Communication and Racism - Prof. Dr. Muniz Sodré
Cultne registered with images and edition of Filó Filho on April 27, 2018 the speech of Prof. Dr. Muniz Sodré, addressing the theme "Communication and Racism" . Muniz Sodré de Araújo Cabral is a journalist, sociologist, Brazilian translator, professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, at the School of Communication.
Sala de Aula
EP18 - Transatlanticity - Malick ZANE - Portuguese Version
Transatlanticity - Malick ZANE - Portuguese Version
Professor Malick Kane from Senegal was in Brazil in September 2017, giving lectures on Transatlanticity: on the African Burial Ground New York and the Gorée Memorial project in Senegal, toured the states of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Salvador and Rio Grande do Sul. Malick is deputy–commissioner for the Goree Memorial Project, recorded an interview for CULTNE.
Sala de Aula
EP17 - Public Class at Puc-Rio: Artistic-Philosophical Reflections on Humanity
Public Class at Puc-Rio: Artistic-Philosophical Reflections on Humanity
Public class in the course Theories of Literature and Culture of the Post-Graduate Program in Literature, Culture and Contemporary PUC-RJ taught by Professor Ana Kiffer. Invited speaker: Aza Njeri (Viviane Moraes) holds a PhD in African Literature, a post-doctorate in African Philosophy, a researcher in Africa and Afrodiaspora in terms of culture, history, literature, philosophy, theater, arts and African womanism. She is youtuber and mother.
Sala de Aula
EP16 - Université du Sud à Rio de Janeiro - Brésil
Université du Sud à Rio de Janeiro - Brésil
Delegation of Southern University and A&M College come to Brazil in order to establish exchange agreements with Brazilian institutions. The delegation was received by professors, staff and students of different universities like The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences, in March 2017.
Sala de Aula
EP15 - Seminar on the Repair of Slavery and the Ancestors of Saint
Seminar on the Repair of Slavery and the Ancestors of Saint
Cultne recorded the event on September 20, 2018 at the National Archives in Rio de Janeiro.
Sala de Aula
EP14 - Interracial Adoption - Instituto Hoju
Interracial Adoption - Instituto Hoju
Cultne with images and edition of Filó Filho recorded on July 11, 2019 at the Calouste Gulbenkian Arts Center, the lecture "Adoption and Racial Question" held by Instituto Hoju, one of the sponsors of the IES Univerkikazi African Yenye™, accredited by the MEC ( IES 23916).
Sala de Aula
EP13 - Affirmative Actions and Precariousness of Public Universities Seminar
Affirmative Actions and Precariousness of Public Universities Seminar
On March 21, 2017, the international day against racial discrimination, the UFRJ History Institute invited the writer, singer and composer Martinho da Vila to the Aula Magna for the first semester of 2017. In debate, racism in the country and the role of universities in combating discrimination. On March 21, 1960, in the city of Johannesburg, capital of South Africa, 20,000 blacks protested against the pass law, which required them to carry identification cards, specifying the places where they could circulate. In the Shaperville neighborhood, protesters ran into army troops.
Sala de Aula
EP12 - Black Women Movement From Afrolatina America - Course 1
Black Women Movement From Afrolatina America - Course 1
Black Women Movement in Afrolatina America: Views on Peru, Uruguay and Argentina. This thirty-hour mini-course was intended to make public an important part of the results of Profa's research. Dr. Joselina da Silva and the voices of activists from these countries, during her postdoctoral studies (August 2018 / July 2019), within the department of Social Sciences at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, entitled intersectionality between gender and race: The movement of black women in Afro Latin America (Peru, Uruguay and Argentina). Joselina da Silva holds a doctorate (2005) in Social Sciences from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).
Sala de Aula
EP11 - Marcelo Paixão - PUC Rio - Black Cloud Collective
Marcelo Paixão - PUC Rio - Black Cloud Collective
The Collective Black Cloud of PUC-Rio together with the Discipline of Racial Relations in Diasporic Perspective of PUC-Rio, received on June 13, 2017 Prof. Dr. Marcelo Paixão from the University of Austin in Texas, who spoke about Brazilian social thought, racial issues and racial inequalities in Brazil.
Sala de Aula
EP10 - Malick ZANE - Afrodescendant Decade - English version
Malick ZANE - Afrodescendant Decade - English version
Professor Malick Kane from Senegal was in Brazil in September 2017, giving lectures on Transatlanticity: on the African Burial Ground New York and the Mémorial de Gorée project in Senegal, he toured Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Salvador and Rio Grande do Sul. Malick is deputy–commissioner for the Goreé Memorial Project, on the occasion he recorded an interview for CULTNE with images and editing by Alexandre Dias and Filó Filho.
Sala de Aula
EP9 - Malick Zane - "Transatlanticit" - English and French Version
Malick Zane - "Transatlanticit" - English and French Version
Professor Malick Kane of Senegal was in Brazil in September 2017, lecturing on Transatlanticity: on the African Burial Ground New York and the project of the Mémorial de Gorée in Senegal. He traveled through Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Salvador and Rio Grande do Sul. Malick is deputy-commissioner for the Goree Memorial Project. In the opportunity he recorded an interview for CULTNE with images and editing by Alexandre Dias and Filó Filho. Archive footage recorded in Senegal - Africa in 1987 by Ras Adauto and Filó Filho for the Cultne collection.
Sala de Aula
EP8 - Malick KANE - "Afrodescendant Decade" - Portuguese version
Malick KANE - "Afrodescendant Decade" - Portuguese version
Professor Malick Kane of Senegal was in Brazil in September 2017, lecturing on Transatlanticity: on the African Burial Ground New York and the project of the Mémorial de Gorée in Senegal. He traveled through Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Salvador and Rio Grande do Sul. Malick is deputy-commissioner for the Goree Memorial Project. In the opportunity he recorded an interview for CULTNE with images and editing by Alexandre Dias and Filó Filho.
Sala de Aula
EP7 - Law 10639 - Prof. Dr. Monica Lima e Souza
Law 10639 - Prof. Dr. Monica Lima e Souza
With images and editing by Filó Filho and Delanir Cerqueira, the Cultne collection recorded on April 29, 2013 the lecture by Prof. Dr. Monica Lima e Souza, coordinator of the African Studies Laboratory (LeÁfrica) which proposes to be an academic space, located in the Department of History of the IFCS-UFRJ, dedicated to teaching, research and extension activities on topics related to African societies, in their history and in the diverse expressions of their culture. It also intends to contribute to discussions on the ways in which these same themes have been thought of in universities and academic institutions in this area in Brazil, from different fields of study.
Sala de Aula
EP6 - LEAFRO/UFRRJ - Ahyas de Assis
LEAFRO/UFRRJ - Ahyas de Assis
Dr. Keith Jennings gave a lecture at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, on August 11, 2015 at the invitation of LEAFRO at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ in the Baixada Fluminense region.
Sala de Aula
EP5 - LEAFRO/UFRRJ - Othair de Oliveira
LEAFRO/UFRRJ - Othair de Oliveira
Keith Jennings gave a lecture at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, on August 11, 2015 at the invitation of LEAFRO at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ in the Baixada Fluminense region.
Sala de Aula
EP4 - Keith Jennings no Brazil - LEAFRO/UFRRJ (Português)
Keith Jennings no Brazil - LEAFRO/UFRRJ (Português)
Dr. Keith Jennings spoke at Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, on August 11, 2015 at the invitation of african-Brazilian / LEAFRO Studies Laboratory from Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/UFRRJ, in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.
Sala de Aula
EP3 - Keith Jennings in Brazil - UFRRJ University
Keith Jennings in Brazil - UFRRJ University
Dr. Keith Jennings gave a lecture at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, on August 11, 2015 at the invitation of african-Brazilian / LEAFRO Studies Laboratory is justified by the need to produce, promote and support the production and dissemination of new knowledge in the areas of african-Brazilian studies and education in multicultural perspective, accompanying both initial teacher training, and ongoing - in the Baixada Fluminense, as advocated by Law 10639/03.
Sala de Aula
EP2 - Keith Jennings in Brazil - LEAFRO/UFRRJ
Keith Jennings in Brazil - LEAFRO/UFRRJ
Dr. Keith Jennings spoke at Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, on August 11, 2015 at the invitation of african-Brazilian / LEAFRO Studies Laboratory from Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/UFRRJ, in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.
Sala de Aula
EP1 - Kabengele Munanga
Kabengele Munanga
Cultne with images and editing and interviews with Carlos Medeiros, Mario Elena and Filó Filho recorded the seminar “Black presence: art, politics, aesthetics and curatorship” at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Niterói, on August 16, 2019 where the Exhibition was held "Abdias Nascimento: a liberating spirit". The exhibition has 36 works created in the 1960s and 1990s, dedicated to the artistic production of Abdias Nascimento (1914-2011), painter, poet, playwright and one of the greatest activists of the rights of the black Brazilian population.
Sala de Aula
EP20 - Juliana Barroso - VI Criminal Forum Racism is Crime!
Juliana Barroso - VI Criminal Forum Racism is Crime!
With images and editing by Xandão and Filó Filho, Cultne was present at the opening ceremony of the VI Criminal Forum Racism is Crime! The Center for Criminological Research in Rio de Janeiro - CEPERJ, the Commission for Racial Equality - CIR OAB / RJ, the Municipal Council for the Defense of Black Rights - COMDEDINE- RIO, the Civil Police Academy Sílvio Terra- ACADEPOL and the Instituto Palmares of Human Rights - IPDH, held the VI Criminal Forum Racism is Crime! Applicability of the Criminal Law & Civil Liability, from 25 to 27 October 2011, at the Civil Police Academy Sílvio Terra - ACADEPOL, on the occasion CULTNE heard the undersecretary of Education and Prevention Programs of the Rio de Janeiro Public Security Secretariat January.
Sala de Aula
EP19 - African History - Institute of History - UFRJ
African History - Institute of History - UFRJ
With images and editing by Filó Filho and Delanir Cerqueira, the Cultne collection recorded on April 29, 2013 the lecture by Prof. Dr. Monica Lima e Souza, coordinator of the African Studies Laboratory (LeÁfrica) which proposes to be an academic space, located in the Department of History of the IFCS-UFRJ, dedicated to teaching, research and extension activities on topics related to African societies, in their history and in the diverse expressions of their culture. It also intends to contribute to discussions on the ways in which these same themes have been thought of in universities and academic institutions in this area in Brazil, from different fields of study.
Sala de Aula
EP18 - André Rebouças
André Rebouças
The Engineering Club paid tribute to the black engineer André Rebouças in 1988, on the year of the Centenary of the Abolition of Slavery. On the occasion, Correios e Telégrafo launched the new Brazilian postal mark, with the album containing stamps referring to André Rebouças. André Pinto Rebouças was a Brazilian engineer, inventor and abolitionist Son of Antônio Pereira Rebouças (1798-1880) and Carolina Pinto Rebouças. Lawyer, deputy and advisor to D. Pedro II (1840-1889), his father was the son of a freed slave and a Portuguese tailor. His brothers Antônio Pereira Rebouças Filho and José Rebouças were also engineers.
Sala de Aula
EP17 - LEAFRO/UFRRJ - Geraldo Bastos
LEAFRO/UFRRJ - Geraldo Bastos
Dr. Keith Jennings gave a lecture at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, on August 11, 2015 at the invitation of LEAFRO at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ in the Baixada Fluminense region.
Sala de Aula
EP16 - Communication and Racism - Prof. Dr. Muniz Sodré
Communication and Racism - Prof. Dr. Muniz Sodré
Cultne registered with images and edition of Filó Filho on April 27, 2018 the speech of Prof. Dr. Muniz Sodré, addressing the theme "Communication and Racism" . Muniz Sodré de Araújo Cabral is a journalist, sociologist, Brazilian translator, professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, at the School of Communication.
Sala de Aula
EP15 - SOUTHEAST COPENE - Mother Beata de Iemanjá
SOUTHEAST COPENE - Mother Beata de Iemanjá
From August 6th to 8th, 2015, the I Brazilian Congress of Black Researchers of the Southeast Region was held - COPENE SUDESTE, headquartered at UFRRJ - Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro in the city of Nova Iguaçu - RJ , with the general theme "NEABs in the contemporary educational scenario: identity relations and intersections", will debate the political and scientific responsibilities that the Afro-Brazilian Studies Nucleus and related Groups must assume in the training processes of black researchers ) and of teachers, of production/dissemination of knowledge, content, methods and technologies for the education of ethnic-racial relations, as well as articulations, strategies and projects for the strengthening of these research and extension collectives within the institutions that belong and in society. The general objective was to promote critical reflections on academic production and the challenges of the Afro-Brazilian Studies Centers and Related Groups.
Sala de Aula
EP14 - Deri Santana - Baixada Paris Connection
Deri Santana - Baixada Paris Connection
Cultne recorded with images and editing by Filó Filho and Delanir Cerqueira on May 5, 2013 the lecture on the History of Africa which had the participation of Deri Santana, recently arrived from Paris, where he is studying for a doctorate in History at the Paris V University, Sorbonne . He arrives in Brazil to complete his doctoral research in Pernambuco. Ex-professor at the University of Rennes in France, he was a former student at PVNC - Pre-Entrance Exam for Blacks and Needy in Patience, he was born in Duque de Caxias in the lowlands of Rio de Janeiro.
Sala de Aula
EP13 - Adriana Belém - VI Racism is Crime Forum!
Adriana Belém - VI Racism is Crime Forum!
Opening ceremony of the VI Criminal Forum Racism is Crime! Cultne recorded the interview of the chief delegate Adriana Belém of the 42nd. DP - Playground. The Center for Criminological Research in Rio de Janeiro - CEPERJ, the Commission for Racial Equality - CIR OAB / RJ, the Municipal Council for the Defense of Black Rights - COMDEDINE- RIO, the Civil Police Academy Sílvio Terra- ACADEPOL and the Instituto Palmares of Human Rights - IPDH, held the VI Criminal Forum Racism is Crime! Applicability of the Criminal Law & Civil Liability, from 25 to 27 October 2011, at the Civil Police Academy Sílvio Terra - ACADEPOL.
Sala de Aula
EP12 - Seminar on Memories and Legacies - Lelia Gonzalez - UERJ
Seminar on Memories and Legacies - Lelia Gonzalez - UERJ
"Memories and Legacies Seminar" about the historical activist Lelia Gonzalez held at UERJ. The course included cultural, historical, religious and social aspects of blacks in Africa and the Diaspora, going through slavery and protest movements in Brazil, up to the history of the Brazilian black movement, including the quilombolas, and the social indicators of the black population in Brazil.
Sala de Aula
EP11 - The History of the Black Movement - Master Yedo Ferreira
The History of the Black Movement - Master Yedo Ferreira
The video presents the lecture by Master Yedo Ferreira, a longtime activist on the black issue in our country for more than half a century. His class theme was "The History of the Black Movement". Event of COINTER - UERJ (Coordination of Community Interaction) through the work of João Costa Batista who directed, in 2004, the III Updating Course in Black History at UERJ. João Batista, is a former militant in the construction of a bridge between the university and the themes of the fight against racism. The course was organized into five thematic modules covering cultural, historical, religious and social aspects of black people in Africa and the diaspora, passing through slavery and protest movements in Brazil, to the history of the Brazilian black movement, including the quilombolas, and indicators of the black population in Brazil. The modules were: Diaspora; Resistance, Culture and Citizenship.
Sala de Aula
EP10 - Black History Course - UERJ - Prof. Jose Flavio Pessoa
Black History Course - UERJ - Prof. Jose Flavio Pessoa
The video presents the lecture of Prof. Dr. José Flavio Pessoa de Barros from IFCH - Religious Studies Program / UERJ, which addressed the theme "The Imaginary and Everyday Life of Afro-Brazilian Religions". COINTER - UERJ (Community Interaction Coordination) event through the work of João Costa Batista who directed, in 2004, the III Update Course in Black History at UERJ.
Sala de Aula
EP9 - Black History Course - UERJ - Prof. José Flavio
Black History Course - UERJ - Prof. José Flavio
The video presents an excerpt from Prof. Dr. José Flavio Pessoa de Barros from IFCH - Religious Studies Program / UERJ, which addressed the theme "The Imaginary and Everyday Life of Afro-Brazilian Religions". Video produced by COINTER - UERJ (Community Integration Coordination) through the work of João Costa Batista who directed in 2004 the III Update Course in Black History at UERJ.
Sala de Aula
EP8 - Protagonism of Black Women - IFSC / UFRJ Lecture
Protagonism of Black Women - IFSC / UFRJ Lecture
Séminaire Race, Genre et Démocratie - DANS DES PERSPECTIVES COMPARATIVES - Dialogues Brésil et USA organisé le 10 août 2015 par IFSC - Institut de Philosophie et Sciences Sociales de l'Université Fédérale de Rio de Janeiro, sous la coordination du Prof. Dr Flavio Gomes et doctorant Gerson Theodoro (Togo Yoruba). A cette occasion, le séminaire a reçu la conférencière Rosália Lemos qui a donné la conférence sur "Le protagonisme des femmes noires" dans le cadre du panel "Université, citoyenneté et mémoire sociale: législation, politiques publiques et intellectuels noirs".
Sala de Aula
EP7 - Global Justice - Doctoral Thesis Dr. Wilson Prudente - Part 2
Global Justice - Doctoral Thesis Dr. Wilson Prudente - Part 2
Defense of the doctoral thesis in Political Science and International Relations, by IUPERJ / UCAM by Wilson Roberto Prudente in August 2015 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The examining board was attended by Prof. Dr. Marcelo James V. Coutinho (Advisor); Profa. Dr. Maria Helena Barros de Oliveira (ENSP); Prof. Dr. Carlos André Macêdo Cavalcanti (UFPB); Prof. Dr. Geraldo Tadeu Moreira Monteiro (IUPERJ); and Prof. Dr. Aurélio Wander Chaves Bastos (IUPERJ). Wilson Roberto Prudente, was born in 1957. In 1987 he graduated in Social Studies at FFP - UERJ. Seeking to qualify even more concluded in 1994, the law school. At the Fluminense Federal University. In 2002 he earned the title of Master in Legal and Social Science from UFF. He became a Labor Attorney, dying in October 2017.
Sala de Aula
EP6 - Global Justice - Doctoral Thesis Dr. Wilson Prudente - parte 1
Global Justice - Doctoral Thesis Dr. Wilson Prudente - parte 1
Defense of the doctoral thesis in Political Science and International Relations, by IUPERJ / UCAM by Wilson Roberto Prudente on August 19, 2015 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Cultne recorded the event with images and editing by Filó Filho and Alexandre "Xandão" Dias. The examining board was attended by Prof. Dr. Marcelo James V. Coutinho (Advisor); Profa. Dr. Maria Helena Barros de Oliveira (ENSP); Prof. Dr. Carlos André Macêdo Cavalcanti (UFPB); Prof. Dr. Geraldo Tadeu Moreira Monteiro (IUPERJ); and Prof. Dr. Aurélio Wander Chaves Bastos (IUPERJ).
Sala de Aula
EP5 - Extension Course UFRJ - Post Abolition in Brazil - Black Associations
Extension Course UFRJ - Post Abolition in Brazil - Black Associations
How did blacks organize themselves and act in Brazil after the Abolition of Slavery? What are the main obstacles you encountered and the means you used to overcome them? Can one speak of a continuity of the black struggle during the 20th century? These and other issues were discussed in the Post-Abolition course in Brazil: Black Associations, taught by the pair of doctoral professors Flávio dos Santos Gomes and Petrônio Domingues, from the Graduate Program in Comparative History at UFRJ. The realization of the course, with these professors and the students you are seeing, shows that something is changing at the Brazilian university ...
Sala de Aula
EP4 - Master Class with Martinho da Vila - IFCS / UFRJ
Master Class with Martinho da Vila - IFCS / UFRJ
On March 21, 2017, the international day against racial discrimination, the UFRJ History Institute invited the writer, singer and composer Martinho da Vila to the Aula Magna of the first semester of 2017, who received the title of Doctor from UFRJ Honoris Causa. In debate, racism in the country and the role of universities in combating discrimination. In his class, Martinho spoke about the Shaperville massacre that took place on March 21, 1960, when 69 blacks were machine-gunned by the South African police during the time of apartheid. The date is currently set by the UN as the International Day Against Racial Discrimination. Exactly 57 years later, at UFRJ, he talked about the importance of fighting racism every day.
Sala de Aula
EP3 - "What Doesn't Fit in 500 Years: Another History of African People"
"What Doesn't Fit in 500 Years: Another History of African People"
The activity "What Doesn't Fit in 500 Years: Another History of African People", is an open-air exhibition-class at Cais do Valongo, a port area in Rio de Janeiro. The event was promoted by IPEAFRO - Afro-Brazilian Research and Studies Institute and by Partiu! - Art and Urban Intervention Plan, and was part of the Virada Sustentável 2019 and the Circuito Urbano 2019. The activity started with the Timeline of the African Peoples, a research developed by IPEAFRO that goes back to the puzzle of the authentic history of Africa, of Africans and their descendants on all continents, from the cradle of humanity to the present day."What Doesn't Fit in 500 Years: Another History of African People" - Public Class 02
The activity "What Doesn't Fit in 500 Years: Another History of African People", is an open-air exhibition-class at Cais do Valongo, a port area in Rio de Janeiro. The event was promoted by IPEAFRO - Afro-Brazilian Research and Studies Institute and by Partiu! - Art and Urban Intervention Plan, and was part of the Virada Sustentável 2019 and the Circuito Urbano 2019. The activity started with the Timeline of the African Peoples, a research developed by IPEAFRO that goes back to the puzzle of the authentic history of Africa, of Africans and their descendants on all continents, from the cradle of humanity to the present day.What Doesn't Fit in 500 Years: Another History of African People - Public Class 01
The activity "What Doesn't Fit in 500 Years: Another History of African People", is an open-air exhibition-class at Cais do Valongo, a port area in Rio de Janeiro. The event was promoted by IPEAFRO - Afro-Brazilian Research and Studies Institute and by Partiu! - Art and Urban Intervention Plan, and was part of the Virada Sustentável 2019 and the Circuito Urbano 2019. The activity started with the Timeline of the African Peoples, a research developed by IPEAFRO that goes back to the puzzle of the authentic history of Africa, of Africans and their descendants on all continents, from the cradle of humanity to the present day.
Cultne na TV
EP13 - Tom Farias Program
Cultne na TV
EP1 - Zezzynho Andraddy Program
Contemporary Black Mov...
EP13 - ADACI Brasil - Edna Rodrigues
Contemporary Black Mov...
EP18 - 1983 Black Movement - Marcos Romão
Contemporary Black Mov...
EP16 - SOS Racismo - Launch
Contemporary Black Mov...
EP17 - Racism: Shall we talk about it? - CEPPIR
Nossas Histórias
EP18 - Lissa dos Passos e Silva
TV Alerj
EP6 - Oswaldo Faustino
Abdias do Nascimento
EP2 - Launch of the Abdias Nascimento 2013 Award - Pt1
Abdias do Nascimento
EP19 - Clip of the Abdias Nascimento Award
Shows and Events
EP20 - Vissungo - SOS Racism
In the balance of Reggae
EP20 - Show Macdonis - Reggae
Post-Abolition Stories
EP19 - Ana Paula Cruz - UFRJ
Cultne cinema
Movie - Durban International Conference 2001 - Documentary
Cultne cinema
Movie - Cruz e Souza - Poet of Desterro - film
Martinho da Vila
EP8 - Martinho da Vila - Doctor Honoris Causa
Live Black Movement
EP8 - Durban+20 | Against Racism Here and Now | Live #3
Shows & Events
EP8 - Alberto Jahsie - Singer
Racism in Football
EP2 - Racism in Football - Wilson Prudente
Theater Shows