luis Carlos da Vila, professor Celby Rodrigues, professor Lélia Gonzales, producer Don Marco Maguila, journalist Luiz Carlos Rego, actresses Ruth de Souza and Elisa Lucinda, activist Justo de Carvalho, engineer Filó Filho and actors Paulão and Zózimo Bulbul .

Lelia Gonzalez - November 20, 1983

Lelia Gonzalez in action at the March of the Black Movement on November 20, 1983 with images of Ras Adauto and Vik Birkbeck for Enugbarijö Comunições. Filó Filho edition.
Lélia Gonzalez 05:58
EP4 - Lelia Gonzalez - 1981

Lelia Gonzalez - 1981

Interview by Lelia Gonzalez conceived in her residence to Enugbarijö Comunicações, with images by Ras Adauto and Vik Birkbeck, participations by the bookseller Papa Leguas and the young Joana Angélica. Filó Filho edition.

Memorial Lélia Gonzalez - Ana Maria Felippe

Cultne listened to the executive coordinator of the Memorial Lélia Gonzalez, Ana Maria Felippe, who spoke about Lélia Gonzalez's work with the Brazilian Black Movement. The Memorial Lélia Gonzalez is an institution dedicated to the development, preservation and international communication of Afro-Brazilian history and culture. MLG works to preserve the name, memory and legacy of the intellectual and activist Lélia Gonzalez.
Lélia Gonzalez 11:21
EP2 - Lélia Gonzalez - Pt 2

Lélia Gonzalez - Pt 2

Interview designed for Mali Garcia for the documentary "As Divas Negras do Cinema Brasileiro" produced by Ras Adauto and Vik Birkbeck for Enugbarijo Comunicações. Anthropologist Lélia Gonzalez dedicated herself to the study of human cultures, especially black culture. Graduated in History and Philosophy, she has deepened studies in the areas of Anthropology, Sociology, Literature, Psychoanalysis, the theory of Aesthetics, Brazilian Culture, in addition to having devoted herself deeply to African Science, Culture and History.
Lélia Gonzalez 10:16
EP1 - Lélia Gonzalez - Pt 1

Lélia Gonzalez - Pt 1

Interview designed for Mali Garcia for the documentary "As Divas Negras do Cinema Brasileiro" produced by Ras Adauto and Vik Birkbeck for Enugbarijo Comunicações. Anthropologist Lélia Gonzalez dedicated herself to the study of human cultures, especially black culture. Graduated in History and Philosophy, she has deepened studies in the areas of Anthropology, Sociology, Literature, Psychoanalysis, the theory of Aesthetics, Brazilian Culture, in addition to having devoted herself deeply to African Science, Culture and History.
Contemporary Black Mov... 01:15
EP13 - ADACI Brasil - Edna Rodrigues
Contemporary Black Mov... 07:35
EP12 - Tribute to Sebastiana Arruda
Contemporary Black Mov... 04:11
EP4 - Vanda Ferreira - November 20
Contemporary Black Mov... 02:46
EP19 - 1983 Black Movement - Jurema Batista
Nossas Histórias 35:50
EP17 - Ynaê Lopes de Souza
Post-Abolition Stories 16:62
EP13 - Amilcar Pereira - UFRJ
Post-Abolition Stories 20:48
EP11 - Ynaê Lopes dos Santos - USP
Post-Abolition Stories 14:04
EP8 - Taina Aparecida - UNICAMP
Post-Abolition Stories 15:18
EP7 - Nilma Lino Gomes - UFMG
Backyard of Madureira 02:23
EP5 - Awurê & Teresa Cristina