National Samba Day - Velha Guarda da Portela

With images of Ebugbarijô by Ras Adauto and Vik Birkbeck and Cor da Pele - CP Prodó by Filó Filho and Carlos Alberto Medeiros, the Cultne Collection celebrates the National Samba Day with images of the Old Guard of Portela. Formed by former members of the Portela samba school (founded in 1923), Velha Guarda debuted on disk in 1970, with "Portela Passado de Glória", produced by Paulinho da Viola.

Velha Guarda da Portela - Clube do Cozido Pt2

Cultne recorded the presentation of Velha Guarda da Portela at Clube do Cozido in June 2011 in Barra da Tijuca accompanied by the Divino Dom Group. Ari Junior representing the new generation of samba exchanged an idea with Serginho Procópio. There, Waldir 59, Tia Surica, Marquinhos de Oswaldo Cruz, Serginho Procópio, among others, were being honored by Clube do Cozido.

Old Guard of Portela - Clube do Cozido - Pt1

Cultne recorded the presentation of Velha Guarda da Portela at Clube do Cozido in June 2011 in Barra da Tijuca accompanied by Grupo Divino Dom. There, Waldir 59, Tia Surica, Marquinhos de Oswaldo Cruz, Serginho Procópio, among others, were being honored by Clube do Cozido.

Old Guard of Paraíso do Tuiuti in Samba do Trabalho

Cultne recorded the fraternization after the victory of the runner-up of Paraíso do Tuiuti at the 2018 Old Guard school carnival in Samba do Trabalho under the command of singer and composer Moacyr Luz who composed the school samba in partnership with Claudio Russo, Dona Zezé, Jurandir and Aníbal. The images are by photographer Renascença Clube, Tyno Cruz, edited by Filó Filho and the images of the avenue, taken from the internet.

Old Guard of the Beija-Flor - Roda de Samba do Benguelê

Cultne recorded with images and editing by Alexandre "Xandão" Dias, Pedro Oliveira and Filó Filho on December 9, 2012 the presentation of the Old Guard of the Beija-Flor at the Samba Wheel of the Benguelê Group, which takes place every Sunday in Aramazém Pereira in Nilópolis in the Baixada Fluminense, in Rio de Janeiro. Conceived by Marcio Andrade, the group recalls acclaimed successes of blue and white.

Clube do Cozido - Old Guard of Estácio - Pt2

Success on every Wednesday for more than 4 years, the Clube do Cozido commanded by Márcia Black and Michele Carvalho, in Barril 8000 has been receiving great names from MPB, mainly from the world of samba in the roda that recalls sambas from the 30s until the 90s .

Clube do Cozido - Estácio de Sá - Pt 1

Success on every Wednesday for more than 4 years, the Clube do Cozido commanded by Márcia Black and Michele Carvalho, in Barril 8000 has been receiving great names from MPB, mainly from the world of samba in the roda that recalls sambas from the 30s until the 90s .

Old Guard of Portela

The producer Enugbarijô Comunicações by Ras Adauto and Vik Birkbeck recorded on June 30, 1986 the party of the Samba Bulwarks at Paço Imperial, the presentation of the Old Guard of Portela, at that moment the pagoda explosion in Brazil and the recognition of the samba from the roots through the old guards.

Nei Lopes and Old Guard of Portela

Enugbarijô by Ras Adauto and Vik Birkbeck recorded the bastion of the Samba bastions at Paço Imperial, on the occasion the book "Musical Notes Cariocas" was launched, organized by Professor Joâo Baptista Vargens, from Porto, Faculty of Letters, UFRJ. Nei Lopes collaborated with the article "" Musical Notes Cariocas ". Also in the video, Claudia Neiva who collaborated with an article about Velha Guarda da Portela.

Clube do Cozido - Velha Guarda da Mangueira

The first old guard to be honored at Clube do Cozido was the Old Guard of Estácio de Sá, the first samba school in the country. Cultne in partnership with Clube do Cozido recorded the great bulwarks of the old school, such as the famous Zeca da Cuíca who toasted us with his sound and his fantastic history. The second is the old guard Mangueira who offers us in this video.

Velha Guarda Mangueira at Clube do Cozido

In 2011, Clube do Cozido was visited by Velha Guarda da Mangueira in Barril 8000, located in Barra da Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro. Cultne in partnership with Clube do Cozido recorded the great bastions of Velha Guarda Mangueira. Success on Wednesdays for more than 4 years, Clube do Cozido led by Márcia Black and Michele Carvalho, in Barril 8000 received great names from MPB, mainly from the world of samba in the roda that recalls sambas from the 30s until the 90s.

Old Guard of the Serrano Empire - Pt 2

The current generation of the Old Guard of the Império Serrano performed at the celebration party of the Palmares Cultural Foundation in Rio de Janeiro and sent their message to Cultne.

Old Guard of the Serrano Empire - Pt 1

The current generation of the Old Guard of the Império Serrano performed at the celebration party of the Palmares Cultural Foundation in Rio de Janeiro and sent their message to Cultne.
TV Alerj 00:29:01
EP2 - Marcelle Motta
TV Alerj 00:31:10
EP18 - Amanda Amado
Backyard of Madureira 03:06
EP7 - Samba de Roda do Awurê
Cultne Quarantine 1:28:58
EP9 - Negritude - EP 01