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Black Resistance to the Racial Exclusion Project - Brazil 200 Years

Recently, the book "Black Resistance to the Racial Exclusion Project - Brazil 200 Years" was released. Organized by professor and doctor Hélio Santos, the book brings together texts by 34 black intellectuals from different regions of the country to reflect on the 200 years of Brazil's Independence. Cultne was present recording the launch of this work and the testimonies of intellectuals and partners who were also present to honor this book that will serve as a reference for a new Brazil.

Mãe Beata de Iemanjá

Beatriz Moreira Costa, known as Mãe Beata de Iemanjá (January 20, 1931 – May 27, 2017) was a Brazilian saint-mother, writer and artisan, who developed works related to the defense and preservation of the environment, human rights, education, health, combating sexism and racism. In April 2022, the Ylê Axé Omijuar on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, inaugurated a bust in his honor. Mãe Beata de Iemanjá (1931-2017) left a legacy as a mother of saint, writer and artisan, from her work in front of the Ylê Axé Omijuaro (House of Águas dos Olhos de Oxóssi) founded in 1985 and located in the metropolitan region of River in Nova Iguaçu, in the Miguel Couto neighborhood. Mother Beata, throughout her life, has always been in favor of social justice, has been at the forefront of mobilizations and activities to combat religious intolerance, to prevent STDs/HIV/AIDS and breast cancer, violence against women, to racial and gender discrimination, in addition to being a publicly known defender of the environment. Since the 1980s, she has been considered one of the great personalities of Candomblé in Rio de Janeiro. In April 2022 the bust of Mãe Beata de Iemanjá was inaugurated when Ylê Axé Omijuaro completed 37 years of foundation. Cultne TV was present recording the event and produced a short documentary about the importance of the great matriarch.

Abdias Nascimento's spell

Launch of the book and the new edition of the play Sortilégio, written in 1959 by Abdias do Nascimento. The initiative was taken by the Institute of Afro-Brazilian Research and Studies (IPEAFRO) and the program also included performative readings, autograph sessions and the participation of references from contemporary black theater.

Eddie and Vanessa: Love, Africanity and Technology.

Eddie and Vanessa love, africanity and technology in favor of the black culture of lusophony Presentation: Silvia Nascimento Production: Black World Recording and Editing: @Cultne Art: Apuan

2023 21 Days of Activism Against Racism campaign.

The seventh edition had the registration record: there were more than 330 activities! It's beautiful, diverse, up to the age-old struggles that black people and native peoples have had on a daily basis. We have the illustrious collaboration of Cultne (Dom Filó) in this opening video. Join us in this and other collective actions to face racism.

Adam and Eve Foliage

FOLIAGE OF ADAM AND EVE JOY OF ADAM AND EVE Director: Clementino Junior Fiction, 2009, 14 minutes With Marcelo Dias and Cyda Morenyx SYNOPSIS And God created the man... the woman... oh, and the Carnival too! And God created man... woman... oh, and also the Carnival! Y Diós creó al hombre... a la mujer... ah, and al carnaval también..

Who were the women of Palmares?

Study Group - Courses and Training - Podcast Socorro Comadre - Website:

Quintal da Magia Live on BatuQ

Realization BatuQ House of Samba Executive production William Oliveira Artistic Production Felipe Pereira DATASHEET AUDIOVISUAL PRODUCTION @DobFotoeVideo CAMERAS VICTOR MARQUES JUNIOR MARQUES VIDEO EDITION JUNIOR MARQUES SOUNDING ANDEC SOUND PROCESSING PA, MONITOR AND AUDIO CAPTURE TECHNICIAN GUILHERME CARNEIRO AUDIO MIXING AND MASTERING VICTOR MARQUES COLORING AND YOUTUBE ART VICTOR MARQUES RECORDED AT BATUQ CASA DE SAMBA 06/18/2023 - PENHA - RJ SONGS 00:00 Opening 00:10 Emotional Problem 03:01 Oya 06:35 Glitter in the eye 10:10 Utopia 13:12 Ôa Ôa (Love Song) 15:40 Someone Warned Me 18:18 But who said I forget you 21:42 Bohemian soul 24:25 I don't want to know about her anymore 27:47 Man of the streets 30:19 Play has a time 32:16 Wax castle

One year after the death of Congolese Moïse Kabagambe

The death of Congolese Moïse Kabagambe completed one year this Tuesday (24) and the immigrant's relatives said, during tributes on the date, that justice is being very slow in the case. At a mass celebrated at the Sanctuary of Christ the Redeemer, in Rio, Moïse's mother, Lotsove Lolo Lavy Ivone, said that she hopes for more speed in the judgment of the culprits. Cultne Coverage: Reporter - Neide Diniz Images and editing: Angelino Albaneze Direction - Filo Filho

Crias do Funk

Crias do Funk, aims to bring together the great names of funk Brazil, the builders of this vast and beautiful movement that packs the weekends of our young people and adults who love to dance and have fun, the famous MCS, who at the end of the 80, funk exploded in Rio's nights and spread throughout Brazil, encouraging irreverent dances and elaborate steps. Performers: Buchecha / Bob Rum / Mascot / Mano Teko / Mano Kacau / Danda / Sinistro / André do Alto / Amaro / William

You're the best for me (Gay theme)

Bruno and Eduardo are two young black men from the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro who fell in love unexpectedly and live a love story. However, the arrival of Hugo, bruno's ex, can shake the structures of this relationship. The film touches on taboos surrounding the LGBT movement and gave rise to the wébserie that bears the same name. Conception: Vitor Marinho and Rafael Rocha. Directed by: Vitor Marinho and Rafael Rocha Assistant Director: Sara G Chagas and Ruan Leonicio Sound: Paula Vieira Soundtrack: Jota, Cayo Vinícios and Pedro Queverdo

Men, Gods and Saints in the village of itaúnas

Men, Gods and Saints in the Village of Itaúnas" is an ethnodocumentary made in the north of the state of Espírito Santo, in the small village of Itaúnas. Its traditional population of artisanal fishermen has a strong Afro-descendant trait in their way of life. Its inhabitants tell about their roots linked to Ticumbi and Arte de Curar, its traditions, faith and devotion to São Benedito and São Sebastião. Direction and Research: Maria Aparecida de Sá Xavier Executive Production: Lab.Muy Arte e Cultura Digital Production Director: Carol Covre Camera: Carol Covre and Hugo Reis Direct sound: Hugo Reis Editing: Carol Covre Sound Editing and Mixing: Joceles Bicalho "In a critical position to the society of the spectacle, the documentary Men, Gods and Saints in the Village of Itaúnas by the geographer Maria de Sá Xavier is a rich support of material and symbolic elements. Space and time, objectivity and subjectivity, the personal and the collective. To know the world is to feel it: the smell, the sound and the taste. Maria brings to the body of the film what is essential to man: his nature, his culture. She makes the transit of the eye, the image, from the figurations of the society of the spectacle – which distance – to the empirical experience of (and with) man, which brings them closer. The image did not star in the documentary quite by the way. She also awakened flavors and sounds that accompanied her. Technical requirements for a report document that has an anthropological bias in good terms, become, say, unnecessary. The tone is, in fact, in defense of craftsmanship, to accompany the tone of the city of Itaúnas – a space that has little houses made by João de Barro on high voltage poles. Tension of modernity that threatens nature. Listening to the film, the images gained more strength and meaning. Listening to the reports of Tia Aninha, Seu Caboquinho, their songs, was an experience that, made after seeing, moved and brings us closer to the soul of the characters. In many measures, she put the eye to rest and approached Adélia Prado's sense of a map-text that the author chose as the epigraph of the film that tells and sings Itaúnas' Ticumbí. The view highlighted the closed planes on the feet, on the roads, on the trees, on the saints and handicrafts, and traced a documentary of details. She awakened the senses. The geographer in the cinema brought the smell of earth. “The map holds blood and treasures”, says Adélia Prado. The memory map, the photos, the dancing feet, the saints, the sacred and the profane, the eyes full of water, the subjective eyes of the camera directed by Maria de Sá Xavier invited us to enter and drew the map on the dirt road culture that each account brought with it." Review by Anna Paula Soares Lemos Prof. Adjunct to the Graduate Program in Humanities, Cultures and Arts – UNIGRANRIO

Favela and Periphery Women's Center - 1985

The inauguration of the first board of CEMUFP took office in 1985 with Sandra Helena as president of CEMUFP - Centro de Mulheres de Favela e Periferia. Fighting women such as Jurema Batista, Maria Alice, Benedita da Silva, Heloisa Marcondes (Helô), Joana Angelica and Sandra Helena (Sandrão) were present at the meeting.

What Would You Do For Love?

WHAT WOULD YOU DO FOR LOVE? CAP 4 Gay Webseries - lgbt | ON ONE

Darkening ideas - Culture and politics movements

Darkening ideas - Culture and politics movements

Sueli Carneiro: what clay are we made of to allow the situation of blacks in this country?

The philosopher Sueli Carneiro is an academic, one of the first to produce knowledge about the situation of black women in the country of miscegenation. Feminist Sueli Carneiro created the first specific mental health program for black women. At the university, in debates, throughout Brazil and within, anti-racism activist Sueli Carneiro has been fighting for decades. With the spirit, indignation and dreams of a militant in her first manifestations. And feet firmly planted on the ground. Crédits : TV Sénat

Black World Powerlist Black Women 2022

In 2022, on July 25th, the International Day of Black Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Mundo Negro Site, through the Black Women Powerlist transforming stories, celebrated the performance of black women from different areas of activity who are changing their personal stories. , their families and society.

Programa Rafael Mike

Cultne on TV program presented by Carlos Alberto Medeiros, aired on October 19, 2019 on TV Alerj with guest singer and songwriter Rafael Mike.

Black Mixer - 40 Years of Fighting

Documentary produced for November 20, 2012, about the Black Movement from the 80s with images from the production companies Enugbarijô by Vik Birkbeck and Ras Adauto and Filó Filho and Carlos Medeiros for Cor da Pele - Production and Video.

Jonathan Ferr Live - Saturn

Pianist Jonathan Ferr is the precursor of Urban Jazz in Brazil and has intertwined musical frontiers with the aim of popularizing jazz and lulling dreams in the peripheries. He was nominated for the 2021 Multishow Award and the Power Award. Named “Garoto estandarte do jazz” by Jornal El País, in 2021 he was confirmed on several lists of the best albums of the year with his album “Cura”, which featured a schedule of solo piano performances throughout Brazil. He has just released his brand new work called Liberdade, an album with 10 tracks in which Jazz flows together with R&B, hip-hop and electronic music. Putting Brazil on the bill, Jonathan Ferr is one of the most celebrated names of the new generation of Brazilian jazz. Listen to the Album LIBERDADE:

How to make Carolans signature cocktail by Santos

Hosted by singer and bartender Santoz, Cocktails & Sessions aims to spread music and cocktails. There is a symbiosis between both, something that provides us with a unique experience. Enjoying a good cocktail, listening to good music, provides sensations that complete and harmonize. The purpose of this project is to create a space for discovering new artists and thereby contributing to culture, presenting the work of the invited artists to the public through the YouTube channel. The format of the program consists of an interview and a live session where the musicians perform with songs that are part of their repertoire. Carola's (recipe) 50ml vodka (drunk in barrel) 30ml Sicilian lemon 25ml limoncello 20 tangerine syrup 15 ml peach liqueur Garrison: Sicilian lemon zest Method of preparation: whipped Served in a Martini or Coupe glass

Cavalo de Aço

“Steel Horse” [Official Clip] (BiD, Gabriel Moura and Marlon Sette) Feat. Di Melo, Paula Lima and Gabriel Moura Photography: Paola Vianna Editing: Lico Cardoso Directed by Flavio Frederico, Paola Vianna and Lico Cardoso A realization @soulcityprod and @kinoscopiocinematografica Direction and music production: BiD Keyboards: Limma Bass, guitar and beat: BiD Trombone and brass arrangement: Marlon Sette Sax: Jorge Continentino Trumpet: Diogo Gomes Recorded by BiD - SoulCity Prod Mix by Evaldo Luna - Estúdio 3Orelhas Mastering by Felipe Tichauer from RedTraxxMastering

João Loroza

Cultne presents its new episode of "Cultne em Resenha" with presentation by Carlos Alberto Medeiros (@carlosalbertomedeirosoficial); produced by Nil Mendonça (@nill.mendonca), edited by Manuela Veloso (@mavelosob_) and directed by Filó Filho (@dom_filo). In this episode we have guest singer, songwriter, musician and music producer, João Loroza, who will talk a little about his professional and personal trajectory. Also watch on the Cultne.TV platform or on TV Alerj(RJ) NET channel 12, Saturday at 9:30 pm!

Afro-Brazilian Orchestra - 80 Years Show

Presentation of the Afro-Brazilian Orchestra in celebration of its 80 years of existence, held on June 14, 2022, at Teatro Ipanema, south of Rio de Janeiro. On the same day, the 80th birthday of Carlos Negreiros, the last remaining musician from the original formation of the orchestra, founded in 1942, was celebrated.

Canjerê do Amaro - Part 3

Marcelo Amaro presents Canjerê do Amaro Show recorded at Batuq Casa de Samba on April 30, 2022 In the repertoire Amaro sings authorial works from his three albums, his DVD, by artists of his generation and Samba classics. In addition to many guests arriving adding to this beautiful project. A great Kizomba! Credits: Marcelo Amaro - Trio de Congas, Cuíca, Agbê (Xequerê), Tamborim, Frigideira, Caxixis. Special guests: Dada Varela Keco Cardoso Inacio Rios Andre Lara Jorge Agrião Joao Martins Lula Matos Jorge Andre Wanderson Lemos The Thiagos Musicians: Didi Assis - Chorus Ana Paula Cruz - Transverse flute Daniel Delavusca - Cavaquinho Vinicius Magalhães - 7 string guitar Beloba-Tãn-Tãn Caioba - Hand Repeat/ Box/ Tambourine 2- Agogô Zion - tambourine Wando Azevedo - Surdo / Tamborim André Souza - Timbal / Atabaque Artistic production: Lú Vieira Recorded 04/30/2022 Batuq House of Samba. Penha/RJ Sound: Andec Technician - Guilherme Carneiro Images - Pedro Oliveira - Marco Santos - Angelino Albaneze Editing and Finishing - Pedro Oliveira Audiovisual Production - Cultne TV

Interview with Ms. Abena Busia, Ambassador of Ghana to Brazil by Carlos Medeiros

The journalist Carlos Alberto Medeiros interviewed the Ambassador of Ghana in Brazil, Mrs. Abena Busia in February 2022 at the JW Marriott Hotel in Copacabana. On the occasion, the ambassador spoke about the launch of the Pan African Heritage Museum (PAHM) in Accra, the capital of Ghana. The museum will showcase the history, arts and culture of Africa from Ancient Egypt to the present and will create an environment where people of African descent can unlearn and relearn the true history, culture and civilization of Africa. See the Portuguese version on

Leci Brandão live on Batuq


André Lemos

In today's episode we received the graduate in history (UFRRJ), specialist in the history of Africa and black in Brazil (UCAM), master in history teaching (UFRRJ) and history professor at SEEDUC-RJ, André Lemos. He presents his research which has as its theme: "For a Historical and Racial Literacy" The column Nossas Histórias is produced by the Network of Black Historians and Black Historians in partnership with Portal Geledes and Acervo Cultne

Coverage - Baile Black Bom

Coverage Cultne Especial Baile Black Bom held in May 2022 at Praça Mauá, Rio de Janeiro Brazil.

Seu Jorge & Soul Mais Samba 2015

Seu Jorge's participation in the samba circle of Grupo Soul + Samba in the 4 lines of Bento Ribeiro on April 19, 2015. With images by Filó Filho and Alvaro Araujo; photographic still of Zezzynho Andraddy, editing and reporting by Pedro Oliveira and direction by Filó Filho the team registered the event for the Cultne Collection.

SEPTEMBER 7 - What democracy do we want?

SEPTEMBER 7 - What democracy do we want?

The Comeback


Actress and producer Suzane Senna - from the outskirts of Salvador to the great productions of Broadway NY

The tenth episode of Pretas em NY is on the air! And this week we talked to Producer Cultura, Actress and Publicist, Suzane Sena! Suzane, who was born and raised in Salvador, has lived in NY for 7 years and tells how her career consolidation process was, until she got to work in the production of a famous Broadway musical! Want to know more? Watch the full Episode! It's inspiring and full of Axé!

Anthony David in Rio de Janeiro

Black Bom Institute and Cultne TV Present: Autograph Afternoon with Anthony David Directly from Atlanta, American R&B singer and songwriter Anthony David, at the invitation of Instituto Black Bom and Cultne Tv, kindly graced us with an afternoon of autographs in the lobby of Hotel Selina, Lapa, for Black Music lovers. Known for his song 4Evermore in partnership with Algebra & Phonte hit Bailes Charme in addition to "Words", a duet with contemporary R&B singer India. Arie who was nominated for a Grammy for Best R&B Performance. Anthony has released 7 critically acclaimed albums and has sold over 10 million albums. On the occasion we also had ambient music with resident Dj Flash from Baile Black Bom and Don Jay (USA), a pleasant atmosphere with exchange of ideas with dance groups, soul music lovers and a unique opportunity to see this great icon of black music from near.

Black July - Lélia Gonzales

Lélia Gonzalez (1935-1994) is from Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte) born on 2/1/1935 who always emphasized her mother's indigenous origin and her father's black origin, who died, however, when she was still a child. Being herself a result of Brazil, Gonzalez would publish in 1988 "The political-cultural concept of Amefricanity", an article in which she would discuss the historical-political-cultural formation of the country, say, indigenous and Afrodiasporic, and on the denial (Freud) of the Ladino-Amefricanity of Brazil by Brazilian-style social thought. Like her political activity and militancy in the national and international black and women's movements, Lelian's academic production is as prolific as it is intense and in-depth. Whether in the debate about the necessary blackening of feminisms or in understanding the role of black women and men in Brazilian and global capitalism, the pioneering nature of her work, despite several published works and peer recognition, had the public memory erased. Research sources: UOL, Brasil de Fato, Geledés, Mulheres de Luta, eusemfronteiras, Fenajufe, iBahia, ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Canal Preto would like to thank the guests for their availability, support, trust and sharing of knowledge. Their speeches are the main reference used in and for the construction of all content published throughout the week. Raquel Barreto - Historian and researcher specializing in the work of authors Angela Y. Davis (1944) and Lélia Gonzalez (1935-1994). Co-curator of the independent publication project of the books by Lélia González and Beatriz Nascimento (1942-1995) produced by the Union of Pan-Africanist Collectives (UCPA) and of the exhibition "Carolina Maria de Jesus: a Brazil for Brazilians" (Instituto Moreira Salles). Elizabeth Viana - Sociologist with a specialization in Urban Sociology from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Uerj) and a master's degree in Comparative History from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Melina de Lima - Historian and granddaughter of Lélia Gonzalez (1935-1994). Co-author of the Project Lélia Gonzalez Vive. Director of Education and Culture at the Lélia Gonzalez Memorial Institute. Racism. Either you fight, or you take part. Which one are you?

I Love You Madureira - Crespinhos Dança

Crespinhos Dança is a project that was born at Crespinhos Sa and aims to value musical movements from Black Music, such as Charme, Funk and Hip Hop Dance. Crespinhos Dança was born in 2016 and has participated in important musical events and festivals. Coordinated by the choreographer and precursor of Charme in Brazil Luis Marques, Crespinhos Dança serves children from 8 to 12 years old. Classes are free and take place in the North and West Zones of Rio de Janeiro.

Black July: Building Bridges Beyond Borders

BLACK JULY: BUILDING BRIDGES BEYOND BORDERS In another edition of the column “Weaving dialogues in black diaspora and migration” we will have a beautiful Conversation Round bringing the meaning of the National Day of Tereza de Benguela and the Black Woman, sanctioned by President Dilma on July 25, 2014, a date that consolidates in the Brazil the Black Latin and Caribbean Women's Day, as well as the 31st of July which is celebrated with the Pan African Women's Day. At a historic crossroads, where present and past merge as an impulse of movement and Africanity, we celebrate the various manifestations of Afro-descendant female resistance in a beautiful Conversation Round about the celebratory moment and the trials of building bridges and possibilities for strengthening black women's initiatives in Europe. In this Roda we will welcome the dear friend of the channel, multi-artist, writer and poet Terezinha Malaquias at the launch of her newest book “BANZO E AFETOS”. Columnist BETÂNIA RAMOS SCHRÖDER invites TEREZINHA MALAQUIAS and SANDRA BELLO to this dialogue. SHEILA LEONELI, SHEILA CAMAROTI, VERA JUS and PATRÍCIA ROCHA.

Hope, Delirium and Cup

Notre rendez-vous hebdomadaire pour parler de l'Amour et de ses Actes Politico-Poétiques ! Je suis Aza Njeri, un Sunlighter !

It's not enough to be Rasta

Music: "It's Not Just Rasta" Artist: Da Ghama Direction and images: Marcelo Matsunaga Arts and 360: Marquinhos Costa Choreography: Ton Gaspar Dancers: Ton Gaspar, João Felipe Cruz, Ana Luiza Amorim, Júlia Rocha and Tati Santos