Favela and Periphery Women's Center - 1985

The inauguration of the first board of CEMUFP took office in 1985 with Sandra Helena as president of CEMUFP - Centro de Mulheres de Favela e Periferia. Fighting women such as Jurema Batista, Maria Alice, Benedita da Silva, Heloisa Marcondes (Helô), Joana Angelica and Sandra Helena (Sandrão) were present at the meeting.

Everlane Moraes - Black Filmmaker

Everlane Moraes is specialized in documentary direction by ESCUELA INTERNACIONAL DE CINE Y TV (EICTV/Cuba), graduated in VISUAL ARTS Licenciatura by UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SERGIPE (UFS) and a postgraduate scholarship from EMERGING LEADERS IN THE AMERICANS PROGRAM (ELAP) at Concordia University/Montreal, Canada, 2019/20.

Awo Dudu Program - Part 3

The early 1990s, the then TV-Educativa in Rio de Janeiro, established the first Afro-Brazilian Culture Center on television. The Afro-Brazilian group produced interprograms about Black Women and, in 1997, produced AWO-DUDU.

Awo Dudu Program - Part 2

The early 1990s, the then TV-Educativa in Rio de Janeiro, established the first Afro-Brazilian Culture Center on television. The Afro-Brazilian group produced interprograms about Black Women and, in 1997, produced AWO-DUDU.

Awo Dudu Program - Part 1

In the early 1990s, the then TV-Educativa of Rio de Janeiro, instituted the first Afro-Brazilian Culture Center on television. The Afro-Brazilian group produced interprograms about Black Women and, in 1997, produced AWO-DUDU.
Black Women 13:15
EP11 - black women

black women

Special program "Mulheres Negras", aired in July 2017 on the cable channel TV Alerj, channel 12 of NET. Black women participated with their testimonies; Vanda Maria Ferreira, Ediléa Sylverio, Hildézia Medeiros, Jurema Batista, Selma Maria, Kenia Mara, Selma Conceição, Alzenir Papa and Dilma Oliveira.

Olivia Santana - Brazilian Black Woman -March 8th Teaser

Cultne registered in her studios on January 18, 2017 the politician, educator and activist of the black women's movement, Maria Olívia Santana. Daughter of a maid with a cabinetmaker, she was born into a poor family, in the Ondina invasion, where she had a childhood of extreme need. She was born in Salvador on March 25, 1967, in the Alto de Ondina community.

Night of the Black Stars - Benedita

Benedita da Silva receiving the Stars Negras award held in the city of Volta Redonda in 1985. The event featured a presentation by Filó Filho and actress Dill Costa.

Léa Garcia - Actress

Léa Garcia, from Rio de Janeiro, actress in theatre, TV and cinema, from films such as Orfeu Negro (1958), debuted on Globo in 1970, in Dias Gomes' soap opera Assim na Terra Como no Céu. Among numerous roles, she shone in the soap opera Escrava Isaura (1976) as Rosa.
Black Women 02:05
EP6 - Léa Garcia

Léa Garcia

With images and editing by Filó Filho and Delanyr Siqueira, Cultne recorded Black Awareness Day at Renascença Clube. On the occasion, actor Zozimo Bulbul and actress Léa Garcia were honored respectively with the Zumbi and Dandara trophies by Renascença Clube.

Jurema Batista - Zumbi 2010

Cultne recorded the message of the artist Durval at the Zumbi dos Palmares Monument in Praça Onze, in Rio de Janeiro. Erected in 1986, in Praça Onze, with the deputy José Miguel as mentor, the monument that honors Zumbi dos Palmares received several activities with the participation of several groups of Afro culture in front of the monument to Zumbi dos Palmares. Rio de Janeiro was the first municipality to declare a holiday in honor of Zumbi dos Palmares, in 1995.

Juliana Alves - Actress

Cultne with images and editing by Filó Filho recorded a chat with actress Juliana Alves during the recording of the clip by the singer and composer Mombasa at the GG studio, by Gilberto Gil. They will participate in the recording of the music video Obnubilado (it means what has the dark and slow thinking). The recording featured the special participation of singer and songwriter Mart'nália and that of actress Juliana Alves, photography direction by Emerson Maia and general direction by Cassius Cordeiro for Benzadeus Filmes.

Janaina Moreno - Candongueiro - Brazil & Senegal Musical Encounter

Cultne registered at Rival BR on June 1, 2013 with images and editing by Alexandre Xandão and Filó Filho; and photographic still by Zezinho Andrade the 10th Senegalese Independence Party the 10th Senegalese Independence Party with the participation of several guests, including the musician Robertinho Silva and his family, the Senegalese singer, composer and instrumentalist Zal Sissokho, and the singers Janaina Moreno, Maurício Tizumba and Raquel Coutinho, Sérgio Pererê, and guitarist Robertinho De Paula. On the occasion, the singer Janaina Moreno sang the song Candongueiro by Clara Nunes.

Janaina Moreno - "Party One" - Brazil & Senegal Musical Encounter

Cultne registered at Rival BR on June 1, 2013 with images and editing by Alexandre Xandão and Filó Filho; and photographic still by Zezinho Andrade the 10th Senegalese Independence Party the 10th Senegalese Independence Party with the participation of several guests, including the musician Robertinho Silva and his family, the Senegalese singer, composer and instrumentalist Zal Sissokho, and the singers Janaina Moreno, Maurício Tizumba and Raquel Coutinho, Sérgio Pererê, and guitarist Robertinho De Paula. On the occasion, the singer Janaina Moreno sang the song "Festeiro" by her authorship.

Jacyra Silva - Actress

Jacyra Silva receiving the Black Stars award at an event held in the city of Volta Redonda in 1985. The event featured a presentation by Filó Filho and actress Dill Costa.

III Axé Women's Meeting

On the 9th and 10th of March 2012, the 3rd National Meeting of Axé Women was organized in Rio de Janeiro, organized by the National Network of Afro-Brazilian Religions and Health. Cultne was present as a project partner, registering the images with Vik Birkbeck and Alexandre "Xandão", submitted by Pedro Oliveira and edited and directed by Filó Filho.

II Pre-Meeting Young Feminists RJ - 2017

Cultne recorded the Pre-Meeting of Young Feminists in Rio de Janeiro at Casa das Pretas with images and editing by Filó Filho and Alexandre Dias. The 2nd National Encounter of Young Black Feminists (2nd ENNJF) is based on the 1st National Encounter of Young Black Feminists, held in 2009 in Salvador, Bahia, bringing together approximately 100 young women, and the articulation of young black women in the Black Women March , held in 2015, in Brasília, Distrito Federal.

Black Writers - All Woman Program

Program "Toda Mulher" aired on TV Alerj, with the participation of writers Lia Vieira and Eliana Alves Cruz, under the command of journalist Dandara Batista. Images provided by TV Alerj based on the cooperation agreement between TV Alerj and Acervo Cultne.

National Meeting of Black Women - 1988

Cultne rescued coverage for Ras Adauto and Vik Birkbeck for Enugbarijô Comunicacões. On the occasion, a women-only team composed of Vik Birkbeck and Mali Garcia recorded the images of the opening of the 1st National Meeting of Black Women, held in 1988 in the city of Valença, in the interior of the state of Rio de Janeiro.

Deise Benedito - Black Woman

Cultne interviewed Deise Benedito during the celebrations of the first anniversary of the board of directors of Renascença Clube in 2011. Currently an adviser to the National Secretariat for Human Rights, Deise Benedito holds a Bachelor of Law; Member of the National Forum of Human Rights Entities - FENDH; Member of the National Forum of Black Women - FNMN; President of Fala Preta Organization of Black Women.

Black women - Afro-Latin American and Caribbean Women's Day

July 25th - Afro-Latin American and Caribbean Women's Day, with images from the Cultne collection, recorded by Ras Adauto, Vik Birkbeck and Filó Filho, filmmaker Yasmin Thainá created a cut in honor of Afro-Latin Women's Day American and Caribbean, on this 25th of July 2020.

Brazilian Black Woman - Olivia Santana - Mini Doc

Cultne registered in her studios on January 18, 2017 the politician, educator and activist of the black women's movement, Maria Olívia Santana. Daughter of a maid with a cabinetmaker, she was born into a poor family, in the Ondina invasion, where she had a childhood of extreme need. She was born in Salvador on March 25, 1967, in the Alto de Ondina community.

Brazilian Black Woman - Olivia Santana

Cultne registered in her studios on January 18, 2017 the politician, educator and activist of the black women's movement, Maria Olívia Santana. Daughter of a maid with a cabinetmaker, she was born into a poor family, in the Ondina invasion, where she had a childhood of extreme need. She was born in Salvador on March 25, 1967, in the Alto de Ondina community.

Black Women - Entrepreneurship

Cultne was present at Livraria Kitabu, a meeting place for Afro-Brazilian literary expression located in Lapa, in the center of Rio de Janeiro. Considered the only black bookstore in Rio, Kitabu opened in May 2007 by black women entrepreneurs Heloisa Marcondes and Fernanda Felisberto struggle to ensure their enterprise in the face of a series of difficulties that will gradually be eliminated. The bookstore has books by the black writer Conceição Evaristo as the bestsellers and constantly receives requests to publish independent artists who look for the bookstore to publish their works. ---... --- To get an idea about entrepreneurship among black women, we highlight those from the city of Salvador, as shown in the following note: "Most of its population is made up of Afro-Brazilians, most of them women, however for this majority the economic and social situation remains the same or worse than in the past centuries. Access to quality education and consequently to good market opportunities work continues to be difficult, forcing them to seek alternatives in the informal market working on their own and subsequently becoming informal entrepreneurs. Based on the historicity of entrepreneurship among black women, the food business is still the one that most houses these women entrepreneurs. From street vendors to restaurant owners, the culinary verve of these women has been instrumental in providing them with sustenance. Most, however, remain informal, which means that their "ventures" are only a means of survival for themselves and those who work with them. Among these entrepreneurs, a small number overcome the difficulties of developing entrepreneurial actions without knowledge of the formal steps that make up the development of an enterprise. This is the case of many women entrepreneurs in the city of Salvador who, like other Afro-Brazilian women, did not have access to education and therefore found it difficult to enter the job market. As we have seen, the entrepreneur can arise due to consequences beyond his control, as in the case of heirs and the unemployed (BERNARDI, 2003, p.64 - Salvador).

National Meeting of Black Women - Part 3

I National Meeting of Black Women, held in 1988 in the city of Valença, in the interior of the state of Rio de Janeiro. The meeting mobilized 440 representatives from 19 states. In addition to organizing actions by Brazilian women, it is also important to highlight the mobilization process of black women. The more organized presence of black women in the feminist movement started in 1985.

National Meeting of Black Women - Part 2

I National Meeting of Black Women, held in 1988 in the city of Valença, in the interior of the state of Rio de Janeiro. The meeting mobilized 440 representatives from 19 states. The then Constituent Deputy Benedita da Silva and the late ex-Minister of Racial Equality, Luiza Bairros, took part on the table. In addition to organizing actions by Brazilian women, it is also important to highlight the mobilization process of black women. The more organized presence of black women in the feminist movement started in 1985.

I National Meeting of Black Women - Part 1

Opening of the 1st National Meeting of Black Women, held in 1988 in the city of Valença, in the interior of the state of Rio de Janeiro. The meeting mobilized 440 representatives from 19 states.

Black Women Meeting - Part 5

Enugbarijô registered in 1985 the inauguration of the first board of the Centro de Mulheres de Periferia (CEMUFEP). On the occasion, several women from various communities took office, having as their president, CEMUFEP - Center for Women of the Favela and Periphery, the companion Sandra Helena. Fight women like Jurema Batista, Maria Alice, Benedita da Silva, Heloisa Marcondes (Helô), Joana Angelica and Sandra Helena (Sandrão), among others, were present at the meeting. and Sandra Helena (Sandrão) among others.

Black Women Meeting - Part 4

Enugbarijô registered in 1985 the inauguration of the first board of the Centro de Mulheres de Periferia (CEMUFEP). On the occasion, several women from various communities took office, having as their president Sandra CEMUFEP - Center for Women of the Favela and Periphery. Fight women like Jurema Batista, Maria Alice, Benedita da Silva, Heloisa Marcondes (Helô), Joana Angelica and Sandra Helena (Sandrão), among others, were present at the meeting. communities took office with the companion Sandra Helena as the president of CEMUFEP - Centro de Mulheres de Favela e Periferia. Fight women like Jurema Batista, Maria Alice, Benedita da Silva, Heloisa Marcondes (Helô), Joana Angelica and Sandra Helena (Sandrão), among others, were present at the meeting.

Meeting of Black Women - 1985 - Pt 3

Enugbarijô registered in 1985 the inauguration of the first board of the Centro de Mulheres de Periferia (CEMUFEP). On the occasion, several women from various communities took office, having as their president Sandra CEMUFEP - Center for Women of the Favela and Periphery. Fight women like Jurema Batista, Maria Alice, Benedita da Silva, Heloisa Marcondes (Helô), Joana Angelica and Sandra Helena (Sandrão), among others, were present at the meeting.

Black Women Meeting - Part 2

Enugbarijô registered in 1985 the inauguration of the first board of the Centro de Mulheres de Periferia (CEMUFEP). On the occasion, several women from various communities took office, having as their president Sandra CEMUFEP - Center for Women of the Favela and Periphery. Fight women like Jurema Batista, Maria Alice, Benedita da Silva, Heloisa Marcondes (Helô), Joana Angelica and Sandra Helena (Sandrão), among others, were present at the meeting.

Black Women Meeting - Part 1

Enugbarijô registered in 1985 the inauguration of the first board of the Centro de Mulheres de Periferia (CEMUFEP). On the occasion, several women from various communities took office, having as their president Sandra CEMUFEP - Center for Women of the Favela and Periphery. Fight women like Jurema Batista, Maria Alice, Benedita da Silva, Heloisa Marcondes (Helô), Joana Angelica and Sandra Helena (Sandrão), among others, were present at the meeting.

200 days in office - Councilor Tainá de Paula

Tainá de Paula is an architect and urban planner, activist in urban struggles, a specialist in Cultural Heritage from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and a Master's Degree in Urbanism from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She was elected Councilor in Rio de Janeiro by the Workers and Workers Party for the period 2021 to 2024.

Black July - Did you know?

Julho das Pretas on Cultne TV recalls great names such as Antonieta de Barros, Beatriz Nascimento, Vera Mendes do Agbara Dudu, Lélia Gonzalez and Ruth de Souza.

Mulher Negra - Anos 80

Video produced with images made by the producers Enugbarijô and Cor da Pele. Black warrior women who worked in the 1980s. Among them, Zezé Motta, Pedrina de Jesus, Benedita da Silva, Thereza Santos and Lélia Gonzalez.
Contemporary Black Mov... 01:23
EP7 - Carlos Medeiros - Zumbi 2010
Contemporary Black Mov... 00:38
EP6 - Berenice Aguiar - Renascença Clube
Contemporary Black Mov... 04:11
EP4 - Vanda Ferreira - November 20
Contemporary Black Mov... 02:46
EP19 - 1983 Black Movement - Jurema Batista
Contemporary Black Mov... 07:53
EP15 - Sônia Giacomini - Renascença Clube
Contemporary Black Mov... 02:30
EP4 - Cultural chat
Contemporary Black Mov... 08:15
EP2 - Renaissance - Black Awareness Week
Contemporary Black Mov... 04:43
EP3 - Paulo Roberto Santos - Zumbi 2010
Contemporary Black Mov... 02:40
EP20 - Pai Ricardo D'Oxum - Zumbi 2010
Roda de Samba 02:09
EP16 - Pedra do Sal - RJ
TV Alerj 28:36
EP10 - Nanci Rosa
Cultne cinema 04:47
EP16 - 80s Black Beauty
Live Events 04:23:00
EP5 - Ori Festival 2021
Live Events 08:33:38
EP4 - Ori Festival 2020