Muzenza, the dance of Initiation - Candomblé
Enugbarijó Comunicações recorded with images of Vik, Adauto and Lysie, agitated by Iara and directed by Paulo Farias, the production featured the Axé of Ilê by Mofe Oia Bale, Ilê Axé Azoane, Yalorixá Beata de Yemanjá, Ylaorixá Gina, Nininho, Sueli, Deca, Luis, Santa, Larri, Jorge, Delmo, Ricardo and Afonso. At the junction the strength of Ceceia and strength of friends from Mercadão de Madureira: Ilê Odara, Luar do Boiadeiro, Bow of Boaideiro, Luz D'Angola and Aves da Galeria.
EP18 - Centenary Iyá Davina d'Omolu
Centenary Iyá Davina d'Omolu
From Bahia to Saúde, from Saúde to Baixada Fluminense. Iyá Davina covered the roadmap for the implementation of Candomblé in Bahia in Rio de Janeiro. His granddaughter by blood and daughter of saint Meninazinha makes the São Matheus house an irradiating center for serving the community and disseminating the religion of the orixás. Inheritances expand, ties multiply. In the world of men, traditions intertwine.
EP17 - Holy Mother Series - Episode: Iansã
Holy Mother Series - Episode: Iansã
Through her terreiro, Ialorixá (Zezé Motta) conducts several stories without a central plot. Mãe de Santo was composed of 16 chapters, each with a story, which showed a good research on the legendary rites of Candomblé. Unfortunately, this proposal didn't work out, and the miniseries ended up being too confusing. Even coming on air every day right after the big hit Pantanal. In this miniseries, the first gay kiss between men on Brazilian TV was shown.
EP16 - Holy Mother Series - Episode: Exu
Holy Mother Series - Episode: Exu
Through her terreiro, Ialorixá (Zezé Motta) conducts several stories without a central plot. Mãe de Santo was composed of 16 chapters, each with a story, which showed a good research on the legendary rites of Candomblé. Unfortunately, this proposal didn't work out, and the miniseries ended up being too confusing. Even coming on air every day right after the big hit Pantanal. In this miniseries, the first gay kiss between men on Brazilian TV was shown.
EP15 - Holy Mother Series - Episode: Euá
Holy Mother Series - Episode: Euá
Through her terreiro, Ialorixá (Zezé Motta) conducts several stories without a central plot. Mãe de Santo was composed of 16 chapters, each with a story, which showed a good research on the legendary rites of Candomblé. Unfortunately, this proposal didn't work out, and the miniseries ended up being too confusing. Even coming on air every day right after the big hit Pantanal. In this miniseries, the first gay kiss between men on Brazilian TV was shown.
EP14 - Rita Benneditto - Tecno Macumba
Rita Benneditto - Tecno Macumba
On Saturday, December 20, Parque Madureira, in the North Zone of Rio, hosted the Oxum Rio Ijexá Festival, which paid homage to Oxum, Rainha das Águas Doces. The event united culture and religion, with the aim of preserving and disseminating Afro-Brazilian culture. A motorcade with the Filhos de Gandhy toured the neighborhoods of Tijuca and Rio's North Zone with Orixá Oxum, Afro-Brazilian crafts and shows. One of the shows was performed by singer Rita Bennedito, with Tecnomacumba. Cultne registered the event.
EP13 - The Afro Urbano by Dayse Nascimento and Bamba Moleque
The Afro Urbano by Dayse Nascimento and Bamba Moleque
Cultne rescued the 1980s performance of the dramatic musical ''Afro Urbano" with dancer and choreographer Dayse Nascimento and the group Bamba Moleque composed of musicians Antonio Krisnas, Luisão, Almir Boreo and Paulo Raymundo. Musical direction by Antonio Krisnas. Script, texts and choreography and direction by Dayse Nascimento Images by Sebastião Claudio da Silva and Cor da Pele Edition Ras Adauto for Enugbarijô Comunicações Music by Alceu Valença, Villas Lobo, Carl Off, Antonio Krisnas and João Bosco.
EP12 - Muzenza, the dance of Initiation - Candomblé
Muzenza, the dance of Initiation - Candomblé
Enugbarijó Comunicações recorded with images of Vik, Adauto and Lysie, agitated by Iara and directed by Paulo Farias, the production featured the Axé of Ilê by Mofe Oia Bale, Ilê Axé Azoane, Yalorixá Beata de Yemanjá, Ylaorixá Gina, Nininho, Sueli, Deca, Luis, Santa, Larri, Jorge, Delmo, Ricardo and Afonso. At the junction the strength of Ceceia and strength of friends from Mercadão de Madureira: Ilê Odara, Luar do Boiadeiro, Bow of Boaideiro, Luz D'Angola and Aves da Galeria.
EP11 - Oxum's Little Girl Mother - Documentary Teaser
Oxum's Little Girl Mother - Documentary Teaser
Teaser for the documentary in production about the launch of the book Mãe Meninazinha de Oxum and the celebration of her 55 years of initiation in Candomblé. Images and edition of Filó Filho for the Cultne Collection on July 10, 2015.
EP10 - Oxum's Little Girl Mother - Religious Racism
Oxum's Little Girl Mother - Religious Racism
Cultne recorded it on May 24, 2019, with images by Mário Elena, editing by Filó Filho and song "Vassi para Omolu" with the group Alabe KetuJazz formed by musicians Glaucus Linx (sax); Antoine Olivier (rum); Dofono de Omulú (Lê); Thiago Magalhães (Rumpi); and Gabriel Guenther (Gã).
EP9 - Mother Edelzuite of Oxaguian
Mother Edelzuite of Oxaguian
Cultne recorded the III Washing of the Valongo Wharf, on the occasion we interviewed the lawyer and Yalorixá Mãe Edelzuita do Oxoguian. Edelzuita is an Iyalorixá from Candomblé, originally from the Mother Menininha do Gantois terreiro, in Salvador, she went to Rio de Janeiro (RJ) in 1968, where she opened her saint house.
EP8 - Iya Davina - IIê Omolu Oxum
Iya Davina - IIê Omolu Oxum
Cultne registered with images and edition of Filó Filho on December 14, 2013 the event 'National Seminary Ancestrality, Memory and Afro-Brazilian Heritage' Ilê Omolu Oxum by Mãe Meninazinha da Oxum, which featured debates with several guests and launches of publications such as .catalogue "Obirin Odara - Making Art with Axé", the Rights guide "Women Warriors against Violence" by Ilê Omolu Oxum and the book "Meu Caminhar, Meu Viver" by Makota Valdina. , Afro-Brazilian Heritage and Memory" approaching the Memorial of Iyá Davina located in Ilê Omolu Oxum in São Mateus, São João de Meriti in Baixada Fluminense.
EP7 - Ilê Axé Opó Afonja - Casa do Alaká
Ilê Axé Opó Afonja - Casa do Alaká
Cultne produced, with the team composed of Vanda Ferreira, Alexandre Dias and Filó Filho, on August 16, 2017, the coverage of Casa do Alaká at Ilê Axé Opó Afonjá in the São Gonçalo neighborhood in the city of Salvador - Bahia. where the cloth of the coast is produced, a feminine tool very used by the followers of Candomblé. This audiovisual production was only possible thanks to the partnership between Cultne and the Secretary of Labor Employment Income and Sports of Bahia - SETRE, under the management of secretary Olivia Santana.
EP6 - Gilda do Acarajé
Gilda do Acarajé
This historical video brings the departure of da Oxum by Gilca do Acarajé in the late 80's, recorded by Ras Adauto and Vik Birkbeck for Enugbarijô Comunicaçoes. Gilca do Aacarajé was a beloved piece of the resistance of black culture, arts and religion in Rio de Janeiro.
EP5 - grandma's lamp
grandma's lamp
I'm Preto Velho, I'm Preta Velha, yes. But it is in the experience of life that true wisdom is acquired, that which comes from Above. I'm old. Old in speaking; old in the message, old in trying to get it right.
EP4 - Dona Ivete - 100 Years of Abolition 1988
Dona Ivete - 100 Years of Abolition 1988
Institutional video broadcast on national television on the occasion of the launch of the 1988 Centenary of Abolition and the creation of the Palmares Foundation - Ministry of Culture - Jose Sarney Government.
EP3 - Aspects of Ancestry - Prof. Jayro Pereira
Aspects of Ancestry - Prof. Jayro Pereira
Cultne registered with images and edition of Filó Filho on December 14, 2013 the event 'National Seminary Ancestrality, Memory and Afro-Brazilian Heritage' Ilê Omolu Oxum by Mãe Meninazinha da Oxum, which featured debates with several guests and launches of publications such as .catalogue "Obirin Odara - Making Art with Axé", the Rights guide "Women Warriors Against Violence" by Ilê Omolu Oxum and the book " "Meu Caminhar, Meu Viver" by Makota Valdina. On that occasion, theologian and Professor Jayro Pereira spoke to the Cultne Collection.
EP2 - Alabê Oni - "The Great Drum"
Alabê Oni - "The Great Drum"
The content was taken from the DVD Alabê Ôni, in a co-production Coletivo Catarse and Alabê Ôni. O Grande Tambor is the name of a feature-length documentary produced by Coletivo Catarse, which deals with the Tambor de Sopapo, in other words, it is another cultural product.
EP1 - Women of Axé - José Marmo
Women of Axé - José Marmo
Axé Women's Forum Mobilized Against Domestic and Family Violence and the Promotion of Women's Human Rights, recorded by the Cultne Collection with images and edition of Filó Filho on March 7, 2015, the eve of International Women's Day. On that occasion, Jose Marmo, Coordinator of Renafro Saúde gave the lecture "Women from the Terreiro, Human Rights, Health Promotion and the Construction of Solidarity Networks".
EP20 - Aderbal Ashogun
Aderbal Ashogun
Cultne grabó una charla con Aderbal Moreira, Ashogun del terreiro Ylê Omi Oju Aro, que se enfrenta a Yalorixá Mãe Beata de Iemanjá. Aderbal es el hijo de Madre Baeata y como Asshogun es responsable del sacrificio de animales dentro de la religiosidad.
EP19 - Orixás Traditions Meeting - 1987
Orixás Traditions Meeting - 1987
With images by Ras Adauto and Vik Birkbeck for Enugbarijô Comunicações and edition of Filó Filho for Cultne, on October 9, 1987, the Regional Meeting of Orixás Traditions took place at Ilê Omolu Oxum. The proposal brought together leaders and followers of Candomblé and Umbanda, initiating the process of raising awareness of the need for the unity of the people of the saint. Mother Meninazinha welcomed everyone at Ilê Omolu Oxum.
EP18 - 2013 Ogan Meeting
2013 Ogan Meeting
Cultne recorded with images and editing by Filó Filho and technical support by Zezinho Andrade the cultural project Encontro de Ogãns, which brought together a seminar, workshop and musical presentation, spreading, promoting and valuing the musical culture of traditional Candomblé and its strong influence today and on future generations . The Encontro de Ogãns project aims to articulate the Candomblé Terreiros of the State of Rio de Janeiro, spreading and valuing the musical culture of traditional Candomblé and its strong influence on future generations, discussing plans for the safeguard, dissemination and articulation of these practices through new media, adaptations, evolutions etc.
EP17 - Party for Yemanja - Valéria Lobão & Raphael Gemal
Party for Yemanja - Valéria Lobão & Raphael Gemal
The party for the Queen of the Sea had the strength of the Rio Maracatu Block, puppet theater, soiree, procession, poetry and painting. DJ MAM performed with his guests Rodrigo Sha, Aleh, Cris Delanno, Lucio Sanfilippo, René Ferrer and Juju Gomes. Created by designer Julia Vidal, from the brand Balaco, the Come See Iemanjá party was the highlight of the third edition of Parque Criativo that has been taking place since January at Aterro do Flamengo.
EP16 - Party for Yemanjá - Marfiza
Party for Yemanjá - Marfiza
The party for the Queen of the Sea had the strength of the Rio Maracatu Block, puppet theater, soiree, procession, poetry and painting. DJ MAM performed with his guests Rodrigo Sha, Aleh, Cris Delanno, Lucio Sanfilippo, René Ferrer and Juju Gomes. Created by designer Julia Vidal, from the brand Balaco, the Come See Iemanjá party was the highlight of the third edition of Parque Criativo that has been taking place since January at Aterro do Flamengo.
EP15 - Party for Yemanjá - Balaco Pt 2
Party for Yemanjá - Balaco Pt 2
The party for the Queen of the Sea had the strength of the Rio Maracatu Block, puppet theater, soiree, procession, poetry and painting. DJ MAM performed with his guests Rodrigo Sha, Aleh, Cris Delanno, Lucio Sanfilippo, René Ferrer and Juju Gomes. Created by designer Julia Vidal, from the brand Balaco, the Come See Iemanjá party was the highlight of the third edition of Parque Criativo that has been taking place since January at Aterro do Flamengo.
EP14 - Party for Yemanja - Balaco Pt 1
Party for Yemanja - Balaco Pt 1
The party for the Queen of the Sea had the strength of the Rio Maracatu Block, puppet theater, soiree, procession, poetry and painting. DJ MAM performed with his guests Rodrigo Sha, Aleh, Cris Delanno, Lucio Sanfilippo, René Ferrer and Juju Gomes. Created by designer Julia Vidal, from the brand Balaco, the Come See Iemanjá party was the highlight of the third edition of Parque Criativo that has been taking place since January at Aterro do Flamengo.
EP13 - Ékèdi Célia - 50 Years of Initiate - Part 3
Ékèdi Célia - 50 Years of Initiate - Part 3
Born in Salvador, she arrived in Rio de Janeiro and started as the Daughter of Santo de Pai Nino D'Ogum by Ylê Nidê. He passed away in 2009, at the age of 82, leaving a great legacy for the Candomblecist nation. Yorubá / Nagô noun to define female function in the Candomblé ritual; priestess specially chosen, as well as the ogãs, by an orisà to serve him, dedicate himself to him and to his cult, taking care of his vestments and dedicating himself to his obligations.
EP12 - Ékèdi Célia - 50 Years of Initiate - Part 2
Ékèdi Célia - 50 Years of Initiate - Part 2
Born in Salvador, she arrived in Rio de Janeiro and started as the Daughter of Santo de Pai Nino D'Ogum by Ylê Nidê. He passed away in 2009, at the age of 82, leaving a great legacy for the Candomblecist nation. Yorubá / Nagô noun to define female function in the Candomblé ritual; priestess specially chosen, as well as the ogãs, by an orisà to serve him, dedicate himself to him and to his cult, taking care of his vestments and dedicating himself to his obligations.
EP11 - Ékèdi Célia - 50 Years of Initiate - Part 1
Ékèdi Célia - 50 Years of Initiate - Part 1
Ékèdi Célia - 50 years of initiation in Candomblé Born in Salvador, she arrived in Rio de Janeiro and started as the Daughter of Santo de Pai Nino D'Ogum by Ylê Nidê. He passed away in 2008, at the age of 82, leaving a great legacy for the Candomblecist nation. Yorubá / Nagô noun to define female function in the Candomblé ritual; priestess specially chosen, as well as the ogãs, by an orisà to serve him, dedicate himself to him and to his cult, taking care of his vestments and dedicating himself to his obligations. Ékèdi Célia is a piece of the legacy of our ancestors left us ... (Yá Beata D'Yemonjá). Ékèdi Célia is the model ékèdi .. the only one to be 50 years old in the same house, having started and confirmed in the same ax ... (Mametu Mabegi Ashe Bate Folha).
EP10 - Ékede Sara - Zumbi 2010
Ékede Sara - Zumbi 2010
Cultne recorded Ékede Sara's message at the Zumbi dos Palmares Monument in Praça Onze, in Rio de Janeiro.
EP9 - Táta Ricardo Menezes - Candomblé
Táta Ricardo Menezes - Candomblé
Cultne recorded with images and editing by Filó Filho and Alexandre Dias the speech of Táta Ricardo Tavares, leader of the terreiro Unzó Tateto Lembá, who is a Clinical Psychoanalyst and Social, Institutional and Clinical Psycho-Pedagogue, also a Master in African History and Culture. With more than 20 years of existence, the Unzó Tateto Lembá located in Camaçari, Bahia, was listed on May 10, 2016 by the Municipality of Camaçari / BA. The process for the listing and the studies that compose it lasted more than 6 years and were the result of the struggle of the Priest of the House and Táta Ricardo Tavares.
EP8 - Candomblé - Grupo Saphi
Candomblé - Grupo Saphi
SAPHI dance group by choreographer and teacher Railda Galvão. Camdomblé - dance of the Afro-Brazilian tradition.
EP7 - Candomblé - The dance of initiation - Pt 2
Candomblé - The dance of initiation - Pt 2
In 1988, Enugbarijô carried out the Orun Project recording the images of the Initiation Dance with images of Vik, Adauto and Leslie. I shake Iara, conceived by Paulo and Leslie and directed by Paulo Farias. Participations of Ilê de Mofe Oia Bale, Ilê Axé Azoane, Yalorixá Mãe Beata, Yalorixá Gina, Nininho, Sueli, Deca, Kuis, Larri, Jorge, Delmo, Ricardo, Afonso and Ceceia. Support at the Madureira Market of Ilê Odara, Luar do Boiadeiro, Laco do Boiadeiro, Aves da Galeria and Luz D'Angola.
EP6 - Candomblé - The dance of initiation - Pt 1
Candomblé - The dance of initiation - Pt 1
In 1988, Enugbarijô carried out the Orun Project recording the images of the Initiation Dance with images of Vik, Adauto and Leslie. I shake Iara, conceived by Paulo and Leslie and directed by Paulo Farias. Participations of Ilê de Mofe Oia Bale, Ilê Axé Azoane, Yalorixá Mãe Beata, Yalorixá Gina, Nininho, Sueli, Deca, Kuis, Larri, Jorge, Delmo, Ricardo, Afonso and Ceceia. Support at the Madureira Market of Ilê Odara, Luar do Boiadeiro, Laco do Boiadeiro, Aves da Galeria and Luz D'Angola.
EP5 - Exit Yaô - Exu
Exit Yaô - Exu
Enugbarijô registered candomblé in the northern zone of Rio de Janeiro in 1993 from the Keto nation. The party had the departure Yaô de Bara (Exu). The ritual of making, from initiation to the priesthood in Candomblé receives several names; make the saint, make the head, lay for the saint, oba baxé ori or simply oro, which is sacrifice and consecration. The person who starts at Candomblé becomes adoxú, that is, he starts to have oxu, which is the communication channel between the initiate and his orixá. Every initiate in Candomblé, every person "made in the saint" from the neophyte to the priest is adoxú.
EP4 - Candomblé - Xirê
Candomblé - Xirê
Enugbarijô registered candomblé in the northern zone of Rio de Janeiro in 1993 from the Keto nation. The party had the departure Yaô de Bara (Exu). The ritual of making, from initiation to the priesthood in Candomblé receives several names; make the saint, make the head, lay for the saint, oba baxé ori or simply oro, which is sacrifice and consecration. The person who starts at Candomblé becomes adoxú, that is, he starts to have oxu, which is the communication channel between the initiate and his orixá. Every initiate in Candomblé, every person "made in the saint" from the neophyte to the priest is adoxú.
EP3 - Candomblé 1993 - Ossãe
Candomblé 1993 - Ossãe
Enugbarijô registered candomblé in the northern zone of Rio de Janeiro in 1993 from the Keto nation. At the party of the departure of a Yaô de Exu (Bara), we had the manifestation of Orixá Ossãe,
EP2 - Yalorixá Mãe Teté - Candomblé
Yalorixá Mãe Teté - Candomblé
Enugbarijó Comunicações recorded with images of Vik, Adauto and Lysie and direction by Paulo Farias, performances and conversation with Mãe Teté de Iansã, during the Orun project in 1988.
EP1 - Yalorixá Mãe Beata - Candomblé
Yalorixá Mãe Beata - Candomblé
Enugbarijó Comunicações recorded with images by Vik Birkibeck, Ras Adauto and Lysie under the direction of Paulo Farias, performances and conversation with Mãe Beata de Iemanjá, during the Orun project in 1988.
Contemporary Black Mov...
EP20 - Pai Ricardo D'Oxum - Zumbi 2010
Contemporary Black Mov...
EP6 - Girls do not enter - The controversy
Aza Njeri
EP8 - Why is Exu not a demon?
TV Alerj
EP5 - Niubis Mustalier
Roda de Samba
EP14 - Roda de Samba "Dom de Preto" - Pt 2
Afro Blocks
EP10 - Passinho's Dream Team on the Night of the Black Beauty 2018
Backyard of Madureira
EP7 - Samba de Roda do Awurê
EP7 - Film Campaign Awurê 2020
Backyard of Madureira
EP5 - Awurê & Teresa Cristina
EP5 - Awure sings to Oxum
Backyard of Madureira
EP4 - Awure - Black Talent
EP4 - Awurê - Omolu
Backyard of Madureira
EP3 - Awurê - Salute to the Drums
EP3 - Awure sings to Xango
80's Charm
EP3 - Charme Black Lovers - Velho Sonho 2004
Black Women
EP20 - III Axé Women's Meeting
Shows & Events
EP15 - Banda Caixa Preta - Afro Festival
EP13 - Dill Costa in Rio
Cultne Quarantine
EP12 - Dance show - "Where does your dance come from"
Mass of Quilombos
EP9 - Missa dos Quilombos - Part 9
Mass of Quilombos
EP8 - Missa dos Quilombos - Part 8
Mass of Quilombos
EP7 - Missa dos Quilombos - Part 7
Cultne cinema
Movie - Exu Rei Abdias Nascimento
Prof. Dr. Babalawo Iva...
EP4 - III CONAPIR - Babalawo Ivanir dos Santos
Terreiro People's ...
EP2 - Ilê Omulu e Oxum - Health Meeting Pt 2
Terreiro People's ...