I'm in the collection - Reppolho

Tô no Acervo - Me percussionist, singer, composer, researcher and writer, Reppolho. Since his childhood in Olinda, Pernambuco, he lived surrounded by the sound of the magic drums of the Candomblé terreiros, beside his mother, daughter of saint. He became a great percussionist, known in Brazil and abroad for accompanying MPB exponents such as Johnny Alf, Gilberto Gil, Milton Nascimento, Gal Costa, João Bosco, Nana Caymmi, Paulo Moura, Elza Soares, Tim Maia, Pepeu Gomes, Baby from Brazil, Elba Ramalho and Moraes Moreira, among others. He also accompanied Deborah Blando and was the singer's partner in the song "Unique", which received the Golden Record as the theme for the soap opera "A indomada" in 1998. From the 80's onwards, he developed a new language in Brazilian percussion with a scenic posture in the stage, translating the entire drum tradition into an urban dialect.

Cabbage Program

Program aired on March 14, 2020 on TV Alerj with the guest percussionist, singer, composer, researcher and writer, Reppolho.

Reppolho in concert

Reggae Show - Reppolho and Ubandu Band from Reggae and Rita do Agbára at Magia Tropical.

"Live" Reppolho

Cor da Pele - CP Production and Video recorded on 01/31/1998 at Circo Voador in Rio de Janeiro the show Africa Brasil with images and editing by Filó Filho and reports by Carlos Medeiros. There were the bands Prisioneiros do Ar, Repolho, Obina Shock and Nabby Clifford, in addition to the presence of Rubão Sabino and Regina Casé. In the opportunity Cor da Pele interviewed and recorded the performance of the Pernambuco Reppolho that shone from the 70s, playing with several artists among them Moraes Moreira, Pepeu Gomes and Gilberto Gil.

Cabbage - Axé Week

Percussionist Reppolho (Givaldo José dos Santos born on 6/18/1956 in Recife, Pernambuco) performed at Axé Week at Circo Voador with images of Adauto's Enugbarijô and Ras Adauto and Filó Filho's Skin Color.

Percussion Reppolho

Percussionist Show Repolho with Ubandu do Reggae and Rita do Agbara at Magia Tropical - 1986. Repolho from Pernambuco shone from the 70's, playing with several artists among them Moraes Moreira, Pepeu Gomes and Gilberto Gil.
Ori Festival 06:00
EP12 - Luthuly
In the balance of Reggae 04:19
EP20 - Show Macdonis - Reggae
Save the Trickery 09:09
EP11 - Zé's Friends
Aniceto do Império Ser... 01:52
EP9 - Mestre Aniceto - Radial Filó - TV Rio
Passarela do Samba 01:54
EP5 - Tribute to Ivan Milanez