Navio Negreiro - Celia Nascimento & Slow DABF

Cultne registered on November 20, 2013, the event the "Meeting of Africas", on Black Consciousness Day at Teatro Oi Casa Grande, in Rio de Janeiro, with free entry, held in support of the campaign for member states of United Nations approve the International Decade of Afrodescendants - a movement defended by Brazil - by the United Nations Information Center in the country (UNIC Rio).

Meeting of the Africas - Robertinho Silva - Cravo e Canela

Cultne registered on November 20, 2013, with images and editing by Filó Filho, Jose Andrade, Alexandre Dias, Alvaro Araujo, Felipe Siston and Ivone Alves, the event "Encontro das Áfricas", an event held on November 20, Day of Consciência Negra, at the Oi Casa Grande Theater, in Rio de Janeiro, with free admission. The event was held in support of the campaign for United Nations Member States to approve the International Decade of Afro-descendants - a movement defended by Brazil - by the United Nations Information Center in the country (UNIC Rio).

Meeting of the Africas - Janaina Moreno and Robertinho Silva

Cultne registered on November 20, 2013, with images and editing by Filó Filho, Jose Andrade, Alexandre Dias, Alvaro Araujo, Felipe Siston and Ivone Alves, the event "Encontro das Áfricas", an event held on November 20, Day of Consciência Negra, at the Oi Casa Grande Theater, in Rio de Janeiro, with free admission. The event was held in support of the campaign for United Nations Member States to approve the International Decade of Afro-descendants - a movement defended by Brazil - by the United Nations Information Center in the country (UNIC Rio).

Meeting of the Africas - Céllia Nascimento - South African Anthem

Cultne registered on November 20, 2013, with images and editing by Filó Filho, Jose Andrade, Alexandre Dias, Alvaro Araujo, Felipe Siston and Ivone Alves, the event "Encontro das Áfricas", an event held on November 20, Day of Consciência Negra, at the Oi Casa Grande Theater, in Rio de Janeiro, with free admission. The event was held in support of the campaign for United Nations Member States to approve the International Decade of Afro-descendants - a movement defended by Brazil - by the United Nations Information Center in the country (UNIC Rio).
Meeting of the Africas 07:01
EP2 -

"Encontro das Áfricas", an event held on November 20, 2013, Black Awareness Day, at the Oi Casa Grande Theater, in Rio de Janeiro. The event was held in support of the campaign for the Member States of the United Nations to approve the International Decade of People of African Descent - a movement advocated by Brazil - by the United Nations Information Center in the country (UNIC Rio).

Encuentro de Áfricas - Altay Veloso - 4 vientos de África

"Encontro das Áfricas", an event held on November 20, 2013, Black Awareness Day, at the Oi Casa Grande Theater, in Rio de Janeiro. The event was held in support of the campaign for the Member States of the United Nations to approve the International Decade of People of African Descent - a movement advocated by Brazil - by the United Nations Information Center in the country (UNIC Rio).
Contemporary Black Mov... 01:23
EP7 - Carlos Medeiros - Zumbi 2010
Contemporary Black Mov... 00:38
EP6 - Berenice Aguiar - Renascença Clube
Contemporary Black Mov... 04:11
EP4 - Vanda Ferreira - November 20
Contemporary Black Mov... 08:15
EP2 - Renaissance - Black Awareness Week
Contemporary Black Mov... 04:43
EP3 - Paulo Roberto Santos - Zumbi 2010
Contemporary Black Mov... 02:40
EP20 - Pai Ricardo D'Oxum - Zumbi 2010
Contemporary Black Mov... 05:44
EP18 - Nigerian Connection - 3/3
Contemporary Black Mov... 04:54
EP17 - Nigerian Connection - 2/3
Contemporary Black Mov... 03:30
EP16 - Nigerian Connection - 1/3
Roda de Samba 02:09
EP16 - Pedra do Sal - RJ
In the balance of Reggae 03:01
EP13 - Central African - 1987