Capoeira and streetball

In 2005, LUB visited the São Martinho institution in Lapa in Rio de Janeiro. The athletes Pedro Ivo and Leandro Discreto interacted with the street children served by the institution. In the opportunity they were able to get to know streetball better along with capoeira practiced on the spot.

Black Decolonization and Contemporary Week - Capoeira Class

Event "Week of Decolonization and Black Contemporaneity" was held at the Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim, in Ipanema in Rio de Janeiro with lectures, exhibitions, videos and various shows. The organizing committee brought together the organizations IPCN - Black Culture Research Institute, the Luminosity Black group, Afro Alafin Aiyê block, Ilana Aiyê cultural group and Cor da Pele - CP Produção e Vídeo on July 19, 1987.

Roda Pra Zumbi (Capoeira)

Cultne recorded the demonstration promoted by capoeira fans, highlighting the great personalities present, among them, the legendary Mestre Touro, in the statue of Zumbi dos Palmares, in Rio de Janeiro.

Capoeira Wheel with Mestre Aniceto

Capoeira circle at Circo Voador with Mestre Aniceto being honored.

Mestre Aniceto - Capoeira

The daily program "radial Filó" on TV Rio in 1988 ran a report with Mestre Aniceto from Império Serrano at Circo Voador, when he was honored as Patron of Capoeira.

Black Decolonization and Contemporary Week - Roda Capoeira

Event "Week of Decolonization and Black Contemporaneity" was held at the Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim, in Ipanema in Rio de Janeiro with lectures, exhibitions, videos and various shows. The organizing committee brought together the organizations IPCN - Black Culture Research Institute, the Luminosity Black group, Afro Alafin Aiyê block, Ilana Aiyê cultural group and Cor da Pele - CP Produção e Vídeo, on July 19, 1987.

Capoeira por Victor Lobisomen - Maladragem 777

Cultne registered on October 25, 2015, the event IV Boteco Dançante Beneficente of the project Malandragem 777 - Amigos da Boêmia on the court of the Estácio de Sá Samba School, in Rio de Janeiro. It was organized by the Tempero Cultural Group under the command of Miryam Oliveira, who received as guests Jeff Duarte, João Martins, Victor Lobisomen, Abadá Capoeira, Jorginho China, Marcio Vanderlei, members of the Arruda group, among others. The event had a special touch of "malandragem", for example the cuisine watered with snacks and samba of the first.

Dona Maria do Camboatá - Woman in Capoeira

Cultne registered on October 25, 2015, the event IV Boteco Dançante Beneficente of the project Malandragem 777 - Amigos da Boêmia on the court of the Estácio de Sá Samba School, in Rio de Janeiro. It was organized by the Tempero Cultural Group under the command of Miryam Oliveira, who received as guests Jeff Duarte, João Martins, Victor Lobisomen, Abadá Capoeira, Jorginho China, Marcio Vanderlei, the Arruda group, among others. The event had a special touch of "malandragem", for example the cuisine watered with snacks and samba of the first. At the opportunity we recorded the performance of female capoeira with the duo Joyce and Jeff Duarte.

Capoeira Wheel - Samba do Chapéu

Cultne with images of Filó Filho and edition by Pedro Oliveira recorded on March 31, 2012 at the Cordão da Bola Preta Cultural Center, the Samba do Chapéu that celebrated its 3 years of existence with the special participation of the musician, composer and singer Marcelinho Moreira , and closing with the forró of Filhos do Nordeste.

Mestre Touro - Zumbi 2010

Cultne recorded the message of capoeirista Mestre Touro at the Monument to Zumbi dos Palmares in Praça Onze, in Rio de Janeiro. Erected in 1986, in Praça Onze, with the deputy José Miguel as mentor, the monument that honors Zumbi dos Palmares received several activities with the participation of several groups of Afro culture in front of the monument to Zumbi dos Palmares. Rio de Janeiro was the first municipality to declare a holiday in honor of Zumbi dos Palmares, in 1995. Several demonstrations were held on November 20 in different neighborhoods and regions of Rio de Janeiro in memory of Zumbi, leader of Quilombo dos Palmares, in Alagoas, who died on November 20, 1695, consecrated as Black Awareness Day. The 20th of November is a symbol for the entire black movement in Brazil. The date marks the death of Zumbi dos Palmares, who died in 1695, an icon of resistance to slavery and a major mark of freedom. Although the holiday is not mandatory, 262 cities have defined, through their municipal administrations, the 20th as a milestone in the celebration of Black Awareness Day. The Black Awareness Day was instituted in the national territory to be celebrated on November 20 by the law nº 10.639, of January 2003. The same law made the teaching on Afro-Brazilian History and Culture mandatory. In 262 cities, municipal laws determined a public holiday on that date, according to the Special Secretariat for Policies to Promote Racial Equality. The states with the largest number of cities that joined the 20th are Mato Grosso and Rio de Janeiro. It is noteworthy the fact that Bahia, the state with the largest contingent of black population in the country, does not have the date as a holiday in any city. The date of November 20 was chosen because it marks the death of Zumbi dos Palmares. He was killed in 1695, after being denounced by a companion and captured by the Portuguese. The day also saw the end of Quilombo dos Palmares, the largest in the country, located in Alagoas. The place was once home to more than 30,000 blacks. At the last Assembly of the Black and White Congress (Conneb), held in São Paulo, countless leaders, including those who participate in the Union of Blacks for Equality (Unegro), proposed that November 20 become a national holiday. Source:
Cultne na TV 27:17
EP18 - Aza Njeri Program
Cultne na TV 27:56
EP5 - Rute Sales Program
Contemporary Black Mov... 07:35
EP12 - Tribute to Sebastiana Arruda
Contemporary Black Mov... 03:41
EP10 - Tributo a Martin Luther King
Contemporary Black Mov... 04:42
EP1 - Zulu Araujo - Palmares Foundation
Contemporary Black Mov... 02:46
EP19 - 1983 Black Movement - Jurema Batista
Contemporary Black Mov... 03:25
EP18 - 1983 Black Movement - Marcos Romão
Contemporary Black Mov... 03:36
EP8 - Revista Acervo - National Archive
Contemporary Black Mov... 09:45
EP7 - Reparations - Black Movement Part 3
Contemporary Black Mov... 09:45
EP6 - Reparations - Black Movement Part 2
Contemporary Black Mov... 14:53
EP5 - Reparations - Black Movement - Part 1
Contemporary Black Mov... 02:30
EP4 - Cultural chat
Contemporary Black Mov... 08:15
EP2 - Renaissance - Black Awareness Week
Contemporary Black Mov... 02:02
EP13 - Prof. José Flavio Pessoa
Contemporary Black Mov... 14:09
EP2 - Paulo Paim - Citizen of Rio
Roda de Samba 02:09
EP16 - Pedra do Sal - RJ
Nossas Histórias 39:03
EP3 - Amilcar Pereira
Backyard of Madureira 03:06
EP10 - Andreia Caffe no Awurê